Weakness in Public Speaking and How to Overcome It: Narrative Essay

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In today's world, public speaking is becoming a necessity, especially in the educational and professional spheres. However, if you ask people, most of them will say that public speaking is their weakness and that they have a great fear of it. In my essay, I am going to consider ways to overcome this weakness.

Firstly, it is important to accept the thought that not everyone is perfect. In most cases, the fear of talking in public is the fear of making a mistake in front of an audience. However, such fear generates an even greater probability of making a mistake. The secret to overcoming this fear is simple. Re-qualify mistakes in annoying accidents from which no one is immune. Work on the ability to get out of a ridiculous situation quickly. Obviously, people will form all sorts of opinions about you, some will be delighted with what you have to say, and some might think you to be mistaken and take you as a fool. Take it philosophically: mistakes are always a great incentive for development so that they will not happen again. Put a question: ‘What is the worst thing that can happen if I make a mistake?’. You probably will not be sentenced to death.

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To overcome the weakness of public speaking, it is very useful to visualize the desired result. When we are afraid to talk, we see in our mind our public failure. The colors show how we pale, blush, and stammer in the presence of people. Everyone is whistling and laughing, and we seem to be melting into the ground. It is important to give yourself a break and distract yourself from such destructive thoughts. Imagine your performance to have success. Think about success - and it will surely come. Program your consciousness for the desired result: you speak confidently, breathe freely, and words flow continuously and harmoniously.

Before giving a public speech, think over the content. Think about your report and have no worries. After all, there is something you can share, and everyone has an interest in hearing it. Speak with topics you are good at, and even if you had to read the statistics, dilute them with a speech from yourself, for instance, with a joke. The primary thing is for the topic to be interesting for you, and then people are going to feel how enthusiastic you are and appreciate your sincerity.

A key mistake is to assume that the public will certainly condemn and awaits our failure. We should have respect for the audience. I doubt that these people would come to listen, knowing in advance that the performance would be boring and disastrous. There is a beautiful saying: “You reap what you sow”. Here this principle works, as nowhere else, exactly. If you imagine that people are friendly and came to hear that you will tell entertaining things today, it will be so.

It is very crucial to leave the past experience behind. Oftentimes the fear of public talking is formed because of psychological trauma. If this fear is from childhood, a person should consult a doctor specializing in the treatment of phobias. There is no shame in it. Phobias are very common, and they can be cured in 3-4 sessions. Probably, fear and self-doubt are just a consequence of a bad experience. Remember, good speakers are made not born, and successful speakers became such because they wanted each performance to be better than the previous one.

Before giving a public speech, it is very important to have a good rest and avoid stress. Moreover, avoid stimulants.

It is also important to work on appearance, after all, as you know, a good dress is a card of invitation. Clothing should be discreet, but fashionable and neat.

Breath control is essential for successful public speaking. Anxiety can cause tension in the muscles of the chest and throat, not allowing oxygen to enter the lungs freely. This may cause the voice to creak or squeak. Deep breathing will be helpful for your voice is sounding. It is going to release one's chest and throat from the clamp, let alone oxygenate the brain and lungs.

And finally, focusing on friendly faces. A smile and an approving look from people are going to make you feel confident; pay a lot of attention to positive listeners. It will give you extra strength and make the performance successful.

Finally, it is worth noting that experience is the best friend in overcoming weaknesses and fears. After all, if a person began to pay attention to how to make an impression on people, he/she will most likely want to become good at communication. It is important to practice more, not to be afraid to talk loudly in public places, not to be afraid of the negative reaction of others, and to become an experienced talker by practicing your experience at work and home. Such an approach will undoubtedly lead anyone who has a weakness in public speaking to the path of fearlessness, and it will be replaced by a desire to make good public speeches.

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Weakness in Public Speaking and How to Overcome It: Narrative Essay. (2023, November 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 24, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/weakness-in-public-speaking-and-how-to-overcome-it-narrative-essay/
“Weakness in Public Speaking and How to Overcome It: Narrative Essay.” Edubirdie, 15 Nov. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/weakness-in-public-speaking-and-how-to-overcome-it-narrative-essay/
Weakness in Public Speaking and How to Overcome It: Narrative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/weakness-in-public-speaking-and-how-to-overcome-it-narrative-essay/> [Accessed 24 Jan. 2025].
Weakness in Public Speaking and How to Overcome It: Narrative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Nov 15 [cited 2025 Jan 24]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/weakness-in-public-speaking-and-how-to-overcome-it-narrative-essay/

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