Essay on Why Is College and Career Readiness Important

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The present job environment demands candidates with diversified knowledge scope to handle work dynamics in today’s world (Makki et al., 2015, pg 1007). Makki et al. define career readiness as an intrinsic behavior inculcated in a person through training and how he or she relates to the immediate environment. Most of the world’s population is composed of professionals with a restricted knowledge base as opposed to the management requirement of a vast knowledge base. Integration between leadership competency and know-how is fundamental for the success of an individual worker. Even though the educational centers impart career-based knowledge to the student much attention is given to job-related skills. Therefore, the institutions have a critical role in ensuring that the students are prepared to fit in the pre-existing labor market. Employability skills refer to the fitness of an individual candidate towards a career in society, retention of the position, and future advancement to handle field-related issues. This paper focuses on the career readiness and employability of today’s students.

Career Readiness of today’s students

The success of a firm depends immensely on the characters of the associated workers and their dedication to reciprocate their capabilities (Makki et al., 2015, pg 1008). The ability to put into practice the information acquired within the classrooms during training plays a major role when it comes to the production of an ultimate item. The theoretical information imparted through career development is basic for one to design a prototype product. Companies spurn above others within the market zone due to the technical and leadership skills that define quality and standard products and services delivered. However, these characters come out in different learning institutions. The basic career readiness qualities that are adopted within training centers include.

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To begin with is an individual’s self-satisfaction that he or she is worth the task (Fathema et al., 2015, pg 214 ). Fathema et al. relate the theory of reasoned action to passion and desire centralizing the perception of an individual towards a given job. Self-contentedness promotes the anxiety component within one’s self to perform excellently in whichever activity is designed to ensure efficiency. Self-esteem drives a person to handle professional matters with a lot of dedication and concern rather than the acquired behaviors. It presents an employee with the spirit to continue working regardless of time and resource limits for the betterment of the institution. Career self-interest places organisations’ operations above personal interests a notion that delivers high productivity levels. It holds an operator with the motive to advance and specialize in the field through vocational experience and training.

Second, the suitability to handle industrial demands can be generated through career placement initiatives and academic exposure programs (Makki et al., 2015, pg 1007). It is clear from many institutions that students are invited to industries and other field-related organizations to learn more outside the lecture halls. These activities bring into reality the theoretical world and insert a lifelong memory of the industrial processes. Learning centers recommend placement programs along with the training or immediately after completion as a career qualification in some faculties. The activity predisposes the individual candidate to a job environment to learn together with experienced professionals in different capacities. It presents a healthy learning experience and work-related challenges geared to acclimatize the freshly introduced professional. Moreover, much of work-related issues are acquired and not addressed through the career modules due to technological advances in today’s world.

Third, society-oriented behaviors also predict the variety of individuals a professional is capable of comfortably working with (Mishkind, 2014, pg 4). The workplace presents diverse ethical issues addressed with understanding and sincerity. The traditions differ from one geographic location to another and between different denominations. A professional leader should acknowledge and appreciate his or her customs together with that of colleagues. Brotherhood creates a sense of inclusivity among the employees of a given organization. Teamwork functions in the interest of the firm as a moral value and spirit to achieve the objectives as a group. Students come from different locations within the country and across borders with the sole mission of gaining skills. In addition to this, the program places them in a similar environment made of shared social amenities. Therefore, the students are predisposed to cope with and assimilate the beliefs and traditions of another community.

Employability of today’s students

Contrary, different organizations demand a unique set of quality skills with isolation of the academic institutions’ curriculum (Jackson, 2014, pg 1). Learning institutes have been on the wake to provide quality skills directed towards job qualification and satisfaction for the students. This activity has been drawn back by the distinctive standards adopted at various industries within and outside the country of operation. Technological advancements in the instruments and procedures designed by the manufacturers have caused an uproar within educational sectors. Traditional professors have the option to revise their teaching methods and research new inventions in their respective areas of specialisation. The ever-changing world population demands are a serious course of alarm to the universities, intermediary colleges, and vocational training centers to impart the following employability skills.

According to Collet et al., professional-based skills are the initial considerations that are counter-checked when an individual makes an application to fill a vacancy (Collet et al., 2015, pg 18). Career training is carried out to introduce technical information that relates to the principles behind a given job. It is the only measure that an institution can trust the suitability of an individual towards its set of processes. The information learned is necessary to discharge responsibilities in the production, supervise minors, and quality assurance for the goods and services. A genuine high qualification grade is a priority when it comes to the employment of a recruit to an industry. Additional training in leadership competency skills and computer literacy is an added advantage for the competitive operations of an organization. Prominent global companies are designed and managed by highly ranked managers with diverse managerial and professional skills.

Second, the internationalization of business operations requires networking skills for the workers in the top management (Collet et al., 2015, pg 19). The knowledge to work collectively is important for coordination and time consciousness in the delivery of products. Skill-sharing speeds up innovative ideas that are meant to produce unique products and services in a market dominated by many firms with a similar production line. The educational centers are mandated to incubate and culture innovative ideas through seminars, exhibitions, cultural weeks, and fairs. The initiative presents the learners with a vast environment that presents well-established companies and ideas from different long-serving experts. The participation of the students in such events develops confidence that is required to face the outside world, and workplace environment. The character to associate with other parties of different educational levels within the society improves in the surroundings shared by a large population of workers. Leadership qualities are of high value when an individual portrays the first two employability qualities

However, learning institutions face several structural and student-centered challenges along the teaching path (Bovill et al., 2016, pg 5). Students are adamant about the introduction of technology-based teaching and administration that are geared to generate efficiency in teaching and learning environments. The ideologies come with system-generated challenges to be handled in due course. Some professors have conflicting information about new responsibilities and capacity-building programs ushered by the top institutional management toward the realization of competent candidates. With the advent of the new programs, it becomes a problem to identify individuals and departments for the induction program in situations where resources are inadequate to facilitate all. A conflict of interest overpowers professionalism in most of the departments which leads to internal wrangles. The management structure streams from the top authority to the school heads and finals get to the departments. Student leadership participates in the last step of the command of a tradition that leads to a serious misunderstanding of the student fraternity.

In a nutshell, the career readiness and employability of today’s students pose a challenge to learning institutes due to technological advancements and different work principles. Work readiness is the responsibility of the educational centers and the student efforts towards knowledge acquisition. The intrinsic characteristics within the capability of an individual predict employee turnout rates within the workplace. Students’ choices and preferences are driven by the talent to offer the best professionals for industrial work. Employability skills gained through a rigorous learning schedule ensure confidence and appropriate technical know-how for the operations of a plant. Coordination has to be made between the learning institutes and the workplace requirements to solve the projected world labor shortage in the future. However, the world population increase calls for an integrated industrial training module. Institutions face several internal and external system-generated challenges from the administration and student fraternity that hinder the complete transformation of learning.


    1. Bovill, C., Cook-Sather, A., Felten, P., Millard, L., & Moore-Cherry, N. (2016). Addressing potential challenges in co-creating learning and teaching: overcoming resistance, navigating institutional norms, and ensuring inclusivity in the student–staff partnerships. Higher education, 71(2), 195-208.
    2. Collet, C., Hine, D. & Du Plessis, K. (2015). Employability skills: perspectives from a knowledge-intensive industry. Education+ Training, 57(5), 532-559.
    3. Fathema, N., Shannon, D., & Ross, M. (2015 ). Expanding the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to examine faculty use of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in higher education institutions. Journal of Online Learning & Teaching, 11(2).
    4. Jackson, D. (2014 ). Testing a model of undergraduate competence in employability skills and its implications for stakeholders. Journal of Education and Work, 27(2), 220-242.
    5. Makki, B. I., Salleh, R., Memon, M. A., & Harun, H. (2015). The relationship between work readiness skills, career self-efficacy, and career exploration among engineering graduates: A proposed framework. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 10(9), 1007-1011.
    6. Mishkind, A. (2014). Overview: State Definitions of College and Career Readiness. College and Career Readiness and Success Center.
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