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Pharmacy Critics Application: Pros And Cons

GENERAL INTRODUCTION The project based on “PHARMACY CRITICS” is being developed for the purpose of storing the information of the medicine where it maintains all the data related to pharmacy. It maintains all the Supplier and Customer information who supplies medicine to the pharmacy and those who purchase medicine from the pharmacy. We developed this system Pharmacy Critics to make the work easier for the pharmacy people by storing the data digitally. The user can maintain all the purchased and...
2 Pages 1116 Words

Promoting Pharmacy Based Smoking Cessation Service

Introduction Tobacco smoking is the major cause of morbidity and avoidable death worldwide.1 Globally, there are over a billion smokers and approximately 80% are in low-and-middle-income countries.2 More than 6 million of the deaths resulted from direct tobacco consumption while estimated 900,000 mortality records were due to exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke.2 It is estimated that by 2030, the death toll could rise to over 8 million yearly.3 Non-infectious diseases account for about 80% of preventable deaths in Nigeria...
4 Pages 1803 Words

How The War Influenced The Fashion Industry

Fashion, throughout history, has been and still is ever-changing and evolving however periods clearly separated in chronology and that are distinguishably different can have similarities as well. Throughout this essay, both the periods of World War I and World War 2 will be compared and contrasted to that of the era of Dior’s ‘New Look’. Specifically, in relation to these times in history, this essay will explore ‘fashion on the ration’ in times of war and the excess of fabric...
5 Pages 2434 Words

Should Factory Farming Be Banned?

All auto mobiles, planes and factories combined are no match to raising farm animals for food when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. As demand for meat has grown the animal agriculture has gobbled up more and more of water, energy, crops and land. For the last decade, vast expanses of native environment have been cleared to grow crops to feed the farm animals in factory farms. It is estimated on average they feed 6kg of plant protein to get...
2 Pages 745 Words

Animal Farming As One Of The Primary Contributors Of Major Problems In The World

The production of livestock is among one of the most ecological detriments for all human needs (Abbasi et al., 2015). Firstly, it is inevitable to say that the human population is increasing, and towns are extending to mega-cities (Abbasi et al., 2015). while the request to produce more food will continue to grow, and agricultural land will continue to decrease (Abbasi et al., 2015). Within the mid-20th century, the era of industrialization fostered the explosion of natural resources to produce...
3 Pages 1462 Words

Fashion Development in Paris And Australia

Throughout the world, Paris, along with London, has been known as the fashion capital of the world and has been that way for hundreds of years. France first began to recognise clothing as a business at the start of the 17th century with the introduction of the mass amount of exports of clothing products. Fashion in France was a booming business and was first noted as a heavy investment within the countries historic seams through the marvellous and grand clothing...
5 Pages 2243 Words

Ethical Aspects Of Factory Farming

“There is no morally relevant difference between torturing puppies as described in the “Fred” thought experiment and buying factory farmed meat.” Is this a plausible claim? In answering this question, begin by (1) clearly explaining what Norcross means by claiming there is no morally relevant difference between torturing puppies (as laid out in his thought experiment) and supporting factory farming by purchasing factory- farmed meat. Then, (2) explain how one might object to Norcross’s claim on the basis that “agribusiness...
3 Pages 1277 Words

Global Product As A Result Of Globalization Process

In conditions of globalization, not only business freedom but also home country facilitate their entrepreneurs and helps to go globally. To encourage globalization you have to reform some policies and procedures which is possible with govt help. They need to have important factors of resources such as technology, finance, etc.. to globalize. To gain market strength as compared to competitors you need to have Low costs& prices, product quality, product differentiation, and technological superiority then your company will be successful...
2 Pages 723 Words

Fast Fashion Essay: Reasons Why It is a Problem

A popular trend in clothing in a particular place during a specific time period. Inexpensive clothing is created based on fashion trends, which encourages clothing disposal as a result of its fast-response system. Started and influenced due to competition among clothing brands and to increase profit. Large apparel brands such as Zara, H&M, Uniqlo, and GAP would produce cheap, low-quality clothes consist of synthetic chemicals and non-sustainable dyes. These large companies manufacture their products in 3rd world countries, where the...
2 Pages 910 Words

Negative Consequences Of Fashion Consumerism On Environment

Many people in the U.S. have gotten used to our consumerist society and endlessly partake in it. We can declare to being constantly bombarded by visual stimuli, bear witness to the long lines for limited-edition collaborations between brands, splurging on clothes in-stores or online, and of course, seeing the crowds of people in stores during Black Friday trying to land a “good deal”. As much as consumerism has helped the economy, it has also had its negative consequences which have...
6 Pages 2627 Words

Factory Farming: Development And Its Major Environmental Problems

Farming and raising animals for food have been an integral part of human culture for decades. Animal farmers often keep animals in an intensive area and using industrial devices to boost the process of production. Products of such farms are often meat, milk, and eggs. Animal farming is also known by its critics as animal factory farming or CAFO (concentrated animal feeding). Factory farming which has been defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary as “a large industrialized farm” has been designed with...
3 Pages 1166 Words

Monopolistic Competition in the Clothing Industry

Understanding Monopolistic Competition in Fashion Monopolistic competition, by definition, is when an industry has many firms that offer similar products and services but not completely identical or the perfect substitute. In monopolistic competition, there are not many barriers to exit or enter— making it easy for many firms to sweep into the market and offer similar products. The perfect example of monopolistic competition is the retail and fashion industry— specifically fast fashion. The fashion industry is one of the biggest...
4 Pages 1767 Words

Aristotle, Mills And Kant's Views On Factory Farming

I will argue that factory farming is not ethical because the act is not virtuous, promotes the reverse of happiness, and disregards moral act of duty. Then explore and explain the philosophical views and theories of Aristotle, James Mills and Immanuel Kant. Through the lenses of their arguments, I will deduce whether they would consider factory farming as an ethical practice or not. Factory Farming Factory Farming can be defined as the raising of farm animals in poor and often...
3 Pages 1178 Words

The Effects Of Factory Farming On Our Environment

Ever since the 1960s, in an attempt by scientists to maximize efficiency and production of animal products, factory farms emerged and continued on to be the main source of animal products in the world. Factory farming is defined as a large-scale, industrialized, profit-oriented agricultural operation that produces meat, dairy, and egg. Throughout history, there have been many debates over outlawing factory farms concerning the negative effects it has on the environment. Some argue that there are many great benefits that...
3 Pages 1191 Words

Driving Factors Of Globalization And Its Advantages

Globalization, in general, has received a lot of harsh criticism which are usually pointed to the negatives. In most cases, these criticisms emanate from the group that stands against the free market economy. Most of the criticisms contend that globalization does not reduce poverty, but rather maintains it. Particularly the distribution of new technology and investment in the foreign currency by developing nations might have boosted inequality levels. Only a fairly small number of nations are relishing the benefits tailored...
2 Pages 1093 Words

The History of Fashion Essay: from 1900 to Present

1910s The 1910s saw changes to the women’s dress silhouette, with narrow waists and corsets giving a slim and straight silhouette. Big hats were also popular. At the beginning of the decade, Orientalism was also on the rise, with draped fabrics and vibrant colours becoming popular. Only the most daring women adopted this style however as it really pushed fashion norms at the time, few would be seen wearing the harem trouser style developed in 1911. With WW1 beginning in...
2 Pages 930 Words

E-commerce In Terms Of Globalization

I read an article/blog entitled “Future of Ecommerce in 2019: 10 International Growth Trends.” With the arrival of e-commerce, many consumers and businesses in the world are now able to compete, buy and sell in global markets regardless of language, culture and distance. This helps countries become known globally and grow economically. An entrepreneur can sit at his/her table and create a business all through e-commerce. You can buy almost anything online, just by clicking a button, it is one...
1 Page 535 Words

Six Best Fashion Periods Throughout History

The Victorian fashion era began with Queen Victoria’s reign started in 1837 and ended in 1901 upon her death. It marked a critical time in Britain’s history and around the world. The period saw many changes in fashion, including changes in styles, fashion technology, and the methods of circulation. Various movements in architecture, literature, and the decorative/visual arts as well as a change in approach of the traditional gender ‘roles’ also influenced fashion. Modesty and propriety were a very important...
3 Pages 1467 Words

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