450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Possible Sources of Lactase for People With Lactose Intolerance

Lactase can digest the sugar molecule lactose into simpler molecules called galactose, which is widely utilized to help digest milk and dairy products. Lactose intolerance occurs when a person's body produces only a small amount of lactase. Lactase is naturally produced by cells arranged and bacteria living in the small intestine. People needs lactase can get it by taking supplements, drugs or probiotics. What are the sources of lactase? Lactose intolerance begins at different ages. Lactose intolerance can affect children...
1 Page 474 Words

Future of Our Planet Earth

The earthquakes that rocked Haiti and Chile were caused by the Earth's shifting tectonic plates. Researchers have developed a new model (MORVEL for 'mid-ocean ridge velocities') of the Earth to predict the movement of one plate relative to another (Sherwood, 2019). This new research project by scientists allows us humans to predict what will happen in the future. We can use this to our advantage of our planet to help save many lives that would be lost due to natural...
1 Page 435 Words

Armed Robbery in Victoria

In this essay, I am going to analyze armed robbery as a type of criminal act in the state of Victoria, Australia. Definition of Armed Robbery in the State of Victoria Under the Crimes Act 1958 Section 75A, armed robbery is defined as an offender committing robbery and being armed at that time with a firearm, imitation firearm, offensive weapon, explosive or imitation explosive. There are currently three main typologies of armed robbery offenders. These are amateurs, intermediates and professional...
1 Page 430 Words

Mother Teresa's Inspirational Personality

Born in Macedonia (now Yugoslavia) as Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu in 1910, Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun best known for her work with the poor. Mother Teresa joined the Sisters of Loreto, when she was 18 and moved to India in 1929. As a novitiate, she was sent to Calcutta and taught at St. Mary’s School for Girls. In 1946, Mother Teresa abandoned teaching to follow what she considered her calling, founding the Missionaries of Charity to live and...
1 Page 445 Words

Noam Chomsky's Language Acquisition Theory

Noam Chomsky was an intellectual prodigy who went on to earn a PhD in linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. Noam Chomsky was a brilliant child, and his curiosities and intellect were kindled greatly by his early experiences. He was born in Philadelphia to middle class parents. Chomsky is widely published on both topics in his field as well as other topics, Biography.com Editors (2014). One of the many things that Chomsky spoke on was the theory of (L.A.D) known...
1 Page 452 Words

Most Inspiring Dance Pieces

Kathak Bollywood Dance by Svetlana Tulasi and choreographed by Kumar Sharma is the first dance work that I have chosen because during the dance performance, the female dancer performs fast, balanced, slow, and gentle movements with her feet in space; which further enhances the uniqueness of this piece. One of the most valuable and beneficial aspects of this dance form is that it provides individuals the opportunity to learn more about different cultural heritages and its unique history. In addition,...
1 Page 445 Words

Online Learning as Meaningful Life Learning

Who wouldn’t want to be able to go to class at any time without having to commute? Online courses have been getting more and more popular due to how convenient they are. Students can choose when and where to complete the course while working towards their degree. As long as students have Internet access, they can access and complete course requirements. Online students must be responsible and self-motivated to benefit from freedoms of online classes. Online classes have a considerable...
1 Page 471 Words

Holi Festival Celebration in Rishikesh, Vrindavan and Jaipur

The adventurous and spiritual capital of India is renowned not onle for the temples, rafting, along with cliff jumping and beatles ashram, but also for its vibrant festivals. Holi, which is believed to be the festival of color and love, also denotes the approach of the spring season, and it falls in March. The festival starts with the ignite of the Holika bonfire the night before. It represents the triumph of good over evil. The demon King Hiranyakashyap is associated...
1 Page 451 Words

What Sociological Imagination Taught Me

I am tired of this old me! I need a new and improved me that would change some aspects in my life. I need something or someone that would help me overcome obstacles that I cannot get passed. Maybe my parents, siblings and friends will help, or maybe I can do it on my own. I wonder how my life would be if I viewed things in others perceptions. I know what will do it, ‘The Sociological Imagination’ by C....
1 Page 429 Words

Major Events During the Progressive Era

The first two decades of the 20th century was known as the Progressive Era. During the Progressive Era, many things happened. For example, Henry Ford created the Model T and made mass production easier with the creation of the assembly line. Also, there was a rise in women’s suffrage and feminism. Socialism has also reached its greatest effect in America during this time period. The Progressive Era was full of expansions of political and economic freedom. In the Progressive Era,...
1 Page 470 Words

Women's CFA® Scholarship as a Great Opportunity to Achieve My Career Goals

Early in my academic pursuit, I had an unusual understanding about Life that results are a function of choices, especially as it bothers around the allocation of scarce resources, hence my interest in finance and investment. Owing to the investment knowledge gap that exists around the globe, particularly in Africa, I seek to expand my knowledge on how best available resources can be effectively managed, while considering the attaching risk factors, in order to achieve optimum asset allocation, that would...
1 Page 455 Words

Women Should Have Equal Rights

The following significant historical figures have played an important role in achieving equality for women. Women like Sojourner Truth, who was a former slave, helped advertise the movement. Truth did not only want to help herself and white women, but she wanted to help former female slaves as well. She conveyed a speech “Ain’t I A Woman” at the Seneca Falls Convention using religious examples from the bible and stating how Jesus was brought to the earth by a woman...
1 Page 465 Words

The Roaring Twenties as an Era of Intensive Change in American Society

The years from 1920 to 1929 marked the beginning of a new era of intense change in the American societies. As America moved from the outrageous effects of the World War I and the bitter clash between ‘The Puritan’ and ‘Victorian’ beliefs, people felt overwhelmed with these old-fashioned traditions. As such, they wanted to free themselves by breaking with the past. In fact, America was often described as the land of opportunities. That is to say, the name ‘Roaring Twenties'...
1 Page 449 Words

Restrictions on the Use of Scholarship Money

Earning a scholarship straight and clean is a tough affair. You go through all the hard work and struggle, with all of your dedication, motivation and sheer will to earn clean money to help you in your educational expenses. Just like you, the institutions that provide these scholarships to you equally know the importance of scholarships to you. To make sure that the funds provided to students don’t’s reach the wrong hands and the students make the most out of...
1 Page 471 Words

Freakonomics, Chapter 2: Summary

The second chapter of ‘Freakonomics’, written by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, means to address the inquiry, ‘How is the Ku Klux Klan like a gathering of realtors?’. Levitt starts by going into the historical backdrop of the KKK, established at first in the repercussions of the Civil War by six men doing innocuous 12 PM tricks, and later advancing into a multi-state fear-based oppressor association focusing on liberated slaves. While World War II made the Klan go underground for...
1 Page 454 Words

Freakonomics, Chapter 1: Summary

The first chapter of ‘Freakonomics’, written by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, will respond to the inquiry, ‘What do teachers and sumo grapplers share for all intents and purpose?’. It starts with a tale about a couple of financial analysts who attempted to discover an answer for late guardians who continually arrive behind schedule to get their kids from childcare. Before clarifying why this occurred, Levitt goes into a top to bottom discourse of motivators. He characterizes them as the...
1 Page 439 Words

Qin Shi Huang's Tomb and His Terracotta Army

Archaeologists have found the ruins of elaborate buildings and temples all around the tomb area. In ancient times, living people brought food offerings and other gifts to these buildings. Workers also discovered bronze and jade bowls and pots around the tomb complex. Visitors to the tomb once used these containers to prepare feasts for the dead emperor and his companions. It is likely that no one was supposed to see the Terracotta Army. Earlier, people believed that models became real...
1 Page 451 Words

The Permission to Read JK Rowling's Harry Potter Stories

Good volumes of books have been challenged, banned—even burned—for hundreds of years. Whether the sexual references were too literal for the content, the imagery was too graphic for certain people but some 'principles'' have often been silenced. But in 1982, a group of organizations decided to do something about it. They made Banned Books Week, the annual enterprise that attempts to meet and make our cause clear, that these books should not be shunned from our society. Every September, audiences...
1 Page 458 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Credit Card

Credit cards is a plastic card that lets you pay for goods or services and can be paid for either at the end of a set period which is normally a month. The minimum payment will be a percentage of the balance on the credit card. It is suitable for buying goods or services. It is also used for convenience and safety as an alternative to using cash. Credit cards, also known as plastic money, have seen a significant increase...
1 Page 443 Words

Business Manager Career Choice

My chosen area of graduate employment aspiration is to work as business manager in the retail sector. In the role of business manager I will be in charge of designing the business strategies and managing everyday operations to ensure company's efficiency, profit and success. Being a business manager requires strong interpersonal and leadership skills which are vital for this role and stupendous teamwork is essential for any business success. The job of a business manager requires both excellent written and...
1 Page 457 Words

Well-Being and What It Depends on

Well-being is effected by an individuals sense of living a good and purposeful life, and the sense of wellness can be measured against Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Which suggest that for an individual to be satisfied with their life, they need to achieve five main goals in their life to feel successful. In this hierarchy, an individual needs basic needs to be met such as food, water and sleep. But also the sense of a safe place or a secure...
1 Page 472 Words

The Main Reasons to Study Psychology Degree

The thing I love most about psychology is how much of an impact it has on our daily lives. This love truly came to fruition during my undergraduate course at Sunderland University. Learning the various ways psychological research can be applied to improve our lives was fascinating and graduating with first-class honours remains one of the proudest moments of my life. I chose to apply to Sunderland University due to my previous experience here as part of my undergraduate course....
1 Page 459 Words

Studying History and Own Mistakes As Life Lessons: Opinion Essay

History is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. The importance of history is to allow us to have knowledge of our present time. History allows humanity to look at its own reflection and allows us to think about humanity. Studying the events from the past gives us a better look at how the world came to be including human culture and even nature itself. In my opinion, I believe it is more important to study the past...
1 Page 468 Words

General Overview of Yellow Fever Vaccine

Yellow fever is a staggering malady spread by the mosquito’s bites (and primates!) is as yet pervasive in Africa, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. The yellow fever infection has most likely existed in some form for a large number of years and is believed to have begun in Africa from other similar infections. Anybody planning a trip to the previously mentioned areas should take all prescribed and essential vaccinations and in any event, get a yellow fever immunization....
1 Page 473 Words

Reflective Essay on My Dreams to Become a Part of the National Honor Society

My achievements at the academic level are a result of my hard work and effort. Having the ability to be a member of National Honor Society is another step allowing me to achieve success in my future, and increase my chances of becoming a strong leader, giving me the chance to be a powerful role model for other people. By having my GPA of 4.0 all through my freshmen year, and 4.0 after 2 trimesters my sophomore year, I have...
1 Page 437 Words

Analytical Essay on The 26th Amendment

“If we are old enough to fight then we should be old enough to vote” was a popular slogan during March 23rd, 1971 through July 7th 1971. This slogan gained popularity for the right to vote at 18 years old. The Constitutions 26th amendment has a very interesting origin, views, and the effect is outstanding. The origin of the 26th amendment started in the 1950’s during the Vietnam War and people were being drafted to serve their nation. People as...
1 Page 451 Words

Concept of Injustice: Analytical Essay on Plato Republic

What is injustice? There can be many interpretations of the word. Sometimes you need to ask what it means to be just, to understand the true nature of the word itself. What justifies an injustice nature? In “Plato Republic,” Injustice can be viewed as someone who intends to hurt an opposing party. A just person will not do harm into others even when they are an enemy. “The Black Stork” and “The Dark Side of Birth Control” gives evidence to...
1 Page 438 Words

A Dark Time In History: Reflective Essay on Memoir Night by Elie Wiesel

In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, which is about a young jewish boy and his father facing the catastrophe of the Holocaust, struggling to outlive the millions of deaths caused by Nazi soldiers. Literary devices are used by Authors to better portray a situation so a reader can better understand what is going on. Elie Wiesel uses metaphors and similes to illustrate an image in the reader's head of his though journey throughout the novel. As the journey consisted...
1 Page 443 Words

Scholarship Application to Get Opportunity to Study at Garden International School

What do you think a four-year-old child does all day? A common assertion would be: to play. However, at the age of four, I was told that helping others and serving the community is a substantial part of life. I had hence spent countless weeks bonding with people at old-age homes and orphanages rather than playgrounds. My name is Zuairia Shahrin and I am applying for a scholarship to aid me throughout my study in the world-class Sixth Form A-Level...
1 Page 457 Words

Reflective Essay on My Childhood Memories about Christmas Vacation

Out of all my childhood memories, a memory that always comes to my mind is my Christmas vacation to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. This is a significant memory since it helps me remember a period where my relatives got together at a troublesome time. As well as seeing the environment in Honduras showed me to be grateful for all that I have. Growing up my family tradition was always the same for winter break, the first couple of days was unwinding at...
1 Page 434 Words
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