Essay on Abraham Lincoln Challenges

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Despite his historical greatness, Lincoln’s life was characterized by depression. It is also thought that both his parents also suffered from the same. He publicly disclosed his sufferings even to his close friends. This is because he sometimes thought of suicide and described the world as hard and grim. According to Shenk (2005), some of the symptoms of major depressive episodes include a change in appetite, feelings, fatigue, and suicidal thoughts. However, despite the challenges, Lincoln successfully overcame the depression and maintained a healthy attitude. This is evident from a letter Lincoln wrote to his friend, “let it be observed, is a misfortune, not a fault” (Shenk, 2005) According to Shenk, Lincoln’s depressive experience may have enhanced his rise into the presidency and became sympathetic and approachable.

Having read and internalized Shenk’s assessment of Lincoln’s life experiences, it would be appropriate to assert that success is mainly not measured by the achievements or position one holds today, but by the challenges one had to overcome to attain success. It is because of the depressive episodes that Lincoln informs why he was characterized as humorous, and joyous, and had humility and faith in the public. This also informs why he had a good relationship with his subordinates. Therefore, our experiences in life are meant to mold us into better people. Never should we give in or get demoralized by the challenges we encounter in our daily life

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Essay on Abraham Lincoln Challenges. (2024, April 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
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