Science and Its Significance: Critical Essay

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Science is very important in our lives. With science, minds, and hearts bloom. Thanks to science, many things have become easy and simple and can be accomplished in a few moments. Especially because it was thanks to him that the means of communication that enabled reaching very long distances in a short time were discovered.

Science is one of the things that make up the human being and illuminates its mind, just as science has a great advantage over mankind. Thanks to science, various industries have developed, whether food or technological industries, or machinery and clothing industries, etc., as have medical services provided to people. Thanks to the discovery of medical devices, drugs, and treatment methods that saved the lives of many people around the world, this helped science to walk towards evolution with very rapid steps.

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A person must strive to seek knowledge, whatever the circumstances surrounding him, and try to learn in all fields, such as learning science, mathematics, languages, medical sciences, legal sciences, etc., and it is not only enough to see the scientific specialization that he is studying, just as a person must remain a student of science and researcher, no matter how old he is, because seeking knowledge is from cradle to grave, because knowledge is renewed. Science is the basis for progress and development. Without it, nations would be immersed in their complete darkness and confused in their ignorance.

Definition of Science

Science can be defined in more than one definition. Science can be defined as the study of a natural phenomenon or several phenomena in all its aspects, with an attempt to explore the laws governing this phenomenon through experience, observation, and measurements.

Science can also be defined as the process of studying abstract concepts of quantities and mathematical structures, as in mathematics, to establish a system of coherent foundations and laws. It also means absolute perception.

Science is a body of knowledge whose difficulty has been demonstrated in practice. It is the successive and interconnected ideas through which knowledge is obtained. It is a set of principles and rules that have been proven valid by experiments, and they relate to one of the many aspects of life.

Science is the product of the fusion of theoretical knowledge with practical experiences, and it is the serious pursuit of knowledge that proves the facts in the smallest details, even on the theoretical level.

Science includes three main components: ethics (a set of standards and controls that govern the scientific stimulus and a set of characteristics that must be distinguished by scientists), processes (methods used by scientists to reach the results of science), and results (facts, concepts, theories, and laws that were reached at the end of science).

The Importance of Science

One of the importance of knowledge is that it develops the way people think, makes their view of things different, increases its place and the world’s home, increases the respect of others for it, and makes it one of the people whose opinions are taken on many things as responsible and a thinker.

In my opinion, science is the basis of everything, it is the basis for the development of the world and the basis for the development of civilizations. Science is one of the global products that humans have participated in throughout the ages, with their various languages, races, and specialties. Science is one of the most important factors of strength for the nation that possesses it. With science, wealth is extracted, the machines are made and the energy is invested, and with it the awareness of society increases, and its status increases.

Through science, we can understand the universe, solve problems and create tools. Science is a fortress that protects man from exploitation and abuse and prevents prejudice, violence, and stereotyping, if not true. Science motivates its owner to face challenges and enables him to acquire knowledge tools and skills, to transform into a force that increases his personal responsibility and increases his personal and family success, and in terms of work and achievement, and increases his belief in his capabilities as well.

Science prepares society for the paths of its progress for long periods, prepares it for ethnic diversity, prepares it for accepting diversity, increases its development value, and makes plans for economic, environmental, and technical development more realistic, and thus the educated community can achieve comprehensive development and ensure a promising future for all of its children.

Science is the pillar upon which civilizations are based, and societies rely on it and support it in achieving its goals of progress and growth, and science protects societies from backwardness, reaction, ignorance, and poverty.

Knowledge is an important element in the development of the nation, as it provides the person with the information, skills, knowledge, and answers to many questions he needs, and this is the thing that enables the individual to know his rights, duties, and role in society, just as education broadens the horizon, and also enhances the person’s view, inclusiveness of the world, in addition to the fact that the development of science contributes directly to combating injustice, violence, corruption, and other negative phenomena experienced by man around the world.

Science Benefits

Science is a light that illuminates the human mind and makes an educated person prefer to consult with others, without the rest of the uneducated.

Knowledge is one of the best weapons with which a person can confront his enemies and makes an educated, rational, wise man who thinks consciously and wisely and does not fall into deception, just as knowledge continues with a person to the farthest extent and remains with the person throughout his life until his death. It is possible to keep the human being remembered after his death through the knowledge and knowledge he has reached in his life.

Science strengthens societies and is considered the weapon that guarantees the strength of society in all economic fields such as trade, agriculture, and industry. Science helps humans get rid of harmful things from society and plant in them useful things beneficial to the individual and society by exploiting the wealth of society in an ideal way to the fullest.

Also, science contributes to discovering and developing individual capabilities and inspires the individual for creativity, progress, and continuation of achievement, and also helps him to overcome penalties, and science promotes individual values and allows the individual to deal with his wisdom in various situations of life so that the educated person assures a reassurance without tension, weakness or anxiety.

Science contributed to changing the way of human life, through the innovation of scientists in all fields, many modern scientific inventions, and technologies, such as satellites, computers, aircraft, cars, and television. These inventions contributed to making the way of life more easy and flexible.

Science Branches

Modern science is divided into three main branches, which are natural sciences, social sciences, and formal sciences, and each of these branches includes many interdisciplinary and specialized scientific disciplines, which often possess their names and experiences. Both natural and social sciences are experimental sciences because their knowledge is based on experimental observations and can be tested until validated by researchers working under the same conditions. There are other disciplines that depend on sciences, such as applied engineering and medicine, which are often called applied sciences.

Natural Science

It is the science concerned with describing and understanding natural phenomena based on empirical evidence from experimentation and observation. It can be divided into two main branches: life sciences (or biological sciences) and physical sciences. Physical sciences are divided into branches including physics, chemistry, earth sciences, and astronomy. These two branches can be divided into more specialized disciplines. Modern natural sciences are the successor to the natural philosophy that began in ancient Greece. Galileo, Bacon, Descartes, and Newton, all discussed the benefits of using methods that were more experimental in a systematic way. However, philosophical perspectives, conjectures, and assumptions, which are often overlooked, remain essential in the natural sciences.

Social Science

It is the science that cares about society and cares about relations between individuals within society. It includes many branches, for example, anthropology, archeology, communications studies, economics, history, geography, linguistics, political science, psychology, public health, and sociology. Sociologists may adopt different philosophical theories to study individuals and society. For example, positional sociologists use methods similar to those of natural sciences as tools for understanding society, thus defining science with its most stringent modern meaning. On the other hand, sociologists may use interpretation, social criticism, or symbolic interpretation instead of constructing empirically false theories, as well as treating science in its broadest sense. In modern academic practice, researchers often use a selective sample, using multiple methodologies, for example, by combining quantitative and qualitative research. The term 'social research' has also gained a degree of independence as practitioners of various disciplines share their goals and methods.

Formal Sciences

It is the science that participates in the study of formal systems. It includes mathematics, systems theory, and theoretical computer science. Formal science shares similarities with the other two disciplines by drawing on an objective, accurate, and systematic study of the field of knowledge. However, it differs from experimental science because it relies exclusively on deductive reasoning, without the need for empirical evidence, to verify its abstract concepts. Thus, formal sciences are pre-disciplines, and because of this, there is disagreement over whether they actually constitute science. However, formal sciences play an important role in experimental sciences. As in calculus, it was initially invented to understand motion in physics.

The Goals of Science

The goals of science are divided into four sections, namely description, interpretation, prediction, and control. Science aims to describe the natural phenomena surrounding a person through various tools that are appropriate for that description to reach the facts. For example, one of the phenomena can be described by size, color, weight, shape, and time, and that description helps in classifying things into different groups, including different things. Or threaded. But describing the phenomenon, no matter how accurate, does not lead to an understanding of its causes or how it happened, or the factors affecting it, and here comes the role of interpretation.

Interpretation is concerned with knowing the reasons that lead to the occurrence of various phenomena and determining the relationships between the phenomena that we want to explain. When analyzing a phenomenon such as the fall of light on a glass prism, our saying that white light is broken down into the colors of the spectrum is this description of the phenomenon, but our saying that the amount of light deviation depends on its color is the interpretation of the phenomenon.

Prediction is the occurrence of something in a future time or somewhere, based on information currently available to us and previous scientific knowledge. Examples of prediction are when the chemical scientist, Mendeleev, predicted the existence of an element in the periodic table that he did not discover, and indeed after about fifteen years, Mendeleev predicted scientists discovered germanium.

Which is better for the railroad tracks to be connected to each other, or to have distances between them? And why? Interpretation and prediction serve the fourth goal of science, which is control, the ability of the world to control the phenomenon and control it increases as its ability to explain and predict it increases. A researcher who understands that the phenomenon of the expansion of railway bars results from a high temperature can control the effect of temperature on its expansion and control. And by leaving appropriate distances between the parts of the railway to expand freely, to avoid bending at high temperatures in the summer, which reduces the occurrence of train accidents.


In the end, we can say that science is one of the most important pillars upon which societies are based, so either it is the basis for its progress or the reason for its decline. We have explained the relationship between science and knowledge. We have been urged to say that science is the study of phenomena and knowledge of their causes and results. But knowledge is the outcome of the process of learning through the ages. Everything that we learned in the past is now facts that we know and are now called knowledge. After we talked about science from all sides, about the ethics of science and its results, we talked about the importance of science and how much is necessary for the progress of any nation as it provides each nation with all the ingredients for success that help it progress and differentiate from the rest of the nations. We talked about the importance of science to the individual as it increases his scientific and moral standing, makes him among the people of advice, and makes him able to innovate, and make his life better, and also urges us about the benefits of science and the benefits of inventions that made life a lot easier. In this paper, I also talked about the different branches of science, all their specialties and importance, and also about the four goals of science. Through studying this subject, I discovered that it is not indispensable to knowledge as it is the only way to advance. And I discovered that science is a very important weapon for every country that tries to advance and protect itself from all disasters of life and makes it one of the richest countries with its inventions through which it controls the world. Every country should try to develop its teaching methods by setting up schools that can give its students the greatest benefit. The country that wants the development of science must take care of these schools and teachers and give them the rights they deserve to give all their experience to advance. By education and extraction of educated generations, you can advance the country after their graduation and obtain the knowledge that qualifies them for that.

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Science and Its Significance: Critical Essay. (2023, November 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 17, 2025, from
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