Scholarship Essay to Get Scholarship Granted by UC Berkeley

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Table of contents

  1. Education and Professional Goals.
  2. Responsibilities/ Character.
  3. Relevant Experience
  4. Financial Need

As an architect and urban designer of my generation, it is my responsibility to be active in sustainable development in this rapidly changing climatic conditions to promote livable spaces. Participating and excelling in many extra-curricular programs has enhanced my ability to engage in an active role in improving the school as well as the community involved. I believe selecting MRED+D will successfully challenge my work-ethic and skills in finance and development which are important for my profession.

Education and Professional Goals.

M plan is to complete my post-graduation degree in MRED+D and pursue a career that would be advocating to work on development projects especially for quality social and livable spaces in India. In my past nine years, I completed two internships in Kochi, Kerala, and New Delhi, learned design in various levels, for example, product designing, working on conceptual staged, working drawings, interior designing, conservation projects, signages, graphical communication, and site survey. I needed to pause to pursue a job to get equipped with the market trend and actual project works in planning and development.

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Responsibilities/ Character.

Now I am a licensed architect and an Urban designer with more than 1.5 years of experience. I am an executive member of Toastmaster Clun and the president of Book Club in my Company. Other than these responsibilities, I was a contributing editor to a UK-based, a collective of globally connected, socially conscious designers. Additionally, I too am the editor and a part of the communication team of IUDI (Institute of Urban Designers India), a national level association of urban design professionals.

Relevant Experience

During my break from college including my free weekends, I became more involved in my community mentoring and volunteering in an organization known as MAD (Make A Difference), educating and counseling the children of underprivileged groups. I have been involved and assigned responsibilities to conduct university fest and workshops from my Undergraduate and graduate universities. I am one of the major team players in my department in IPE Global. I was involved in taking interviews and holding meetings with clients and project stakeholders. My project manager assigns me the lead to work on pilot projects and final report writing for our main project where Government of India is the Client.

Financial Need

As an independent person who lives my life to the fullest, I do not prefer to depend on my soon to be retiring parents for financial support, though they would be in a position to help me in the time I require. I think for my age and the lessons I have learned through my experiences, I should find my own ways to earn by working or by contributing my skills and knowledge for a useful cause. By that, I shall be proud of the fact that I can be supporting my education by sharing my knowledge rather than using up my father’s hard earned money.

The scholarship granted by UC Berkeley for my program would provide a chance for people who are very passionate and devoted to their field and want to return to academics, to become exceptionally outstanding and succeed. I hope I become one of those special people and it is with great honor and appreciation that I submit this application for your consideration

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Scholarship Essay to Get Scholarship Granted by UC Berkeley. (2022, August 12). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Scholarship Essay to Get Scholarship Granted by UC Berkeley.” Edubirdie, 12 Aug. 2022,
Scholarship Essay to Get Scholarship Granted by UC Berkeley. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Scholarship Essay to Get Scholarship Granted by UC Berkeley [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 12 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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