Essay: High School Is a Waste of Time

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The K-12 program Is new the basic education after they finish six years in primary school, four years in junior high school then another two years for senior high school in preparation for tertiary education in which they are free to choose a strand that is suitable for the course that they would take after they graduated on the senior high school they will now be ready for tertiary education, K-12 program was implemented way back in 2011 where the new curriculum is being proposal and the education system is being questioned, later years the program was been signed as a law by the former president Benigno Aquino III and now it's called as the republic act 10533 “An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds and other purposes”, which was approved on May 15, 2013.

For the past seven years the students under K-12 have been confused and retaliations by the implementations, The schools are trying to cope with the problem by hiring faculty staff and building or improvising new classrooms for the students that will take another 2 years in secondary education or the senior high school, some schools implemented the K-12 a bit late but still try to manage and catch up to the other schools.

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The students who were under the K-12 were thrown into confusion and some made retaliation for they were all trying to fit in and know about the K-12 program, however, K-12 already has many negative accusations and many do not approve of the implementation of the program, but still it was still implemented.

K-12 was been implemented because our education system was not following the global standards and it was recommended for us so we can go side by side with other countries that already using this education system and enhance the student's skills and competent in labor which will help them to be more recognized as a professional in abroad.

This year K-12 is now trending due to current president Duterte's statement of removing the program and bringing back the old curriculum, This starts a controversy that K-12 can’t be easily removed, and how about the students who continue the K-12 and now a college student?

The first republic Arose and education was later set aside following the defeat of the Spaniards in Spanish–American War led to the short span of the Philippines’ Independence, which established the insurgents of the First Philippine Republic., The schools left by the Spaniards were closed briefly, it was reopened on August 29, 1898, The Burgos Institute, the Academia Militar, and the Literary University of the Philippines were later established, under article 23 of the Malolos Constitution ordered that public education would offer free education and obligatory in all public schools of the nation under the First Republic of Philippine, however, the Philippine–American war hindered the progress.

During the American period, our education started to improve more, about a year after the Americans managed to secure Manila, they were keen enough to open seven schools alongside army servicemen teaching with army command-selected books and supplies.

In the same year more schools were built and opened this time with 24 English-language teachers and 4500 students, the basic education system consisted of 6 years of elementary and 4 years of secondary schooling, until recently prepared students for tertiary level instruction for them to earn a degree that would secure them a job later on in life.

Experimental public school education system, later built in 1901, under Act No. 74, this law exposed the shortage of qualified proctors, brought by a large amount of enrollment in schools.

As a result, the Philippine Commission authorized the Secretary of Public Instruction to bring more than 1,000 teachers from the U.S., they are called the “Thomasite”, to the Philippines between 1901 and 1902. These teachers were scattered throughout the islands to establish barangay schools.

Americans provided a lot of teaching facilities and we continued to improve our education, After that, we entered the third to the fifth republic, and education here was a bit hanged and had few changes but most of what happened was just changing its name and what its department is all about

The education system stayed that way till the 21st century started, we now starting to approach the K-12 program which people are against to it, most reasons are due to lack of money for their sons and daughters to continue, schools have a problem with K-12 as well for the classrooms they have are not enough for extra 2 years of senior high school.

People then started making a few protests and some senators disagreed with it due to its very long period of education, which most of them aren’t wrong K-12 program is a very long period of time Other than that, parents of the students that are affected by the K-12 are having a hard time making their children to continue their studies for they need to provide the things they need in the school.

Sooner former President Benigno Aquino III passed the approval of the K12 program in many retaliated to the decision due to many of the people disagreeing with it, Many hated the president for this, but they were left with no choice but to follow this new education system and new curriculum.

Education is now being questioned even more, Common things the students think about are “it worth my time and money to continue studying”, and “Should I continue till college”, this are the common things that the students question about the worth of the education.

This causes some of the students to finish only junior high or senior high because they think it’s a waste of time and money for them to continue studying, contributing factors might be that they don’t have any confidence that they will finish the course they want in college, this is a very saddening thing that happens to our fellow Filipino students, because they actually gave up on the things they wish to accomplish some might be because their parents don’t them to continue but still poor young people like us are being push to the edge and having second thoughts.

It’s really hard to be a student nowadays although some universities offer free education like our school not all are fortunate enough to be chosen as a student of this kind of university, Other than that it is hard to find universities and colleges that have quality education.

After 7 years of the K-12 program being implemented in our education system, the current President Duterte is now planning to remove the K-12 education program, and many of the students requested the president to remove it.

It’s now a controversy that Duterte is trying to remove the K12 program but the Deped insisted that the president can’t just simply remove the K12 program, the law act 10533 prevents the president from removing the program for law specify that “An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds and other purposes” in which removing the k12 will be a violating the law.

The progress in it is still ongoing but as many of us know how our president acts and how he does things his way, we just hope he will not continue this for it will be unfair to us people who suffer in the K12 curriculum.

In conclusion, the removal of K-12 has been set in motion, although the news and DepEd’s claim are implying that the Duterte administration won’t be able to remove it, there is still the lingering possibility that it will happen and knowing our current president’s behavior, he will sooner or later try to do something on it especially if he knows that it’s one of the problems of our country.

K12 isn’t that bad of a program however this made the students have second thoughts about taking a degree in college and made the parents of the students get more agitated about the new curriculum that isn’t very familiar to them, At this point, they are grasping straws either to let their children continue college.

Education has been a hard thing to bargain on us all in this country, either the money is worth it but the quality isn’t that much or the cost of it is very expensive but that is also the quality of it, Other than that some schools are very tight-fisted on their education, demanding a high standard of students and school activities, this are making the students be more obsolete and lost interest on the course they will take.

Student like me nowadays looks like dried fish due to us being constantly thrown too many school activities well some schools but others keep making a lot of unnecessary school activities events that isn’t even that meaning full or made up events that aren’t supposed to be required are now being added for the sake of “enhance socialization”.

The capabilities of a student also are being tested by time, for the knowledge they learned back then is just now in their own phones, My point here is as we progress to a better future, the capabilities that people expect isn’t only simple anymore, the student must be able to speak in the different language being focus here are our own and the English language, it’s understandable that it’s for us to use in other country but sometimes the proctors are very perfectionist and grammar must be in proper order, almost like there isn’t a mistake to found.

Other than that we are now progressing to a better country but still not all have access to a brighter or better education due to the underwhelming rate of poverty, most of our citizens are either in the farmlands or people who aren’t able to have a better life due to being in the squatter’s area.

Also, people who are experiencing a better education aren’t getting a better education either, some graduate but still don’t know much English or how to properly spell an English word making their studies biased, some come to the college level and aren’t even able to properly read even Tagalog.

Many students are very well gifted in studying but many hindrances keep on showing, lack of money, loss of self-confidence and their racing thoughts of whether to finish everything but is it worth it or not, we students can do and go along with all of this new curriculum and education system if only time won’t catch us because studying some course now takes so many years and its very time-consuming.

I mean by time-consuming is that there are already extra years back kindergarten and senior high, then some students who are still determined will take courses that are as long as 10 or 6 years, and the problem here is that the student might repeat some of its subjects that will cause them to take a year again to just finish that class and the possible thing that might happen is they will be irregular students.

This is the things the possibilities that could happen to a student who is either being dragged by the new curriculum or was caught by the K12 implementation, either way, it's very stressful for us to just think about it but if we manage perhaps it’s all worth it in the end, I won’t say that it is going to be a guaranteed success in life but we can make an easy income out of our course we choose.

Our government will still try to implement new things and ways to make our education more reliable and not a waste of good students that has better future, although more updated learning materials and schools being open for every student who is willing to learn and has the capabilities to be able to finish his or her course.

Hope that we progress more in our country because we are very behind others, still a good thing that we aren’t that advanced yet but still the ignorance of our fellow country people sometimes is very… interesting.

I believe we should focus more on other aspects of the problem in the education system we have in our country, Our education is now stable even thou many are still retaliating that our education is getting too absurd, still it’s the principle of what people can do in their life, perhaps they should try updating the learning materials that schools are distributing, our learning materials now are somewhat outdated but technology is doing a great job keeping our students well learned with the new information’s that we have and our teachers now are implementing many technological materials and aids like power point presentations, youtube videos, and some schools are using computers for examinations and quizzes.

Another thing that they should improve is the actual needs of a school facility, a school facility is a must need if you are going to teach eager young people, there should be more facility that corresponds to subjects that have needed to it, for example, the science subject in elementary schools, there should be a laboratory for them to conduct experiments, or an AVR for any meetings or if teachers want to let their students watch a video for educational purpose.

We may also include the school activities and lesson plans given as recommendations of the department, both should be balanced and not one of the other will be more of the focus of the teachers or the school, other than that English subject should not be too harsh or be a perfectionist on making their students good at it, instead they should do it like building blocks, brick by brick they teach their students the write ways on English language and literature.

Since we are making the English subject more approachable and fun, might as well bring back the PSEP program or Practical Spoken English Program, it’s a program that helps young people speak English in a variety of memorization, readings, and impromptu speaking, This helps some of the Filipino back in early 2003, other than that in K12 program there is the mother tongue lessons, although it’s for the children to understand the dialects, this language can be learn in homes, they should remove this in K12 Program.

Also, some colleges and universities should offer scholarships, like what Tau has for students who pass the entrance exam, improving on this might attract willing people to continuo to study at college.

K12 has been an eye-catcher for parents and senators for many years, Now that It has stayed for 7 years and it made our education system a reliable thing, instead of removing it why not just improve the different aspects and parts of the program, this might be the key to a better education system rather than debating on either to remove it because we are going to waste time on it and we won’t be able to do more.

We should also encourage our youth to achieve their dreams and take up the course they want to everyone wants a job that can give them an income that will make their life successful and fulfilling, and speaking of jobs we should not just focus on people going abroad, some are just going to stay in our country.

Job fares must be more consistent and companies are ready to hire the graduates of K12 students for this is the main goal of K12, to begin with, a quality student, other than jobs we should also bring more seminars and orientation for students that are confused on what course they want to take so in their near future they will be able to choose what they want to take on college and lessen the possibilities of them repeating the subjects since this is what they want and they are ready for the job they studied for.

In addition, orientations and seminar should also bring more enlightenment on strands that senior high school offers, Take me as an example when I entered senior high, my mother and I was very confused because we didn’t know much about what strand I should take that correspond to veterinary medicine.

Also, the strands should not only focus on a particular course that corresponds to it, if it’s like STEM the stand should focus on all the possible courses that correspond to it not just focus on a course that the school is famous for, they should ask the student personally one by one so that they will know where they will put them in when immersion shows.

All in all, K12 is a fine program all they need to do now is to improve the different sub-branches of it to bring more reliability to it so people will trust the education system that we have right now, that will be all for my term paper I hope that I make a few points they should remove the K12 program because it’s too late now.

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Essay: High School Is a Waste of Time. (2023, December 13). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from
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