Cons of Having Over the Counter Birth Control Essay

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As many of you know a group discussion is a bunch of different ideas brought together by your classmates and well sometimes some of them will not be effective and some are probably really good facts, it’s to bring everyone and their knowledge to the table, Today I and my two peers decided we were going to talk about birth control, and if it should be available to teens over the counter, and I feel like that’ll be a great topic to choose from since it’s a lot of facts about it and also because it’s current!

It is known that birth control is to prevent pregnancy a well-known fact anybody knows! You can always get it prescribed by your local doctor and planned parenthood but some people are questioning whether should it be sold to teens over the counter, I found that it’s a good option for young girls and young adults as well if somebody isn’t ready for a baby they should have the choice to take the next day pill which is birth control and stop the process before it gets too late and then you’ll have to get an abortion which is not a good option to me, nobody should have to reach the point to abortion if it was sold over the counter, so then there comes a disagreement with my peer, as if he feels like all teens should not be able to buy birth control over the counter and they should go to the doctor and get a prescription but then here’s the fact, It’s a good percentage of babies that are abandoned, they end up in foster care and or sometimes even deceased, because of bad parenting. No kids what so over should be going through that pain of feeling alone and abandoned and it all leads up to them not being ready and stabilized to be parents, there’s a ten percent percentage of teens being pregnant at the age of fifteen through seventeen minds they are teens, they should be able to run to a pharmacy or a drug store and be able to pick up birth control without a prescription being prescribed, no matter the age we are all one, if somebody doesn’t want any kids they should be able to buy birth control anywhere, most teens get raped and then they're left with a baby and that leads up to having depression all your life, your just not confident with yourself anymore

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My peers discussed the topic very well, there was a lot more discussion but those few facts caught my eye, there were a few rules we followed which were keeping the discussion on topic and not switching it up or throwing it off, they were followed really good everybody bought really good facts and opinions and also disagreement. The way I presented my viewpoint was great I gathered a lot of facts about birth control and how I presented and spoke about it went well, just how I presented my points and said my facts I did the same with my peer we listened to each other we waited till one of us stopped talking to discussion something, we were respectful to one another and not just interrupting one another, as well as eye contact and hand movements this was like a meeting set up in a business environment everybody listened, there was a lot of good facts my peers gathered and yes it did get a little hectic because of the disagreements as all group discussions have, and which is totally normals because not everybody’s going to have the same mindset as one another everybody is different and everybody thinks differently.

Our group discussion went well it made me one to do another one just by hearing more facts I didn’t know about and having the ability to hear my other peers bring in facts about this topic was good, our language and our grammar were really good no complications what’s so ever about that, our tone of voice was calm and normal, there was no shape of form of loudness and screaming and I think me and my peers did good on this ground discussion I feel like that’s how it supposed to be that’s what you call a good group discussion and I think that’s how everybody’s discussion should go.

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Cons of Having Over the Counter Birth Control Essay. (2024, April 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 4, 2024, from
“Cons of Having Over the Counter Birth Control Essay.” Edubirdie, 18 Apr. 2024,
Cons of Having Over the Counter Birth Control Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 4 May 2024].
Cons of Having Over the Counter Birth Control Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Apr 18 [cited 2024 May 4]. Available from:

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