Zika Virus essays

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The Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-borne virus in the member of the Flaviviridae family, genus Flavivirus. The virus was first found in 1947 in the blood of a monkey in Uganda’s Zika Forest giving the virus its name. There are two lineages of the Zika virus, African and Asia. The Asian strain caused outbreaks in Micronesia in 20019 and French Polynesia in 2013-2014. (White, Wollebo, David Beckham, Tyler, & Khalili, 2016) Zika was transmitted originally in a sylvatic cycle...
4 Pages 1978 Words
Abstract ZIKV as an enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus, belonging to the family of flavivirde.(1-3) The rapid geographical expansion and the rampant effect of zika virus (ZIKV) in the recent years have posed serious threat to human life, which lead World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) against this flavivirus in 2016.(4) Binding and fusion of a virus with the host membrane is the first and one of the most crucial steps in the...
6 Pages 2515 Words
Cancer has been among the leading causes of death throughout the world for decades, devastating many families with its commonly low survival rates and limited treatment options. In particular, Glioblastoma, arguably the most aggressive form of cancer, is fatal with the median survival rate being 10 to 12 months[1] (even when accompanied with treatment) due to how developed the grade IV tumour is. Because of this reason, it is also one of the most researched topics within oncology with promising...
5 Pages 2407 Words
Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) are referred to as diseases that are newly recognized or diseases whose incidence has increased over time. It may be a disease that we know of and that still persists. When some of these diseases do not directly affect us, these diseases are not given attention and are ignored. The significance of the Environment, Vector, and the Host play a pivotal role in predicting and managing diseases. A disease might be a focus of renewed concern...
2 Pages 861 Words
Zika virus (ZIKV) is a vector born disease that was discovered in Ugandan monkeys in the 1940s. It was not until the 1950s that it was found that ZIKV was transmittable to humans. Mosquitos transmit it when they bite humans. This disease is more common in tropical warm climates where mosquitos are plentiful. Unlike most mosquito-borne diseases, ZIKV can be spread through sexual transmission giving this virus a larger swath of transmission possibilities (Hinkle, Brunner, Cheever, & Suddarth, 2014, p....
4 Pages 1766 Words
Abstract Zika virus mosquito-borne flavivirus is the focal point of a continuous pandemic and open wellness crisis. Recently limited to sporadic cases in Africa and Asia, the development of Zika infection in Brazil in 2015 proclaimed fast spread all through the Americas. Most Zika virus contaminations are portrayed by subclinical or moderate flu-like disease, serious appearances were depicted, which incorporate Guillain-Barre disorder in grown-ups and microcephaly in infants destined to tainted mothers. Neither a ground-breaking treatment nor an antibody is...
6 Pages 2697 Words
There are many types of vectors that transmit disease between two hosts, generally can be divided into biological and mechanical transmission, however, Mosquito is the most common one that responsible of transmission of many deadliest diseases such as: Malaria, Dengue fever, Chikungunya and Zika. There are 3,500 types of mosquitoes, but research has confirmed that female mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of diseases because they feed on human blood, unlike the male who feeds on the nectar of flowers....
4 Pages 1713 Words
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