Steps To Prevent Malnutrition Among Children To Be Focused On School

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In the article titled, “Developing Sustainability” a website called Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) focuses on considering at working together to provide FMSC Mannapack meals it is creating food security to help communities and families that can’t be able to afford food; in fact, individuals will recover their steadiness to supply for themselves continually. The webpage addresses it is troublesome to ensure future generations do not go hungry; although, (FMSC) created various sustainability programs to work toward poverty alleviation.

Furthermore, the article presents (FMSC) distribution partner with the Project-Based Food Assistance (PBFA) its mission is to decrease hunger-related illness and financial burden on individuals within a specific region come together to help their community. Overall, (FMSC) website discloses they trust that food support and community growth work collectively to climb out of the state of living poor and self-sustaining. As a result, (FMSC) closes off with hope starts with providing nutritious (FMSC) meals to children and families who don’t have a sustainable food source.

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When evaluating this source, I considered its currency, reliability, authority, and purpose. The article is quite recently it has been published in 2019, so it is new and suited to current writing ideas. (FMSC) uses data and statistics to include in the article. The writer maintains credit to “World Health Organization’s for Body Mass Index” to assess data which describes that 35% of children were malnourished; to illustrate, midway through the resourcefulness, the percentage decreased to 24%. As with (FMSC)’s interest, through (FMSC)’s Project-Based Food Assistance want to make it possible to completely change lives, to rise out of poverty and have people to become self-reliant.

The source is an influencer persuading to make a change, work together to alleviate poverty, support sustainability, and move the communities they serve toward self-sufficiency until all are fed. Importantly, the Project-Based Food Assistance organization is an implementer who seeks opportunities to enhance their relief and development activities while others are ”solution providers,” who are subsistence agriculture, education, and spiritual development.

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) contributes and supports the point that I am to establish in my essay: that (FMSC) makes great efforts to serve each community according to its needs and resources, with the goal of helping people to grow on their own. Unlike crisis-drive relief agencies, (FMSC) and its other organizations never leave behind its communities for the long haul, helping them move from relief to rehabilitation to development. It is extremely difficult to grow an individual living and community sustainability while struggling with malnutrition; while many families fall short on food sources. FMSC Mannupack acts as a direction with increasing local food protection to secure later coming generations do not go starving. Food Aid is necessary for families and populations to move out of hunger and starvation into better quality conditions.

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Steps To Prevent Malnutrition Among Children To Be Focused On School. (2022, Jun 16). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Steps To Prevent Malnutrition Among Children To Be Focused On School.” Edubirdie, 16 Jun. 2022,
Steps To Prevent Malnutrition Among Children To Be Focused On School. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Steps To Prevent Malnutrition Among Children To Be Focused On School [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jun 16 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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