Exploring My Family's Health History: Narrative Essay

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It is important to be aware of your genetic background and family health history because there may be diseases/conditions that you may not have to fully endure if you research early on. There are many ways to prevent or put off health conditions that are genetic. Two of those that are common in my family background are arthritis and high blood pressure.

The first condition I researched was arthritis. Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints, typically found in people of older age. The causes of arthritis vary from your family history, gender, age, and previous joint injury. You could just be unlucky and be more prone to developing arthritis depending on your genetic background. Your sex also plays a role in which type of arthritis you develop: it is said that women are more likely than men to get rheumatoid arthritis, and men tend to have a higher percentage of gout arthritis. Your probability of developing arthritis greatly increases as your age does. It is also generally common that people who have previously injured a joint, however, that may be, are more susceptible to developing arthritis in that joint. Signs and symptoms of arthritis mainly involve pain, stiffness, swelling, or redness of your joints, depending on which type of arthritis you have. There is a variation of long-term complications pertaining to arthritis, such as making it an unbearable task to do day-to-day activities such as bending and exercising, some as severe as comfortably sitting up straight. There are treatments that you can undergo to help with your arthritis, but there is no end-all cure to it. The main goal of arthritis treatments is to reduce the pain, manage the symptoms, and improve your quality of life based on your arthritis. There is an exponential number of things you can do to help prevent arthritis. A few are exercise, avoiding injury, and controlling your weight. Exercising helps to strengthen the muscles around your joints and release the stress of excess weight upon your joints. As you get older, your joints begin to wear out and need to be properly monitored. It would help to use the right safety equipment whether you’re playing a sport, like wearing knee pads while you skateboarding. Controlling your weight is a large factor in how severely arthritis affects you. Being overweight, or obese greatly inhibits your pain level with each step you take, the force on your knee multiplies by several factors. Overall, there are several ways that can help you to avoid/prevent the development of arthritis, but it is a crucial condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

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The second health condition I researched was high blood pressure. High blood pressure is typically one of the more curable and common issues. It is when your pressure spikes to dangerous or unhealthy levels. There are two types of high blood pressure: primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. For primary hypertension, there is no evident cause of high blood pressure, it just tends to moderately develop as you get older. For secondary hypertension, it is caused by a fundamental condition. There are a few behavioral conditions that put you at risk of secondary hypertension, such as drugs (cocaine, amphetamines), over-the-counter pain relievers, and medications. You are more at risk of high blood pressure if it is common to run in your family also. Stress, greasy and salty diets, drugs and not being physically active are all underlying causes of high blood pressure. A beneficial way of curing high blood pressure is to maintain a healthy diet, salty and greasy foods put you at a high risk of high blood pressure. Exercising the right amount allows you to feel good and also keeps your heart healthy. And dealing with stress in a healthy manner, as in not relying on drugs and alcohol, also help your risk. All of these are great ways to help prevent yourself from high blood pressure.

This assignment was eye-opening and beneficial because it exposes me to the right resources to better myself in a way that I may have never thought to do. I learned that there are a lot of day-to-day things that can put me at risk for common diseases/certain conditions. To help prevent these diseases from affecting me, I could do basic things such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising daily, staying away from harmful drugs, and being cautious in my actions and activities that may affect my health in a dangerous way.

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Exploring My Family’s Health History: Narrative Essay. (2023, October 26). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/exploring-my-familys-health-history-narrative-essay/
“Exploring My Family’s Health History: Narrative Essay.” Edubirdie, 26 Oct. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/exploring-my-familys-health-history-narrative-essay/
Exploring My Family’s Health History: Narrative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/exploring-my-familys-health-history-narrative-essay/> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
Exploring My Family’s Health History: Narrative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Oct 26 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/exploring-my-familys-health-history-narrative-essay/

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