Technology Role In Early Childhood Education

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The world has evolved, and so has the criterion of life. With the invention of technology, which has been the driving force behind recent discoveries, it would be a disgrace if it is not integrated into our daily life. Technology has revolutionized healthcare, agriculture and our transport systems; forever banishing all the mayhem associated with the sectors as mentioned above. As to whether or not it should be incorporated into early childhood education, that is entirely dependent on merits as discussed hereunder.

Technology cannot substitute the tutor in class, but rather act as a tool to facilitate the learning process. It was proposed by (Moss, Peter, Gunilla, and Alan, 34) to abandon the monopoly of teacher, chalk, whitewall in the classroom environment and reap the benefits of animated tutorials on screens. This guided, curriculum tailored approach will hasten language development and enhance socialization skills among the toddlers.

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Secondly, only appropriate developmental modules should be embraced in the early stages of learning. In kindergarten, most pupils are struggling with pronunciations and other trivial learning processes. In this regard, (Pegrum, Mark, Grace, and Robert, 9) proposed the technological approach sought-after, at this level, should aim at strengthening the mental development of the pupils.

The concentration span of children is very volatile. Without the necessary attention, children can easily be distracted from their studies. However, studies have shown that other modes of learning such as audiovisuals and e-books have managed to lengthen the concentration duration. Adopting such methods of teaching will fundamentally improve the quality of education and retention capacity through proactive learning (Stahl, Gerry, Timothy, and Daniel, 5).

Technology has been identified as the perfect aid to children with special needs. Education is a basic need and therefore should be accessible to all children irrespective of their capabilities. To level the playing field, and ensure equity, (Moss, Peter, Gunilla, and Alan, 45) highlighted the invention of gadgets such as hearing aids, alternative keyboards, touch windows and power pads assist the visually and hearing impaired children.

Lastly, the technology used should connect to the real world context of life. Developers of the programmes used in school should synchronize them with the curriculum to ensure our children are in touch with reality as they grow and not lost in the animated world. This can be best achieved by regulating the applications used at different levels of learning as discussed by (Moss, Peter, Gunilla, and Alan, 48). It can be even more effective through supervision by an adult in the absence of a teacher.

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Technology Role In Early Childhood Education. (2021, September 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 12, 2025, from
“Technology Role In Early Childhood Education.” Edubirdie, 08 Sept. 2021,
Technology Role In Early Childhood Education. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Jan. 2025].
Technology Role In Early Childhood Education [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Sept 08 [cited 2025 Jan 12]. Available from:

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