Environmental Sustainability essays

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Effect of Cars Burning Fossil Fuel

3 Pages 1368 Words
The world has changed into a whole new level of inventions ever since mankind had discovered what the burning of fossil fuel can do. Skipping through a whole lot of inventions, the automobile was and still is one of the greatest one that is currently used today with the burning of fossil fuel. Not so long ago, scientists noticed that...

Natural Sources: Green Energy

1 Page 570 Words
Green energy is a natural sources of energy such as sunlight, wind, water, biogas and more. These sources of energy resources are renewable, meaning they are naturally replenished. They are a safe way to produce energy that will not harm the world and the atmosphere. One of the technology trends making a difference around the world is the more use...

Sustainability Pros and Cons

3 Pages 1246 Words
What is sustainable development? According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, it involves “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The definition is nearly as broad and all-encompassing as it sounds, covering everything from infrastructure to climate to water and energy usage to economics to equality...

The Nature of Sustainable Development's Concept

2 Pages 962 Words
The satisfaction of human needs and aspirations is the major objective of development. The essential needs of vast numbers of people in developing countries for food, clothing, shelter, jobs – are not being met, and beyond their basic needs these people have legitimate aspirations for an improved quality of life. A world in which poverty and inequity are endemic will...

Environmental Effects of the Fossil Fuel Industry

3 Pages 1412 Words
The Earth. It is a home to thousands if not millions of different species of all kinds of organisms that live in various types of environments. This Earth responds to change very readily, so what happens when one Industry interrupts the Earths environments and starts to use/produce materials that deteriorate said Earth? Change. Devastation. These are only a few of...

The Ford Motor Company as an Example of Sustainability

2 Pages 896 Words
The issue of sustainability is a relatively new development in human history. Before the industrial revolution, resources were ample, and the idea of pollution was nearly nonexistent. However, once manufacturing was developed the need for raw materials increased exponentially. At first this was not such a huge problem, but over time the resources depleted. Fast forward to the present and...

The Use of Renewable Energy Sources

3 Pages 1205 Words
Sustainable living and development are defined as the ability to prosper as an economy without negatively impacting the earth and its resources. This topic is very important to me as I am living in South Africa, the 30th most polluted country in the world. This is also a relevant topic because as I grow up, it will be my generation...

The Four Pillars of Sustainability

1 Page 424 Words
Most answers to the sustainability challenges of today are easily given; however, these resolutions often do not satisfy all of the major perspectives that have a final say regarding this topic. Generally, sustainability requires consideration of a total of four key aspects; (1) environmental, (2) social, (3) cultural, and (4) economic. With these four sustainability pillars in mind, only then...

A Review of Wind Energy Conversion

3 Pages 1574 Words
Wind has been used as a supply of power for several years. The generation of electricity from wind has experienced a noteworthy pace within the past decade due to depleting typical resources and increasing environmental issues. Wind energy conversion has become a reliable and competitive means for power generation. The life span of contemporary wind turbines is currently 20-25 years,...

Principles of Alternative Energy Analysis

4 Pages 1985 Words
In this report I will be researching and gathering research on the different types of alternative energy. I will be looking into how each renewable and non-renewable energy technologies operate, and I will compare both energy technologies to see how they operate and what environmental issues and benefactors are produced by both technologies. Operating Principles and sustainable energy factors of...

Overview of Climate Change Effects and Strategies to Control It

2 Pages 718 Words
Climate change is a growing problem that affects thousands of lives through the form of high temperatures which further results in record heat waves, droughts, rising sea levels, greater intensity of storms, wildfires, and floods. Although Climate change is not the direct cause of hurricanes, the destruction caused by hurricane harvey was intensified by high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which...

A Report on Siemens Wind Energy Strategy Formulation

3 Pages 1166 Words
Siemens Gamesa came into existence through a merger between German multinational Siemens and the Spanish wind energy company Gamesa on the 17th of July, 2016. This Strategic Partnership Agreement that benefitted both companies created a leading wind player. The market strong hold that these two companies possess are geographically diverse hence by merging created a well-balanced footprint around the world....

Solar Energy: Pros And Cons

3 Pages 1458 Words
The advantages and disadvantages of solar energy are numerous, and whilst this is probably amongst the most desirable of energy options in the world due to it being so green and economic in the long term. There are still many elements one needs to weigh up before making use of it The aim of this post is to make you...

Essay on Future Without Fossil Fuels

3 Pages 1575 Words
Fossil fuels have served as the primary source of energy for the past century, helping man to achieve a previously unprecedented level of development. This source of energy has been harnessed to power industries and fuel transportation means therefore helping in the growth of the modern civilization. However, the ability of fossil fuels to continue playing a central role in...

Barriers Preventing Solar and Wind Energy to Scaling Up in India

5 Pages 2329 Words
Solar energy is the energy which comes directly from the sun in the form of light and heat that is converted in the useful form with the help of a variety of technologies, such as solar heating, photovoltaic, molten salt power plants, solar thermal energy, etc. The wind is the form of solar energy. Power generators are used to convert...

Wind Energy as an Alternative Source

4 Pages 1925 Words
This universe is composed of Matter and Energy. The genius of the last century, rather than the civilization Albert Einstein showed that the two – matter and energy are two faces of the same coin or two manifestations of the same. Also, that the two can be and are keep interchanging into each – other. However, not wandering into the...

Fossil Fuels and the United States

1 Page 583 Words
There are several environmental effects associated with non-renewable mineral resources, and all of them are of a harmful nature. These are water, air, and soil pollution, radioactive and solid wastes (Miller and Spoolman 309). Moreover, the use of non-renewable minerals generates noise and heat (Miller and Spoolman 309). All this leads to safety and health hazards for people. These issues...

Does Wind Energy can Help Australia and Global Warming? Essay

2 Pages 779 Words
Wind energy is the use of wind to make power through wind turbine and forms electricity. Wind energy is renewable and sustainable energy which is good for the environment. It also has the least impact on the environment and the cheapest source compare to other renewable energy. Wind turbine captures wind energy within the area swept by its blade. Then,...

Importance of Environmental Sustainability Essay

1 Page 556 Words
Sustainability is the avoidance of natural resource depletion to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance. It factors how people can protect the natural world surrounding them from destruction and damages. Over the years, civilization has been detrimental to the environment. This is because it utilizes plenty of resources, which are not renewable and viable. Developments at the present should focus on...

Knowledge Organisation Sustainability

4 Pages 1714 Words
This essay intends to highlight sustainability challenges of the 21st century and contrasting participation of technology and the sustainability of this practice as part of the education in Australia, considering the application of these for the next generation of educational community needs. Australia will require approximately 400 to 750 new schools to accommodate 650,000 extra learners over the next century,...

Wind Turbine and Photovoltaic as Sources of Energy

1 Page 546 Words
Recent developments in the renewable energy sector suggest that the wind turbine and photo voltaic as Distributed Generation systems in the distribution network is gaining popularity as a new source of energy. Thus, this interconnected system consistently imposes new challenges in the power system stability. This study investigates the affect of distributed generators on distribution network during fault condition and...

Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Alternative Energy

1 Page 551 Words
Every organism requires energy to function (Concepts of Biology, n.d.). The technological inventions made throughout history require energy as well. In the era of advances and improvements, the life of every individual becomes more comfortable; however, the environment suffers. Nowadays, the vast majority of people have a car, and the level of air pollution is impressively high. The primary purpose...

Report on Energy Sustainability

1 Page 445 Words
Determining a good balance between a rising economy, the need for environmental protection and social responsibilities in order to provide a good life for the current and future generation is what is energy sustainability. In other words, it is meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the future needs. In this day and age where the energy demands...

Wind Farms - a New Type of Electricity Generation to Industrial Sectors

6 Pages 2915 Words
The need for energy from sources with less environmental effect has brought scientist’s attention and greater investment interest in the wind farms sector; which is a solution for the generation of electricity based on the power of the wind but this sector considers to be new and bring occupational risks. This paper will present a brief historical review of the...

Application and Advantages of Wind Energy in South Africa

5 Pages 2423 Words
Coal has been a source of energy for various countries within and around the world for many decades. This rock is formally identified as a dark, hardened sedimentary rock of which is formed by decayed plant substances which are then further burnt and used as a fuel hence providing energy for various tasks. The formation of the rock may take...

Fossil Fuels Formation and Processing

1 Page 394 Words
Fossil fuel derivatives are produced using plant and animal deposits. These sources are found in the earth’s deep layer and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be singed for energy (Strand, 2007). Coal is a solid raw material that is formed for an extended period by the rot of land vegetation. When layers are compacted and warmed over the long...

Fossil-Fuel Gasoline Should be Banned in Cambodia

3 Pages 1156 Words
In the last several centuries the world has been significantly changing due to the technologies and energies, opening an era’s face with high living standard. Of course, energies play a huge role in varying the world, likewise fossil-fuel gasoline, it has been utilized for thousands of years in daily life and industries. However, this kind of power has great concerns...

Wind Works Ltd.: Wind Energy Development Methodology

5 Pages 2356 Words
Wind Works Ltd, as the company, which provides the alternative energy sources, and makes them available for the wide range of the population needs to resort to a particular assessment strategies. The fact is that, environmental costs, which are required to be calculated for the entire implementation of the wind mill farm. Originally, the main aim of the paper is...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy Essay

2 Pages 1080 Words
A source of energy can be described as a system from which electricity can be extracted or generated. There are a number of sources of energy, each with its characteristic advantages and disadvantages. Among the many energy sources is power generated from turbines tuned by wind. Wind energy is classified as a renewable source of energy since it can be...

Critical Appraisal of Sustainability in the Construction Supply Chain

3 Pages 1241 Words
The meaning of sustainability differs drastically depending on which perspective you look at it from. It could mean lower carbon emissions, green and eco-friendly or it could mean a self-sufficient system, or even could be about creating a healthy environment that is based on ecological principles. Putting sustainability within the context of a Supply Chain Management (SCM) process, more accurately...

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