Argumentative Essay about Love

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Love is a strong emotion that is innate in all human beings. People tend to fall in love at various times in their lives with different people. There are several factors that act as triggers to spark love emotion between people. These include; proximity to each other, desirable characters, and also the values that are shared between them. Each contact adds to the development of the relationship of the people sharing it. It is said that continuous exposure to a person enhances their attractiveness.


People that have activities that make them stay close to each other or even those that stay and work together can easily fall in love. Distance is an important factor in sparking the desire for love in human beings. This is mainly because of the regular contact established between the people sharing spaces. Constant contact reinforces the bond between people that are around each other on a regular basis.

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Love establishes itself between them through this bond (Bagley, 2013). People staying apart can also be capable of loving each other, especially in this era. This is because of the communication and transportation advancements that have been enabled by the immense growth of technology. People can make regular personal contacts through fast travel means when far away and also use numerous communication platforms for sharing their experiences and catching up.

Desirable Characteristics

People are attracted to different things in a person. Certain characteristics can draw a person to the other. Men have a set of desirable characteristics in women and women also have the same on men. This is a natural tendency aimed at increasing the mating chances among people thus ensuring the continuity of humanity. It is however important to note that love can occur between women as well as it can between men. Some of the common desirable qualities in both genders are; symmetrical physique, ideal personal presentation, kind, loving, purposed and

Shared Values and Interests

People tend to have a particular set of values and interests in their lives. These might be the reason for attraction between people sharing similar values or interests. Being drawn to a person is the first step toward establishing love between people (Brogaard, 2017). People that share interests have a higher chance of sharing similar experiences that increase their attraction toward each other. These might be things such as traveling, cooking, reviewing restaurants, or even certain social, political, and religious inclinations among the involved people.

Acquisition of Love

Naturally with Time

The acquisition of love naturally as it develops with time is one of the most common methods that lead to people sharing love. This occurs as a natural attraction towards the other and it develops into deep feelings. Love is an innate feeling that occurs in various stages of a person’s life under the right set of triggers. Love is an emotion that takes time to develop by nurturing it with several acts.

Planned Arrangements

Love can be acquired through planned arrangements. There are several cases of love that have been nurtured from planned arrangements between people. In some societies, people are assisted in acquiring love in a selected person by arranging their meeting and this helps in establishing contact between them which helps in setting the momentum for love between them (Bagley, 2013). In this type of love acquisition, the participants involved in the process usually conduct a background check for the pair to ensure the suitability of their match and increase the chances of love between them.

Sharing of Experiences

One of the most common and effective methods of love development among human beings is the sharing of particular experiences. Shared experiences form one of the most solid bases for the development of a love relationship among people. For example, it is common to get people of the same profession or working in any other similar environment to fall in love. This is because of the constant engagement created by the sharing of experiences and the warmth that comes from the familiarity that comes with it.

Mutual Love

The question of whether love should be mutual has been raised on different platforms. There are diverse viewpoints in regard to the topic of love and mutuality among people. Love is a strong emotion shared between people. Mutual love refers to love that is felt and reciprocated in a similar way between people who are in love (Brogaard, 2017). Love does not have to be mutual to be true and genuine between people sharing it. In some instances, the person supposed to receive the love being offered by the other fails to reciprocate the gestures extended to them.

For love to bloom and be shared between two people, there must be offering and acceptance of the affection. This ensures that the parties that give and receive love enjoy the fulfillment of sharing the strong emotion within them with another human being. Human beings differ from other animals due to their emotions which animals lack. In some relationships, the mutuality of love or the lack of it does not affect a thing. This is especially so in relationships that are not based on romance or sexual attraction.


    1. Bagley, N. (2013). Love is an Acquired Taste. The Loveumentary. Retrieved from,
    2. Brogaard, B. (2017). The 11 Reasons We Fall in Love. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
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