Essay on ‘My Zombie, Myself’ Analysis

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Brains! Must consume flesh! ARGH! These are all general noises you might hear from the modern-day zombie, that being a reanimated corpse coming back from the dead. For me, personally, a “zombie” truly is a person who has died and is coming back from the dead and it could be for numerous reasons.

The best portrayal of my zombie has to be from “The Walking Dead”, specifically episode 6 of the first season TS-19. This episode shows how the zombie transforms, and it is explained that “it only reactivates the brain stem, only to eat … it is no longer you … just a shell”, it is also later revealed that “everyone is infected” and the infection only activates when you die. As of now, I don’t believe that it is possible for any infection to be able to control a human in such a way because most things that cause disease are not really “intelligent”.

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Compared to the human brain bacteria and viruses are dumber than a rock, we as humans can’t haven't even really started to find out how the human brain works, what makes people think that bacteria can find out before us? For this explanation, I started by saying “As of now”, meaning that I don’t think that disease can develop to be that bad in my lifetime or my children, In a few million years. It is entirely possible, as dumb as bacteria and viruses might be they are capable of learning some neat tricks such as actually spitting out an antibiotic or simply ignoring it. Let’s assume the worst-case scenario comes about and a zombie infection does arise and IUPUI is infected and ground zero. Does this actually lead to an apocalypse? Absolutely not.

In this scenario, let's use “The Walking Dead” infection, so we are dealing with aggressive rotting flesh heaps of debt students. There is no chance in a million years we would just send the most incompetent soldiers to deal with them, even if we did they would most likely be rational and think “hmmm maybe I should do something about this person eating my flesh instead of just standing here”. For some reason, most zombie films and media live in an alternative universe where zombies were never conceived nor thought of, in this universe we are beyond prepared. If you haven’t talked to one of your friends about the potential of a zombie or your plan, you might be the real zombie because you had to be hiding under a rock this whole time.

Zombies grew from a culture where we feared the unknown and must seek the answer, and so we did with the creation of media revolved around this hypothetical epidemic. Even though reanimated corpses date back to 2100 BC, they have developed and evolved into their own culture, but what about an actual apocalypse? I have trust in the U.S. government to activate the zombie protocol plan they have or just treat it like any other outbreak, contain and study it to find a cure. I trust we will handle the situation well because we have before, for example in 2010 we had a whooping cough outbreak, and, as unfortunate as it is, only 10 infants died. We took action quickly to prevent more deaths and spread information to prevent this from happening again, I don’t see how handling a zombie infection is any different.


  1. Darabont, F. (Writer). (2010, December 05). TS-19 [Television series episode]. In The Walking Dead. Atlanta, Georgia: AMC.
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