Sleep Disorders essays

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1 Page 620 Words
Alcohol is one of the most controversial products of relatively common consumption. Its side effects affect many elements of our body, having the serious problem of not being able to differentiate the supposedly positive effects that we notice from the harmful effects it produces inside. With insomnia, alcohol has a double effect on our body that evolves over time. By...
AlcoholSleep Disorders
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2 Pages 716 Words
Introduction Inflammatory arthritis, encompassing conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, is characterized by chronic inflammation that primarily affects the joints. Recent research indicates that patients suffering from these conditions often report significant sleep disturbances, including nightmares and potential REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep behavior disorders. The intersection between inflammatory arthritis and sleep disorders is a burgeoning field of...
ArthritisExperimentSleep Disorders
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3 Pages 1271 Words
Today’s Sleeping Disorders A sleeping disorder is any disorder that affects, disrupts, or involves sleep that can affect your overall health, safety, and quality of life (Mayo Clinic.) A quarter of American citizens report insufficient sleep and rest at least 15 out of 30 days (Healthy People.) Many of us do not get enough sleep. Nearly 30 percent of adults...
Sleep Disorders
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