The arguments in support of strong affirmative action that talks about diversity are that it brings more people to the table and with this more ideas. With more people that are included in a group, community, jobs, or involved it means that there are more ideas and more tolerance to new upcoming and different points of view. Like I have said previously in my other works, it was a woman that came up with the equation that took us to the moon. It creates new opportunities, it shows people that there are others out there with the same qualities, new ideas, and or hidden talents. Having diversity exposes you to new cultures, and it allows you to understand others better, “mutual understanding,” helps you see things differently and from other perspectives. It can help us in the long run, and in the future, it creates new roles, and new opportunities, and gives everyone a chance. The jobs that were once only for the white will be open for new faces and races. New people will be in the work field, the frustration and injustice would decrease
But as a utilitarian, there are objections about diversity, that even if diversity exists does not necessarily means that it will create new ideas, or be more prone to acceptance. Just because you are exposed to a new culture does not mean that you will be okay with some of their customs. Exposing people to a new culture can damage the original idea since cultures tend to merge when they are exposed to others. Some people are against their Asian culture being Americanized and hate the idea that their culture could be lost. That their kid or future generation will forget about the real value. There is also no scientific background that supports diversity, and that fact that even if it is there does not mean that there would not be competency, or that it will be efficiency. The ones against also argue that even if there are new ideas it does not necessarily means that they can be good or the ones we need as role models. It is also discussed that it can have the opposite effect, and since it can create a stigma of race, and can reinforce stereotypes. These are the augments I would make as a utilitarian, that it is not always good to have strong affirmative action, that in some cases it can eradicate and lead to a more racist society.
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Utilitarians Would Be Against All Forms of Affirmative Action: Critical Essay.
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