The Language Used In Sport Articles Then And Now

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Today, sports is a very important aspect of in some human life. It functions as entertainment, health management, and even a career. It discusses the current events in sports world. Sport articles asnwers the general question like what, who, where, when, why, and how. We can read about the latest news regarding sports in articles provided by people who are very interested and up-to-date with their specific branch of sports. Over time, these articles have been a very important source of information for sports enthusiasts. However, time does not affect the language used for making a sports article.

Firstly, many players have been quoted by sport articles from time to time. In the year of 2010, a sports article ESPN mentions a quote from the player Lebron James. In the year of 2019, a sports article New York Post mentions a quote from the player Lebron James. The sports article ESPN also mentions a quote from Jamal Adams in the year 2020. This proves that the sports article at 2010, 2019, and 2020 quotes speeches.

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Moreover, the opinions in an article is important from year to year. It gives us facts or even opinion about what could be happening after. For example, the reuters in the article INQUIRER.NET at 2020 talking about “Djokovic, Nadal and Serena enter US Open tune-up” in which it stated “The women’s WTA Tour will signal the return of the professional circuit with the Palermo Ladies Open in the Sicilian capital from Monday.”. The sports article ESPN stated “ESPN will televise a wild-card playoff game in January 2015, the first telecast of an NFL postseason game in the network's 35-year history.” at 2014. Both article uses ‘will’ which is usually used in this case to talk about a prediction.

In addition, readers are attracted to interesting topics from the past till now. It can be seen through the words used by the writer. The sport article writers sometime uses specialized words or jargon in the title or introduction to attract the attention of sports fan. These examples are “ESPN to air playoff game, Pro Bowl” at 2014 and “Djokovic, Nadal and Serena enter US Open tune-up” at 2020. We can see that both titles from different year used jargon to attract readers.

Furthermore, articles are not allowed to side in an arguments from time to time. It is not allowed as it does not follows the rules of writing an article. According to article about “steps of article writing”, it is stated “Expressing personal views is fine but the author must never talk about himself/herself”. The writer must also consider the other views. This means that articles are needed to always stay neutral from time to time.

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The Language Used In Sport Articles Then And Now. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from
“The Language Used In Sport Articles Then And Now.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
The Language Used In Sport Articles Then And Now. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 14 Sept. 2024].
The Language Used In Sport Articles Then And Now [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2024 Sept 14]. Available from:

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