Fish essays

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4 Pages 1927 Words
The seafood industry contains many products that are considered an important food commodity, and one of those products that are sought-after and unique to the market is tuna fish. More specifically, the Atlantic Bigeye, Yellowfin, and Bluefin tuna, are some of the most overfished fish in the ocean. Seafood provides livelihood to billions of people all over the world and...
5 Pages 2479 Words
Among all vertebrate taxa, fishes have the highest diversity in species. Fishes have huge diversity in shape, size, and biology in their aquatic environment. According to the NATIONAL BUREAU OF FISH GENETIC RESOURCES, 32,042 finfish species were recorded globally and India is home to 9.2% of this global finfish diversity . According to NBFGR India accounts for 5070 Mollusca species,...
2 Pages 1135 Words
E.coli presence in aquaculture attributed to the contamination of the water by animal waste [28]. Its isolation from fish samples indicates fecal contamination of the water resulting from the livestock manure. The contamination of food and environment with a bacteriological condition like E.coli is almost originated from human and animal feces. Isolation of E.coli was done by taking swab samples...
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2 Pages 1100 Words
The word fish is an all-encompassing term used to describe every aquatic organism, such as ray-finned fishes, sharks, whales, lampreys, and coelacanths, to name a few. Besides being an aquatic organism, fish is a major source of protein to man. As a matter of fact, statistics provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization show that fish alone constitute 16% of...
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3 Pages 1436 Words
Introduction Chinook salmon, the king species, larger than all other salmon species is falling off the throne. Over the last century, there has been a dramatic decrease in the size of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). This trend is not specific Chinook salmon though, this trend is being seen throughout varieties of salmon species. Specifically, Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus) species have demonstrated...
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1 Page 460 Words
African catfish are very popular in states like Tamil Nadu and Kerala. But these were banned in India in 2013. The zoological name of the African catfish is 'Clarias gariepinus'. This type of fish is called 'Aliens'. These mix with local water bodies and spread into rivers and ponds and kill the local fish species that are present in our...
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