Sodium essays

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4 Pages 1818 Words
Introduction Refraction index is one of the most important intriguing concepts in physics. It demonstrates how light behaves in different mediums which is vital for thin film technology and fiber optics[footnoteRef:1]. As for this exploration, the change in refractive index of water due to salt concentration applies to archer fishers found in the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean fishing...
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6 Pages 2932 Words
Abstract This paper presents an overview of room temperature Sodium-Sulfur batteries. Efficiency, safety and lifespan are challenging problems that face current energy storage technology. Room temperature Sodium-Sulfur batteries are a viable, low-risk and high-density energy storage option which are also considered a low-cost alternative for on grid energy storage and other electrochemistry practices. This overview regarding room temperature Sodium-Sulfur batteries...
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5 Pages 2144 Words
General Background Caenorhabditis elegans, or C. elegans are a common worm-like organism that live in the soil of temperate climates. They are eukaryotic, and are often used in biological research as they are very easily characterized and are able to be bred inexpensively and easily. They have two sexes: hermaphrodites which have 956 somatic cells, and males, which have 1031...
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4 Pages 1833 Words
Introduction Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is red-brown odorless crystal, stable in air but photosensitive so it should be protected from light, also small amount of moisture with light is enough to photodegrade sodium nitroprusside. Beside the photodegradation, sodium nitroprusside undergoes many reactions which some of them are undefined, or it yields Prussian blue, cyanic acid and nitric oxide [1,2]. Sodium nitroprusside...
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3 Pages 1520 Words
Introduction High levels of salt concentration can have detrimental effects to the plants that are growing there. Rising salinity levels is one of the biggest attributes to the lack of growth within a plant population (Qados 2011). Salt concentrations in soils worldwide create problems each year and lead to loses of crop or even single plants (Garcia, Dattamundi, Chanda, Jayachandran...
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