How Drugs Can Affect and Ruin Your Life: Informative Essay

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In this world, there are many problems. Drugs are one of them. Drug abuse, the horrible process of gutting your soul, is something that can affect anyone, from any country. Here’s why. When someone consumes a substance that can be addictive, it automatically goes to the brain. The brain is like a supercomputer, but instead of electricity, it uses billions of neurons. Each brain lobe has many neurons that all have a role and communicate through neurotransmitters. There are things at the end of neurons that attach to other neuron receptors, like the input and output of an electric socket, to talk to each other. Since there is such a density of neurons, if one is destroyed, in a matter of seconds everything can begin to shut down. After a certain dosage or an unfamiliar drug, the brain causes the neurons and neurotransmitters to work in an unorthodox way. After, the messages from the brain can be abnormal and make one go crazy. That’s why it’s against the law to be under the influence of certain substances such as crystal meth, heroin, etc. Depending on the substance, the brain can be affected in different ways but the most commonly affected places are the basal ganglia, the extended amygdala, and the prefrontal cortex.

First, the basal ganglia play the role of maintaining positivity from motivation or eating and other methods of pleasure. It also controls one's everyday routines. This area of the brain is considered to be the reward circuit of the brain. Drugs overwork this circuit to the point where the circuit gets used to the drug and depends on it. It gets to the point that one can only sense pleasure from the drug. The second is the extended amygdala. The extended amygdala takes part in the anxiety and stressed feelings in humans. These feelings are greatly exerted once the drug has left the body. This causes an enormous mood change. This is where the drug dependence stage shines under the spotlight. The body now needs drugs, not for the high, but for the small relief to get out of the stressful state. Finally, we have the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is probably one of the more important parts of the brain as it allows humans to think, solve, plan, make decisions, have volition, and good judgment. However, a downside to this cortex is that it’s the last portion of the brain to mature. This is where it becomes tricky to handle drugs. The cause of that is that a lot of drug abusers are teens since they are in the process of maturing. If one starts drugs in their teen years, their brain’s wiring will be different in their twenties compared to if they never did drugs. To understand why it is especially important to prevent the youth from doing or even trying drugs, addiction must be looked at. When abusing drugs, neurons and the substance in the drugs jump around between the three mentioned sections. It becomes obligatory for that person to take drugs because everything’s been jumbled up to the drug’s preferences. Plus, some drugs, such as opioids, can even attack other organs.

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Drugs ruin lives, deteriorate true personalities, destroy social interactions, they make drug abusers feel shame about what they have done. Think of drug addiction like a container. Right now that container is filled with happiness and joy. Under drug abuse, the container develops a hole, and that is where the user’s soul is gutted, depression from drugs seeps in, and joy leaks out. Suddenly, after hitting rock bottom, that container is empty and more drugs are needed to maintain fake happiness. That’s how drugs ruin lives. The high from drugs comes from something called dopamine in the brain. Dopamine provides pleasure as it is a neurotransmitter released from the reward circuit. Fundamentally, when drugs are consumed, the reward circuit is activated and releases dopamine, creating a surge of happy feelings. The next day, once the drugs are out of the system, there is sadness and more drugs are needed to get that same level of happiness as before.

Drug addiction is a horrible thing that can destroy families. It also affects Canada, for example, in 2017, there was an opioid crisis where 11 people died every day from overdosing. This drastically impacted the economy of a community, as it prevented economic development in new areas. Fewer people meant less money the city received, so it affected everyone. It also upset the world, for example when the music artist Juice WRLD overdosed, not only did it devastate his family, it devastated the millions of fans worldwide who listened to him. Drug addiction has a snowball effect we need to stop before it’s too late.

There is still light as there are many ways to solve this. Firstly, it depends on the extremity of the addiction. There can be abuse, dependence, and addiction. Firstly, how to put a halt to abuse. Well, abuse is where the abuser doesn’t require the substance, however, they have been using it in inordinate amounts. In order to stop more abuse, one must cut off the ties to how they received the drugs, for example, if one gets their drugs every day at 3 o’clock and parents know, a parent can cut off the tie by making the child busy. Next, dependence is where it can get pretty serious, in this gloomy state one needs the drug to function. Some symptoms are that when trying to stop using the drug it puts physical strain on the body, develops a high tolerance, and more. Abuse can lead to addiction if one’s family had a drug problem, etc. In order to stop this, one must slowly narrow the amount of drugs they use. However, it may be tough for one to do this on their own, so they might have to contact a professional. Finally, addiction. Addiction is where one needs it. They will do anything for it, even kill others. Now this is where crimes can be committed. Some symptoms of addiction are vomiting, long-term mental problems, and in some cases overdosing. Ultimately, all these will create a worse life. Now, how to prevent this dreadful state? In the majority of cases, one will have to go through rehab.

In conclusion, drugs are one of the biggest global issues as they harm anyone, either by killing them or destroying their soul. One by one, drugs pick off humans from their lives and are a force that can’t be stopped. That’s why one drug can ruin your life and why drug abuse is one of the most harmful global issues.

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How Drugs Can Affect and Ruin Your Life: Informative Essay. (2023, December 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 21, 2025, from
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