Competition in sports has mainly been emphasized throughout the creation of sports. When people generally think about sport stars and Olympic stars the general picture individuals paint are male superstars. The popularity ratio between males and females has increased for female athletes many years after the passing of the Title IX law. Not only has the Title IX law reduce the discrimination of any individual in any education program or activity but it has allowed female athletes to showcase their abilities and receive greater recognition in a male dominated industry.
Women are now playing sports in a much higher rate than before the Title IX law was passed . Before the 1970’s few teams for women existed in the sports world and athletic careers were primarily limited to cheerleading. Scholarships for women were rarely heard of. Title IX expanded women’ activity in high school and college sports. Millions of American girls take part in high-school athletic sports. At the collegiate level, there are several hundreds of women's varsity teams that compete. Basketball has become the most popular sport between college women along with soccer. Despite the journey women have taken to find equality in their fight to fairness in sports, they still face major hurdles. Critics also face that the occasion girls do, they receive minor interest to those provided boys. Female facilities and uniforms often are of subpar quality, they also reason that girls are sometimes forced to play in or practice in unfit conditions to make way for the boys' teams to succeed. Society has deemed for boys to play sports as a right to play while women must claw and fight for an equal chance at playing the same exact sport whether it is women based or an attempt to merge into men dominated sports such a football. Although women shouldn’t be forced to withstand the great physicality of such sports like football, but their interests should at least make it fair for a woman to play in a male dominated league if she chooses to. Even at the Olympic level opportunities for women are restricted as well, women do not have enough participation to compete in some sports leading to once again, males dominating another category.
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The fight for equality between the two sexes will truly never come to a standstill because of several different factors. For example, the popularity rate for women sports is still below average only because the strengths of the sexes greatly differ. Women’s basketball and women’s soccer differ from men’s basketball and soccer because the men are more athletic, faster, and stronger. For women their strengths come from individuality, the most popular women sports are tennis and gymnastics because of the ability to show off individual talent from the women’s talent. Some people argue that “women’s sports are not entertaining enough”. Over the years the popularity of women’s sports has been increasing, unfortunately the media coverage and spending dollars haven’t necessarily followed through and gender equality remains a big issue in the sports world A debate that can be controversial is that men always being better than women at playing any sport seems to make sense. It can be seen through unreliable evidence that this can be a tad bit factual. Many times, I've heard women express themselves about playing because they “aren't good enough.” compared to the male standard. It can also be seen simply in how the body formation of men and women are so much different. Once again as there are certainly many women who can beat men in male dominant games such as street basketball, men are typically taller and stronger than women. This is caused by all sorts of testosterone and strong muscles in their upper body of the male rather than fatty deposits that women possess. When someone points that out it's easy for people to assume that boys are better at sports than girls. They look at it as an inheritable trait linked to their genetics.
Even with many different nations that have cultural and religious barriers that still limit the participation of women in sports, the realistic emotions kindled by the Olympic Games and world championships associated with the media content of these events increase these limitations, in many cases even nations that do not approve of female participation in sports reunite around the specific female Olympic champion. In these monumental moments, loyalty to respective countries replace the conflict of gender roles and sometimes equality. Sports are a global cultural potluck. As future societies become more divided because of the combination of race and ethnicities, groups and businesses become a part of a global commerce and experience, sports become one of the small number activities that can focus on a common population on a common interest that excels the stereotypes and barriers that divide human beings and their ego rather than bring them together. When women achieve in sports their legacy and loyalty to their country spikes with increase, pressure is laid on partial belief that a female athlete is less capable of a support system, less productive or have less importance than their male athlete counterparts and the fable spread that gender diversity in sports beginning to vanish.
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Women In Sports: Fair Or Unfair?
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