Cultural Diversity Essay

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Vietnam: Does the Domino Fall? For centuries, the world has been dominated by enduring Western influence. A particular country that has been part of the tumultuous upheaval of Western culture is Vietnam. Once an ancient civilization, stemming back to the ways of the Chinese Feudal System, Vietnam first met Western incursion in the form of French colonialism in 1887. From this point forward, the nation of Vietnam has continuously fought for the sovereignty of boundaries and rule. However, despite their...
4 Pages 2092 Words
Lifestyles: In the past, Eskimos lives a very traditional way of life. Eskimo have survived throughout history, they believed in nature, and their food sources also come from nature. They hunt for survival. However, after the influence of foreign newcomers, Alaska has developed and adopted many modern styles of life, including celebrating Christmas, substance usage, institutions formed, media development, and so on. In most younger generations’ eyes, they view modern life as usual. Eskimos are supposed to be free and...
1 Page 446 Words
Introduction Jerk chicken is a popular and iconic dish originating from the beautiful island of Jamaica. It is renowned for its distinctive flavors, aromatic spices, and unique cooking techniques. This informative essay will delve into the history, ingredients, preparation, and cultural significance of jerk chicken, providing readers with a deeper understanding and appreciation of this mouthwatering culinary delight. Historical Background Jerk chicken has its roots in the traditions of the Maroons, descendants of African slaves who escaped into the rugged...
1 Page 575 Words
Culture is a social conduct and way of life found in human social orders/society. Culture cannot be accurately explained, it has various definitions based on different perceptions. It is an experience that an individual learns in his or her life through various modes, such as family, community, and surrounding. Numerous cultures are practiced by human beings in different parts of the world. A particular culture, globally recognized as a religion as well, but in my opinion, could be considered a...
3 Pages 1154 Words
Passover is one of the most significant holidays in the Jewish calendar and is a time for Jews to remember how they were freed from captivity in Egypt. It was the first holiday given to Jewish people by God and it speaks deeply to the Jewish soul. In Judaism, the event of leading the Israelites out of Egypt is significant as it is the foundation of the Jewish religion and their religious identities. This significant event allowed for a covenant,...
6 Pages 2674 Words
What is the occult? It is defined as anything connected to magic, astrology, or a system claiming the use or knowledge of unknown or supernatural powers or agencies. The occult is not considered a religion or a science. The occult and its many fields are ancient in nature and crucial to understanding the human race’s past, present, and future. One of the earliest practices in the occult is alchemy. Alchemy is defined as an ancient practice from which people attempted...
5 Pages 2330 Words
Bitterly, There are more than seven million Latino children that are living in poverty, more than ever it’s showing that approximately about thirty-eight percent of poor children are Latino and twenty-four percent are black. Many don’t know that thirty-eight percent of poor kids are Latinos, and this is a huge number, we need to find a way to reduce this number. For a better society and a better life for Latino families and Latino children. Poverty is a huge issue...
3 Pages 1555 Words
One thing to note is that life on the Texas frontier was very different from any other frontier state. Not only did Texas settlers have to adjust to rural life, but they were also exposed to many dangers such as murder, theft, and kidnapping. By the mid-19th century, Texas had become a target for Indian raids. In The Captured: A True Story of Abduction on the Texas Frontier, historian Scott Zesch embarks on a journey to learn about the lives...
3 Pages 1277 Words
Personal Reflection Throughout the module Global Perspectives in Business, I found this class exceptionally motivating and informative, and I personally believe that I have gained a vast understanding of the concept of Global Perspectives in Business. I attained knowledge about developed and undeveloped countries and their cultures within the business environment. I have recognized that my knowledge of Global Perspectives in Business has remarkably augmented by attending the lectures. I realized that the worldwide practice of businesses has become very...
2 Pages 1141 Words
In the past decade, social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube have become dominant in everyday life and have radically changed the way people interact and communicate with one another. As of 2019, Facebook has registered 2.37 billion active users, followed by YouTube with 2 billion active users (Clement, 2019). Even organizations such as businesses, governments, and law enforcement agencies are increasingly recognizing and utilizing this opportunity to engage with their customers and citizens more effectively (Kaplan & Haenlein,...
4 Pages 1865 Words
Culture is a wide term that surrounds beliefs, values, social norms, social behaviors, and overall can be understood as our way of existence. When you step out into the world, you will come to see people from different backgrounds and all different walks of life. It is in the best essence to honor cultural diversity with your best phrases and the best course of action. The beauty and importance of learning new cultures and their customs are that firstly they...
4 Pages 1814 Words
My cultural group is Chicano'a, a term many Americans born in the United States but having Mexican descents use to identify. The term was popularized during the Chicano Movement of the 1960s by many Mexican Americans to express a political stance founded on pride in a shared cultural, ethnic, and community identity. Chicanos are one of the largest ethnic minority groups in the United States. Tamales originated in Mesoamerica as early as 5,000 – 8,000 B.C.E. It's possible that the...
2 Pages 977 Words
The culture of Canada has a lot of elements such as artistic, literary, humor, musical, political, and social that represent Canada and Canadians. Throughout Canada's history, Canada's culture has been influenced by many cultures such as European culture British culture, French culture, and its own baronial culture. Many elements of the cultures of Canada's immigrant countries have been put into Canadian history to make a bigger Canadian culture. Why I chose Canadian culture because I wanted to learn more about...
2 Pages 726 Words
Weddings within the U.S. normal traditions typically supported by faith, culture, and social norms. Most wedding traditions within the U.S. were assimilated from alternative, typically European countries. Marriages within the U.S. are usually organized by the participants and ceremonies might either be non-secular or civil. There was a practice that the possible bridegroom raises his future in-laws for his blessing, however, this can be seldom determined nowadays. Once it's the primary wedding for the bride, a typical U.S. wedding tends...
2 Pages 811 Words
In Western and Eastern medicine, theories and methods used to diagnose and treat patients have differences and similarities. This writing will compare the role of the heart and kidneys in Eastern and Western medicine to provide a clearer understanding of how and why these contrasting cultures have different theories and views of the human body. Resources such as ‘The Foundation of Chinese Medicine’ (Maciocia, 2005) will be utilized to examine the different roles these organs take between both medicines. Chinese...
5 Pages 2111 Words
It doesn’t matter where in the world you’re from – you have to eat. Since the beginning of mankind, food was important simply for nourishment and soon went to grow into something much more than just needing it for its value. Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. It is usually of plant or animal origin and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. Food has many reasons to help the...
2 Pages 869 Words
Trying to choose an event to attend was not a simple task, at least not for me, because I wanted it to be meaningful and something I remember for many years to come, also something that is absolutely unlike American society, and also an event that is unlike anything I have attended. After much research and consideration, I chose to attend the 23rd Annual Wildhorse Pow Wow Leuzinger High School in Lawndale, California. According to the Crazy Crow Trading Post,...
4 Pages 1854 Words
‘’If you don’t understand cultural appropriation, imagine working on a project and getting an F and then somebody copies you and gets an A and credit for your work’’ Cultural appropriation is defined as the ignorant adoption of the styles, patterns or designs of a minority group or society, by a majority society, (e.g. the West). For hundreds of years multiple cultures have been exploited for their native designs and styling while the fashion and media industry have remained ignorant...
6 Pages 2907 Words
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