Hard Work essays

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1 Page 486 Words
Hard work definitely calls out for efficiency, but not effective in accomplishing a task, what I believe lies under Smart work. The logic behind is overcoming the obstacles, managing the efforts and time, and sorting the tasks into small groups to ease up calls for smart work. Only few people can draw the line between smart and hard work, and...
2 Pages 754 Words
In today’s fast moving generation, output is of importance. Each human development has been made to improve our ability to deliver results in the most productive manner conceivable. We try to produce maximal output with minimal input. The saying ‘hard work gets ahead’, has become a cliché, but it is true to some extent. However, simply working hard does not...
1 Page 397 Words
Talent is an inborn pleasant that that offers us a clever way to gain success. Talent is useless till we work difficult for it. One has to never sit down on a sofa and assume a correct result. Just due to the fact one has intelligence it would not mean that it can reap success immediately. Hard work can defeat...
3 Pages 1153 Words
Ever since I can remember, I have been intrigued by how things in the world go round. I like getting my hands dirty and trying to invent my own unique creations like, my own homemade restaurant with bad sketches of multiple blueprints of how I wanted it to look like. Blueprints just sucks me in and I can spend hours...
1 Page 533 Words
Over the pass of time, many people were whining about their work and benefit. They said they could work 8 hours long but they could never really succeed remaining stuck in the same position during years or maybe during a lifetime. Well, I will argue that the key to success does not only depends on hard work but on luck,...
1 Page 606 Words
The compelling force behind my Air Force journey is just one out of the many narratives that discusses one’s humble beginnings, assignment and positions held, brief discussion of notable accomplishments, and values learned. My path to serving the Air Force began as a child who dreamt of becoming a military pilot. Growing up, my parents have always emphasized the importance...
1 Page 635 Words
I agree with anything may be achieved via hard work and determination. I have located this to be factual not simplest via what happens round me but via myself. I stumbled upon this belief thru the trial and tribulations I faced in the course of my childhood. As a infant I changed into no longer raised in a tough area,...
5 Pages 1501 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Intro Hard work is the cornerstone of success and progress. It has been a defining aspect of human achievement throughout history, underscoring the belief that effort and perseverance can overcome even the most daunting challenges. This essay delves into the multifaceted concept of hard work, exploring its significance, impact, and the values it instills in individuals and societies. At its...
2 Pages 724 Words
To begin with, throughout my whole life, nothing stands out more than self realization, and an accomplishment. Let me paint you a picture, image me as a 14-year-old class clown. My grades were terrible, I didn’t care for school. I would guess on every test and fail without a care. Instead, of paying attention in class, I would crack jokes...
1 Page 670 Words
America was built by several different people coming together for a common goal. The common goal between them was to be free. The United States is viewed as the melting pot. This means we have a variety of different people, races, beliefs, and languages here. With many different types of people perhaps we have more in common to bring us...
2 Pages 991 Words
Thank you to high school, for teaching me to be reluctant to failure. One of my toughest memories I have to look back on everyday is my failure to push myself throughout high school because of fear and doubt. Devastation is a strong word, but I feel that way knowing I didn’t try harder, knowing that I can achieve what...
1 Page 590 Words
Introduction When simply defined, intelligence refers to the ability of a human being to apply knowledge to the everyday workings of life. Whereas hard work refers to, in simple terms, a great deal of endurance or effort. However, hard work is a term that is truly applicable to everyone, because it is not inborn. Hard work can be developed unlike...
2 Pages 916 Words
My home is a place of many things, but it all begins with hygiene and health. From the foods we eat to the cleaning the house, clean conditions are at the core of everyday life. At dinner times the food is always cooked and in the meal a lot of vegetables and other types of food with similar nutritious content...
7 Pages 3143 Words
Dr. Tetsunojyo Uehara first used the term of ‘過労死 (karoshi)’, and it is defined as 'death from overwork and stress'. Since the latter half of the 1980s, karojisatsu has also become a social issue in Japan. The occurrence of overwork death is closely related to a country's unique economic and social conditions, and even the value orientation of the entire...
2 Pages 824 Words
Constituted as an ideal, favorable way of living, the American Dream is achieved through hard work and dedication. Yet, some take diligence and dedication to hard work to an extreme causing them an unhealthy relationship between themselves and their occupation. As Clausen claims, dedication to one’s work proves disadvantageous and creates conflict with other aspects of life, causing one to...
2 Pages 1024 Words
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development’s (OECD) report on the average annual hours actually worked per worker (OECD. Stat, 2019), Korea ranked second from the top with an average of 2,108 hours a year since 2008. This means Korean work 1.3 times more than the OECD average working hours (1,770), and 1.5 times the Germany’s working hours...
2 Pages 866 Words
If a man shrinks then the nation will be known for its weakness, but if he strives then the nation will be known for its glory. Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States and in 1899, he gave his famous speech ‘The Strenuous Life’. This speech was a collection of Roosevelt’s works and experiences. It talks about...
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