College as an Integral Part of Our Life

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The college experience and benefits could be described as a photo album. Imagine looking back upon your education and seeing a picture of each encounter and gain. My album would include three main folios. The pride taken by myself and my family upon receiving a bachelor’s degree. The abundance of knowledge of both things you believe you will never use and those things that surprise you when you do. Along with the differences in people you befriend and come across during your years at college. Each folio, however separate, culminates these events into what we look back upon and call our college experiences.

I look forward to the day I can hold my hand out and accept my diploma, to hug and shake hands with my family. That intrinsic reward has no monetary value and can never be taken away. The look upon my family’s faces of joy and pride for my self discipline and sacrifice needed to obtain my goal. Most importantly I will be able to tell my son that his Mommy and Daddy have bachelor’s degrees, allowing us to parent by example. When I look back on all the good times of my life, only a few will standout as exceptional, I believe this will be on of those times.

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A college experience can simply be the forced enrollment to a variety of courses you would never take by your own accord. This core curriculum is intended to leave you well rounded with a slice of basic knowledge in all higher education fields of study. For me, the most important benefit is the ability this diversification gives you to identify false or misleading statements by the media or other experts. Everyone has an angle or an agenda and education can aid you in identifying them. While taking new courses you may discover a new interest possibly a new major. The majority of students enter college with an undeclared major or change their major multiple times. For instances, I’ve majored in English, History, Political Science, Pre-Law, Marketing, Sales and presently Business Administration. College introduces you to new subjects and with these varying areas of interest you eventually elevate one above the rest.

College is a stew of Ethnic, cultural and race diversity; there is no possible way the meat isn’t going to rub against the carrot and potato. Most people grow up in a strict socio-economic demographic and this is a chance to meet people outside of that demographic. It is interesting to hear new ideas and perspectives of people who didn’t grow up with you. It is hard to accept people different culturally if you have never had the opportunity to interact with them. One of the greatest treasures we as Americans overlook is our freedom making America a melting pot.

Benefits of college like the collage of pictures on your cork board will have favorite moments and lesser ones. Standing before the mirror with your chest out looking at the tassel that has been moved from the left to the right of your hat. The first time you realize that Joe Newspaper is controlled by the right and thus their views on the left may be askew. Or simply, hearing a sound argument against something you’ve full heartily have believed your entire existence. All are experiences that will benefit you throughout life.

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College as an Integral Part of Our Life. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“College as an Integral Part of Our Life.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
College as an Integral Part of Our Life. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
College as an Integral Part of Our Life [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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