Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself

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We all know that we have a different understanding about philosophy but for me philosophy is about knowing yourself. There are many philosophers but among those philosophers Socrates is the one who really drawn my reflections in life`s realities or experiences and also my view in life. He is the Father of Western Philosophy in the Western Era. Socrates thought me many realizations in my life. I like Socrates because he likes to ask a lot of questions and this helps me also to find answers that I`ve been questioning all by myself. That`s why for me the meaning of philosophy is about knowing yourself because according to Socrates , the ultimate wisdom comes from knowing yourself. The more a person knows, the greater his or her ability to reason and make choices that will bring true happiness. Socrates thought us that in order to live worthily, we should open our mind ,seek for wisdom and acquire knowledge.

An unexamined life is not worth living as what Socrates say. With this statement it draw my reflections in life that I live in this world with a purpose. From waking up in the morning , from making decisions and discoveries. Throughout our life we do choices but sometimes there are things in life where in we don`t have any freedom at all. Just like me even if I`m 18 years. Of age now , I don`t have any freedom to go somewhere places that are far from our hometown, actually, even if it`s near I need to ask permission to my mother. I can say that by living in life I discover many things especially to myself. Before, I`m so dependent to the people around me. I always want a buddy or a friend to lean on but as I grow older and as my age increases, I learn to be independent and by that I slowly discover myself. I slowly understand what life really is.

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I discover a lot of things that before I think I cannot do it, but now I discover what my passions and talents really are. One thing that I learn in knowing myself is by exploring the things that you want to do and also by saying always to myself “try it first , if it will work then it`s for you”.

For me Socrates philosophy in life helps me a lot to build myself. It taught me to explore new things and to don`t be afraid to have mistakes because if you don`t make mistakes you will not learn and you will not discover yourself.

Another Socrates statement that really drawn my reflections in life and experiences is ‘Knowledge is a Virtue’. It really reflect this to me especially in my life and in myself because whenever I have a problems in life knowledge is very useful why? Because by knowledge it can be used in everything. It can be used in solving problems not just mathematics but also in real life situation. I`m very lucky to have a knowledge that can easily understand in everything. Knowledge is necessary for a person to live with virtue. They are both important because they are the basic qualities especially for our happiness. Having knowledge is also having the ability to know what is wrong and what is right.

There are a lot of people whose self is not yet discovered because they are afraid in trying and afraid in committing mistakes. Some are lack of confidence in trying the things they want to try but in finding happiness and finding the answers of our questions that we ask everytime what we are doubting of especially in ourselves , we need to go out to our comfort zones for us to explore new things and to learn many things in life. If you want to enjoy life, you need to know yourself and your own uniqueness. We need to know ourselves, also the people around us and also in our society so that we can find the meaning of it and live a worthy life. I agree to Socrates that knowledge is a virtue because god gave us knowledge and it`s a gift from him that we need to keep and also to share to others. By having knowledge and virtue it can lead to better communication, understanding and also acceptance.

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Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Philosophy of Life in Knowledge of Oneself [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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