Jury essays

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1 Page 610 Words
As the movie’s title suggests, ‘Runaway Jury’ is a story of the independent body of juror who are on a case. The movie opens with a scene of shooting in an industrial building. The case involves a lawsuit of a widow and gun making company since her husband was killed in gunfire incident because the deadly weapon was easily accessible....
5 Pages 2288 Words
A jury is defined as a body of persons convened by the process of law to represent the public at a trial and to “discharge upon oath or affirmation defined public duties”. The main act that governs the jury system is the Jury Act 1974, which were largely amended by the Criminal Justice Act 2003. The notion of including a...
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4 Pages 1721 Words
In the English Legal System jury is a vital part it is used in the ‘Crown Court and Magistrates court to prove the guilt or innocence of those accused of violating criminal law’. The judge directs the jury to the relevant points and evidence and the jury’s role is to look over facts and give a verdict on the basis....
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3 Pages 1274 Words
Are you guilty of making judgments of off initial appearance? Maybe it’s an unconscious bias, but this discrimination in a court case can cause the defendants an undeserved sentence or in some cases death! 4% of death row inmates are likely innocent and over 1,500 people have died being wrongfully executed. Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias is one of the...
2 Pages 1083 Words
This essay will critically evaluate whether jurors can be relied upon to reach a fair verdict, by highlighting potential issues that could affect the jury making decision. One of the major threats to fair, logical, and rational jury decision-making is psychological bias, this essay will explore this in further detail by focusing on racial bias, the appearance of the victim...
4 Pages 2023 Words
Justin Bieber has committed crimes but gotten away easy. He was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and while underage, but released from jail the following day--even though he was arrested on a $2,500 bond. Authorities found marijuana and Xanax in Bieber’s system, yet he still pleaded not guilty to all charges. Also, Bieber was charged for egging...
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