Human Generations essays

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The Reasons For Teen Suicide

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in young people ages 15 to 24 (Stanford Children’s hospital). Suicide rates are increasing and talking about suicide is no where to be seen in society. Suicide is the act of killing oneself. There is a need for talks for mental health more now than ever in this world especially to the youth, some schools have speakers come and talk to teens about suicide but its been shown to have little help,...
4 Pages 1675 Words

The History Of Human Evolution

An aspect of biology that interests me is the evolution of humans over many hundreds of years. Human evolution began six million years ago in Africa. This has been proven countless times by evidence such as fossils of human remains which can be dated back to many million years ago. Our first ever relative was a fish that existed 400-350 MYA. It was called the Notharctus Tenebrosus and its first fossil was discovered in 187in 1870. It is linked with...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Human Nature Of Teens

As a teen in high school, I can clearly explain the differences between teens during school and outside of school. I can clearly explain the differences of teens actions around different friend groups or even different classes. I feel like a lot of it has to deal with the amount of comfortability they are feeling. Mostly all teens can admit that we all act differently in different kinds of situations but where I mainly see it is at school. Human...
1 Page 528 Words

Teen Suicide Prevention Ways

The Underlying Causes of Teen Suicide People everywhere are undereducated about teen suicide, more people should be up to date on the suicide subject. Suicide is not a soft topic and a lot of people do not understand why teens and many other older people commit suicide. Suicide takes away the lives of many young teens. The problem about teen suicide is that no one knows whats happening in a persons personal life, theyre are some people that have a...
4 Pages 1903 Words

The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton Resonates With Teenagers Today

The Outsiders is a bildungsroman novel, written by S.E. Hinton when she was a teenager. Although it was written in the ’70s, the themes of loyalty, isolation, and identity explored throughout the novel are still pertinent to teenagers today. In The Outsiders, loyalty is a recurrent theme and a point of pride, honor, and principle for the greasers. Hinton displays just how important it is for adolescents to be a part of a group and feel included. The greasers understand...
1 Page 653 Words

Reasons Why You Can Not Always Prevent Cyber Bullying

Teens are being bullied every day not just in school but online. Bullies like cyberbullies often try to pick on people who seem weak or remind them of something they can never have. They sometimes pick on them to look cool in front of their friends or because they see others like family members doing it so they think it's the right thing to do. In a study, it was proven that “... hypothesis for explaining bullying behavior is that...
3 Pages 1216 Words
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