Essay on First Day at University

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Your first day at Swinburne Sarawak is going to be quite daunting. Unfamiliar buildings. New faces. New ways of doing things. Some of you may also feel a tinge of sadness, excitement, and maybe a little confusion. However, one way of looking at university would be to see it as an inspirational journey.

University can be inspirational because it is a world away from secondary school and a step towards maturity. You will learn new things about yourself and will start to understand how things work in the real world, even if at times your classes seem pointless. But along the way in this journey, you will learn…

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The reality of university may hit you by the second week: when you have to sit in boring lectures, write countless essays, and get stressed out about group presentations, tests, and exams. But this is a university. And it is not always fun and games.

The amount of work you will have to put into each of your subjects will get absurd at times. Unlike secondary school where you can pull an all-nighter, in university, it is impossible to learn an entire semester's worth of content in one day. So when it comes to studying, your first lesson would be to not procrastinate.

You will probably be driven or driven, to campus. Which means you will encounter the traffic conditions on campus daily. You will hate it and think it's “such a waste of time”. But you will also realize that sooner or later, you’re going to have to get used to doing things the ‘hard way’. Look at it in a positive way: one way to build your resilience.

In university, your freedom is real. Your life no longer revolves around school. Instead, school is part of something big in your life. So where possible, explore what is out there. If you are new in town, explore Kuching city, and experience the culture through its people (your classmates!). Learn more than just through books and in lectures, there is so much more out there!

University can be scary. But know this, almost everyone is in the same boat as you. They are also looking to meet new people and make friends. During orientation week, you will meet many people – some whom you will not see afterward while others can be your best buddies. And throughout the semester you will continue to meet people, whether it be through a class or just sitting in the library and asking if you can borrow a mobile phone charger.

So, you will love and enjoy university. Everyone has the same aim in mind, there is so much to do and the freedom is refreshing. All you need to do it to take chances and break out of your shell because the best outcomes come from taking that first step you were worried about taking.

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Essay on First Day at University. (2024, March 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 19, 2025, from
“Essay on First Day at University.” Edubirdie, 27 Mar. 2024,
Essay on First Day at University. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 19 Jan. 2025].
Essay on First Day at University [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Mar 27 [cited 2025 Jan 19]. Available from:

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