Essay on Lego Social Responsibility

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Introduction to corporate social responsibility:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR means that corporations have a responsibility to take care of the consequences of their actions, including economic, social, and environmental impacts. This means that a company is looking after the indigenous people of the land that they are working on, taking care of the native animals or plants and other factors. CSR entitles that they are a positive driving force contributing to society, instead of a negative influence on society.

Company Overview

Lego is a Danish company based in Billund, Denmark. Its main output is small interlocking plastic bricks, but it owns several theme parks around the world. It was created by a man named Ole Kirk Kristiansen in 1949 and has had an extremely successful career in the toy industry.

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CSR Analysis

This company demonstrates great corporate social responsibility. They help not only the local community around them but also on a global scale. They have ‘launched the Emergency Relief Response Policy along with the LEGO Foundation’ to help out families who have suffered due to wars and natural disasters. They have also run a program called ‘build the change’. In this program Lego allows children to build images of a better future, may it be schools, parks, or other essential places in their community that could be improved for a brighter future for the children around the world. Although they are already off to a roaring start, there are a few aspects of their business that they could improve. For example, they could find a more sustainable resource to use for their bricks. The plastic material that they use is not sustainable and is ruining the environment. Even if such a resource doesn’t exist yet, they can put more money and effort into creating or finding one. They treat their workers fairly, which is always a good thing to look for in CSR.


The social responsibility that Lego displays is good, but there is a margin for improvement. The benefit of CSR for their company is it draws people to their company and products. When people hear how they help the community, they will be more inclined to support the company, buy their products, and come to their theme parks. On the flip side, if people know that Lego bricks are made from no sustainable material, they may be less likely to buy Lego products. Proportionate to their size and power, Lego is pretty good at their corporate social responsibility. They have a lot of power and sway, and if they were more involved in the community they could make a much bigger change in the world. Of course, in saying this it must be remembered that Lego is a toy-making company, and not designed to focus on charity and helping the community. On the scale of just plain old CSR, Lego is doing quite a lot of work improving the community as a whole. When you compare Lego to some other companies, you may differ in your view on their current status of CSR, as some companies may either have terrible morals or excellent ones. Some people create their companies solely to help others, which will raise their CSR, whereas others treat their workers in terrible ways. Therefore Lego is rather good at its CSR.


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Essay on Lego Social Responsibility. (2024, February 23). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from
“Essay on Lego Social Responsibility.” Edubirdie, 23 Feb. 2024,
Essay on Lego Social Responsibility. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Lego Social Responsibility [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 23 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from:

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