Arthritis essays

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2 Pages 716 Words
Introduction Inflammatory arthritis, encompassing conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, is characterized by chronic inflammation that primarily affects the joints. Recent research indicates that patients suffering from these conditions often report significant sleep disturbances, including nightmares and potential REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep behavior disorders. The intersection between inflammatory arthritis and sleep disorders is a burgeoning field of...
3 Pages 1331 Words
Reactive arthritis is a disease classified as autoimmune, which usually manifests itself through pain or inflammation of the joints. These symptoms are the main ones with which the body responds as a reaction to an infection, which usually begins in the intestine or in the urinary or genital tract. The most common are Chlamydia. Although it is also possible to...
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2 Pages 930 Words
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that mainly affects joints in the hands and feet but can affect other joints such as the hips and knees [1]. An autoimmune disease is a disease where your immune system attacks its own body. In Rheumatoid arthritis the immune system attacks the synovium of the joints and can destroy the cartilage and...
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2 Pages 999 Words
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) presents significant challenges in daily living, affecting approximately 1.3 million Americans and millions more worldwide. The autoimmune condition's impact on joints and overall energy levels necessitates comprehensive management strategies focusing on both energy conservation and joint protection. Recent medical research demonstrates that implementing these strategies not only improves quality of life but also potentially slows disease progression....
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3 Pages 1552 Words
Abstract Patients of rheumatoid arthritis, who were already diagnosed as per 2010 ACR / EULAR ( American college of Rheumatology / European League Against Rheumatism ) classification criteria were included in the study. Red cell band width was determined in all the patients from laboratory of own hospital. Severity of rheumatoid arthritis was determined on the basis of Disease Activity...
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2 Pages 758 Words
“It just seemed so pointless,” recalls Helen, who has lived with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for decades. “I couldn’t lift my arms above shoulder height, so it was easy to explain why I wasn’t washing my hair. Then I developed nodules on my feet, so it was a simple matter to stop taking walks. Then it was difficult to open cans,...
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2 Pages 747 Words
It is important to be aware of your genetic background and family health history because there may be diseases/conditions that you may not have to fully endure if you research early on. There are many ways to prevent or put off health conditions that are genetic. Two of those that are common in my family background are arthritis and high...
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