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Louis XIV and Construction of Versailles: Historical Essay

4 Pages 1787 Words
France is a magnificent place that holds the world's most beautiful art pieces and landmarks. Last summer I had the opportunity to travel within Europe and I decide to go to the fashion capital of the world Paris. My top destination was to visit a landmark located outside of Paris which was the Palace of Versailles. “It is located in...

Causes of the Decline of the Ottoman Empire: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3002 Words
Introduction Ibn Khaldun (Abu Zayd Abd al- Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Khaldun al- Hadhrami) was a 14th-century Arab historiographer and historian credited of laying foundation to the specialized field of Ilm al- Umrān (Sociology) , who was considered in his Muqaddimah of Kitab al Ibar that, every zenith had a downfall having a central theme of his creative writing is...

Defeat of the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Sarikamish: Critical Analysis

5 Pages 2170 Words
This investigation explores the question: To what extent was the defeat of the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Sarikamish (1914-1915) the main factor contributing to the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923)? The first source which will be evaluated in depth is Karekin Pastermadjian’s book Karekin Pastermadjian’s book Why Armenia Should Be Free written in 1918 and is relevant because it highlights...

Representation of the Women in the Romantic Period: Analysis of Vindication of The Rights of Women

1 Page 509 Words
Romanticism emerged in Europe towards the late 18th century, and is referred to as an “artistic, literary and intellectual movement”, that opposed many societal aspects such as family, government, and monarchical that were apparent during the Enlightenment period. This era created an atmosphere booming with ideas surrounding freedom, liberty and equality. However, these ideas appeared to be futile for women...

Theme of Romanticism in The Minister’s Black Veil: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1546 Words
“Aww romance” is what many people accept as true with after they hear American romanticism. People don’t understand the genuine evil at the back of such deep dark tales and what would a few call disturbing. They don’t recognize that American romanticism is simply supposed for authors that speak approximately instinct over the reality, and these authors generally tend to...

Women’s Reactions to Expectations During the Renaissance

3 Pages 1409 Words
Throughout history, women were always seen as inferior to men. Their contributions were always overlooked and most times were denied access to basic necessities in life such as education. The renaissance was a period in history when people started to move away from the dark age and enter a period that was defined by art and literature. People started to...

Renaissance Art and Scientific Advancement

1 Page 672 Words
The Renaissance was filled with new ideas and scientific advancements. Many of the artists and architects of the 15th through the 18th centuries employed these new forms of thought in their artwork. Mathematics gave a new perspective to art by creating lines that could deceive the eye. The developments in the science of anatomy allowed artists to give figures more...

The Role of Women in Renaissance Florence

2 Pages 881 Words
It’s 6 pm, Alessandra Strozzi is busy making dinner for her family when she hears the news of her husband's exile and the whole world comes crashing down for her. Alessandra Strozzi was married to Matteo Strozzi and everything was going well until he was exiled from Florence. After they moved to Pesaro, a plague hit which killed three of...

Macbeth': Beneficiality of Gender Roles in Society

2 Pages 755 Words
In the Renaissance period, gender roles were one where men and women were assigned specific roles to which society portrays their standards and requirements. The value, social expectations, and personal status differed greatly between the genders. Men were the ruling voice over everyone else. Women had no control over their role in society, and their public reputation was dishonorable and...

King Louis XIV as One of the Most Prominent Figures in the History of France

1 Page 404 Words
King Louis XIV of France was an extremely powerful individual and is the prime example of an absolute monarchy. King Louis is one of the most prominent figures when thinking about the French monarchy as under his rule France was considered a global superpower at the time. Being appointed the throne at only 5 years old after the death of...

William Manchester’s Argument That the Middle Ages Were ‘Dark’

1 Page 416 Words
‘A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age’ is an informal history of the European Middle Ages by American historian William Manchester. In the book, William Manchester caustically argues, as the title suggests, that the Middle Ages were ten centuries of technological stagnation, myopia, bloodshed, feudalism, and an oppressive church, sandwiched between...

The Silk Road: Growth, Use and Decline

1 Page 592 Words
A new trading route called the Silk Road started to expand in Asia during the 2nd century BCE. This new trading route gradually expanded to more than 8000 km in length and lasted nearly 1,600 years ('Trade on the Silk', 2002). But the 'Silk Road' wasn't just a long roadIt was composed of a series of interconnected paths. It wasn't...

Impact of the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean Trade on the Post-Classical Era

2 Pages 707 Words
When early people started agriculture after previously being hunter gatherers, civilizations were created. This created complex societies and specialized workers since not everyone had to hunt and farm. With the advancements of complex societies, the first forms of trade were created. People would barter with other people in their society for goods they don’t possess and soon that evolved into...

The Architecture of the Ottomans

1 Page 555 Words
The Ottoman Empire included a large area that included much of the regions contiguous to the eastern and southern Mediterranean. Ottoman rule stretched for a period of around 700 years and at its height. As a result, the character of Ottoman architecture has undergone multiple changes over the course of this long period. The architectural heritage of the Ottomans can...

US Involvement in Main Historical Events

2 Pages 1097 Words
Have you ever thought of how life would be like today without World War II and other world events, would you be here today? The U.S has been through many national events including World War II , Imperialism, and the Industrial Revolution, changing the U.S. forever and showing how the U.S. handled these situations leading into our future today. Throughout...

The Core Values of the Romantic Time

1 Page 680 Words
Romanticism was and is a global movement that cleared Western Europe and Russia toward the finish of the eighteenth and start of the nineteenth centuries. It extended to North America starting around 1830. As a movement, Romanticism drew its motivation and vitality from different sources including a developing sense that the innovative conceivable outcomes inherent to the inflexible formalism of...

Feudalism and the Black Plague

3 Pages 1574 Words
The Black Death was an overwhelming illness that spread all through Europe amid the 1300’s. It killed an expected one point five million of the four million individuals living in Europe around then. Before the Black Death tainted anybody, individuals had just made the ideal condition for the illness to thrive. Because of the vast population, individuals started to live...

America's Role in Imperialism

5 Pages 2241 Words
In the modern day, society, especially in America doesn’t understand imperialism. Nowadays, imperialism is more hush hush and doesn’t show up in the news. Whether it is an overthrown leader lead by a conspiracy or covert agents being dropped into another region to sabotage the political landscape, imperialism has shaped into a completely different monster from what it used to...

Reflection on the Main Features of Romanticism in Literature

2 Pages 888 Words
When we first started learning about Romanticism after the study of the Enlightenment, I immediately hated the topic. This was because I thought we would have to learn about PDA, emotions, love triangles etc. I instantly connected the word romantism with romance and love. It felt so normal stereotyping the words without thinking. I soon hated romanticism as who would...

The Influence of Romanticism and the Enlightenment on Decision Making in Mary Shelley’s 'Frankenstein'

2 Pages 699 Words
In Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’, Victor Frankenstein runs away from his newly animated monster. Appalled by his creation, he collapses into a months-long fever while Henry Clerval takes care of him. This passage takes place during a pivotal part of the novel when Clerval and Frankenstein both spend the summer studying Oriental languages. It is a turning point for Frankenstein as,...

Romanticism and Its Impact on How We See and Perceive the World

1 Page 541 Words
Romanticism was the largest artistic movement of the late 1700s. Romanticism came around because of political, social, and economic changes. Some important features of romanticism are emphasis on imagination, a capacity for wonder, and the importance of self expression and feeling. This style of writing was a way for artists and writers to express themselves in a different way. Some...

Ride as King of France, Louis XIV

1 Page 472 Words
I am currently living in the seventeenth-century Europe and am taking a trip. I am currently taking a trip as King Louis XIV of France. I was born on September 5, 1638, in Saint-Germaine-en-Laye, France. I came to power when I was four years old to be able to clean up the mess Cardinal Richelieu’s had done. I implemented reforms...

Nathaniel Hawthorne's ‘The Birthmark’ and Edgar Allan Poe's ‘The Oval Portrait’ as Prime Examples of Dark Romanticism

2 Pages 873 Words
Both Romanticism and Dark Romanticism values emotions as more important than knowledge and logical thinking. However, Dark Romanticism uses different forms of expression. Most popular representatives of this genre, such as Herman Melville or Edgar Alan Poe, believed that there is no stronger emotion than fear. That is why Dark Romanticism is often associated with horror stories. In order to...

Socio-Economic Systems of the Ottoman Empire

2 Pages 888 Words
State and non-state are distinguishable, generally based on the construction, organization, and military. Nonetheless, the methods of payment and taxation in state societies vary. When trying to make a historical understanding the structure and institutions are critical to consider. This paper focuses on the socio-economic typology in regards to Ottoman empire, particularly examining the socio-economic history of the empire, and...

The Silk Road as Past and Future for China

4 Pages 1620 Words
More than 2,000 years ago, traders opened the transcontinental passage that connects Asia, Europe and Africa, nowadays known as the Silk Road. Trading ships created sea routes connecting the East with the West, forming the maritime Silk Road. These ancient silk routes opened windows of dialogue between peoples and nations. The modern China of the beginning second millennium A.D. under...

Romanticism versus the Industrial Revolution in William Blake's Poems

2 Pages 1005 Words
The Industrial Revolution is regarded as one of the most significant historical events to initiate the Romantic movement of the 18th Century. In the literary and historical sense of the word Romanticism, it serves a purpose to label certain writers and thinkers of the later 18th and early 19th Century, who, however, did not at that time used that term...

The Dark Duality of Romanticism in 'Young Goodman Brown'

1 Page 532 Words
People’s inherent personality traits come from their core values. Within these values exists an innate duality of both light and dark characteristics; this coincides with the ideas of Dark Romanticism, which aim to normalize the darker desires of people’s minds. Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’ embodies Dark Romantic ideals like innate evil and sin, which reveal how human nature is more...

Rise of Russian Nationalism and Imperialism During the Reign of Alexander I, Nicholas I and Alexander II

3 Pages 1494 Words
Russia’s nationalism and imperialism stemmed from historical events. The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte commanded his strong army to begin attacks against Russia in June 1812. At the time of Russia’s attack, Napoleon was one of Europe’s most powerful political leaders and military commanders. He had become accustomed to defeating states whose rulers opposed his idea of controlling the European continent....

The Dim Light Ages: New Name for the Dark Ages

3 Pages 1305 Words
Is the Dark Ages an appropriate name? Should it be renamed or should the name stay the same? The Dark Ages took place roughly between 500 to 1500 AD. It started when in 395 the Roman Empire split into its eastern and western component, but as time passed the western empire collapsed and the eastern empire gradually evolved into a...

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