Gender Roles and Class Dynamics of the Second-Wave Roman City - Pompeii

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In the traditional communities, the perceptions of the associated members on certain groups ranged from one region to the other. For instance, women in the ancient community held different positions. On the same note, diverse communities held different perceptions against women based on their traditions and values. While traditions play a crucial role in shaping the life and lifestyle of the community, the benefits help in defining the roles played by each party. This paper explores the role and position of women and gender in general in the community based on the evaluation of the class dynamics of the second wave.

The eruption, which occurred in AD 79, buried the Roman city of the second wave. The eruption helped preserve the history of the city and community of Pompeii. This article will analyze a set of images, namely domestic shrine, scenes in Pompeii tavern, Terentius Neo and his wife and but not limited to the cult of Dionysus. These images play a crucial role in defining the ultimate dynamics and composition of the community as far as the ancient Pompeii and Roman city is concerned.

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For example, the Terentius Neo as well as his wife`s image shows the classification of the ancient community based on the roles played by each gender in the long run. This could represent the image displaying the wife holding a stylus. While the husband is holding a scroll simultaneously. In this image, the ultimate perception which is sent to the general audiences is that the ancient community upheld the elements of education as far as the women and men are concerned. The ability to read and write is reflected on the woman holding a stylus and the man holding a scroll. Furthermore, this image shows that the two came from a wealthy family. Additionally, this image shows that the woman acted as the ultimate partner to the man. For instance, the painting portrays the woman in the foreground as compared to the husband d. this positioning shows that the community upheld the equity of women and their existence in various areas. This image contradicts many of the modern and traditional societies which undermined the women and made men superior.

In the other image from a Pompeii Tavern, the main ideas which are presented revolve around the concepts of the lifestyle of the ancient Romans. The old Roman community contained a lot of bars which gave the members both men and women a chance to enjoy liquor, among other things. The first part of the image provides a prostitute who kisses a man while the second there is a female waiter attending to consumers. The third section shows men who plays with dice. The general outlook of the image shows women as objects as seen in the case of the second image. The same image is sent to the audience revolves around the overall classification of the community. Therefore, the behavior of the community as far as the perceptions of men towards women is reflected in the images where the latter are considered as objects.

From another dimension, the community observed certain religious cults. The household shrine in Pompeii reflects on the religious culture of the community. This image shows that the community observed various forms of religion which offered the ultimate framework for the behavior of the people, both men and women. Consequently, the image in this context shows that the community was driven by certain cults and religious belief, which in the long run governed the behavior of the members.

At last, one of the general conclusions which was found in the community above is that each gender played a given role according to the set traditions. In this context, women in the middle class were respected and probably gained education. On the same note, women from the lower levels used to work in areas such as taverns. Men used to perceive such women as objects as seen in the image of taverns.

The characterization of the ancient Pompeii is preserved in art and graffiti presented above. Some of these images portray the ancient Roman city and community as a group which respected women, especially the wealthy families. This information helps to understand the ancient Roman city and community based on historical information given through the images.


  1. Strayer, Robert W., and Eric W. Nelson. Ways of the World with Sources for AP®. Macmillan Higher Education, 2016.
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Gender Roles and Class Dynamics of the Second-Wave Roman City – Pompeii. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 14, 2025, from
“Gender Roles and Class Dynamics of the Second-Wave Roman City – Pompeii.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
Gender Roles and Class Dynamics of the Second-Wave Roman City – Pompeii. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 14 Jan. 2025].
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