Disadvantages of Technology Speech Essay

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What is technology and why is it so important?

The concept of technology can be quite broad since it has been present in humanity since the invention of utensils, tools, and techniques.

The simplest definition refers to a series of knowledge applied to solve a specific problem. If it is understood as the search for the satisfaction of needs, it covers all fields of daily life.

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The definition of technology is usually associated with the Industrial Revolution, machines, Tics, and electronic components. To make a differentiation, we can classify it into 2 groups:

Soft. It is called that because it uses the humanistic sciences to reach conclusions that can be beneficial. It covers more theoretical aspects in order to improve processes, models, theories, and services. Subjects such as psychology, sociology, economics, marketing, and more are in charge of producing non-tangible solutions that can have positive effects.

It lasts. It is based on knowledge such as mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other associated knowledge to understand the world around us and provide solutions. In addition to theoretical applications, it includes tangible resources such as consumer material goods that make life easier and other more specialized devices for the industry.

What is technology for?

If we focus on current technology, we can say that it fulfills a fundamental task in the development of humanity. Since it covers all the basic aspects of society, it contributes to improving our well-being. For this reason, it has a decisive influence on food, health, work, construction, the economy, communication, entertainment, business, and much more.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

We are living in a digital age that is altering old customs and replacing rudimentary practices with new ones. This transformation of reality is now considered disruptive because it can have both advantages and disadvantages for daily living. Among its most notable benefits, we highlight:

It serves to streamline and automate processes in any context.

Optimize industrial productivity by promoting applications for the efficient use of resources.

It influences the way of doing things, opening spaces for other professions or careers.

It favors self-taught learning through its multiple tools.

It can be used for sustainable purposes to produce renewable energy, ecological materials, and less polluting techniques.

It drives globalization by spreading local cultures and integrating national perspectives.

Improves efficiency models, which increases the immediacy to do activities or receive attention.

There is no doubt that technology represents an important advance in many ways, but it also has negative effects :

Create a generation gap between those who were born in the digital age and those who were not.

The abuse of tablets, PCs, smartphones, and other devices affects the health of the youngest.

The preference for machines generates social pathologies due to their influence on the way of experiencing the world.

It encourages empathy, and isolation, and also decreases human interaction at various levels.

It affects short-term memory, keeps people away from exercise because they prefer a sedentary lifestyle, and limits mental exercise.

In obtaining natural resources for technological devices, excessive mineral and labor exploitation is promoted.

It dramatically affects new forms of work, favoring automation with robots and the exclusion of unskilled personnel.

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Disadvantages of Technology Speech Essay. (2023, December 13). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/disadvantages-of-technology-speech-essay/
“Disadvantages of Technology Speech Essay.” Edubirdie, 13 Dec. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/disadvantages-of-technology-speech-essay/
Disadvantages of Technology Speech Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/disadvantages-of-technology-speech-essay/> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Disadvantages of Technology Speech Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Dec 13 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/disadvantages-of-technology-speech-essay/

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