Moving to America essays

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2 Pages 1069 Words
“Do you remember me, Cheena?” Growing up, I would hear this phrase constantly. Family is the most important thing to Filipinos, thus I had many, many relatives. Most of which, I did not remember their names. My nickname, Cheena, was born because I looked very Chinese when I was a baby. This may be because I have a little bit...
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5 Pages 2182 Words
Introduction The overall world population in present time is 7.7 billion. This population is not uniformly distributed over the geographical area of the world. For instance, China and India cover 8.1% land area from the whole world, whereas it has 2.7 billion population which is 35% of total population. So, people migrate from these countries to different countries in search...
Moving to America
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3 Pages 1188 Words
Giridhar Dayaneni had to make a choice. He had to immigrate to America for a job or he could have stayed back in India and continued his life there. But he decided to leave his family and friends so that he could begin a new life in the United States. Migrating to a new country can be a difficult process,...
Moving to America
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2 Pages 855 Words
Over the years, it has become a common misconception in the United States that there is an over-population of illegal immigrants, and it is an issue that must be addressed. Many believe it is not in the country’s best interest to create a process that is simpler for people coming into the United States. Immigrants are drawn to America to...
Moving to America
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4 Pages 2042 Words
“Religion is like a pair of shoes… Find one that fits you, but don't make me wear your shoes.” (George Carlin, Good Reads). America is known for the First Amendment, which guarantees everyone their freedom of religion. Since the ratification of the Constitution, immigrants have flocked to the United States to escape discrimination from their home country, and to practice...
Moving to America
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3 Pages 1443 Words
According to the ACLU report on immigration detention centers, 'despite the explosive growth in immigration detention centers in recent years, there are no regulations or enforceable standards regarding detention conditions'(IMMIGRATION DETENTION CONDITIONS). Poor centers led to many cases of poor treatment of immigrants in detention centers all over the U.S. The poor treatment reported ranges from lack of showers, sleeping...
Critical ThinkingImmigrantsMoving to America
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2 Pages 999 Words
The United States has widely been regarded as a land of opportunity. It becomes the desired destination for many people to pursue their “American dreams.” There are continuously massive waves of immigration from most parts of the world to America. Since the1600s to the 21st century, the United States, which has absorbed a vast number of immigrants, has been well-known...
ImmigrationMoving to America
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2 Pages 968 Words
Many undocumented children feel caught between the generation, belonging to neither the immigrant nor the citizen. They have to deal with the fact that they are not given access to legal services. Undocumented students usually have no role in the decision to come to this country; they are usually brought to this country by their parents or relatives. Many Americans...
DACAImmigrantsMoving to America
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1 Page 573 Words
From the beginning of America’s, freedom of expressing one’s lifestyle choices without prosecution has been the driving factor for colonization. These lifestyle choices include one’s expression and appreciation of their own culture. However, assimilation challenges these freedoms, preservation of family history, and goes againsts the very principles of what America is today. We can look back at history as see...
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2 Pages 743 Words
DACA is a federal government program that was created by Barack Obama in 2012. It stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which gives temporary protection to undocumented immigrants who were brought here illegally as children. Last year, The Trump administration announced that they planned on getting rid of the program. Since them, DACA has become a controversial topic, because...
DACAImmigrantsMoving to America
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3 Pages 1458 Words
When asked what I considered the most critical political issue in America, immediately I thought: immigration, specifically illegal immigration. It’s been a hot topic for a while, but more so recently because President Trump has been pushing for immigration reform, deportation, and the building of a wall that will divide the border between the United States and Mexico. Our Commander...
Illegal ImmigrationMoving to America
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3 Pages 1207 Words
Immigration to the United States dates all the way back to the 1500s with the British Colonists, leading to the South American and Mexican waves of immigration that make up most immigration patterns today. Immigration has changed throughout the history of the country most of the same problems occur. Being an immigrant in the United States has many problems. This...
ImmigrationMoving to America
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3 Pages 1371 Words
Immigration has been a highly debated topic throughout past centuries. Many, especially those with a political background, debate on whether or not immigration should be allowed in the United States. It is undecided whether or not illegal immigrants should be taken back to their homelands, or be allowed to remain in the country. Many policies and departments exist regarding immigration,...
DACAImmigrantsMoving to America
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3 Pages 1497 Words
Immigration is one of the biggest issues the United States suffers the most with. Some people may not care much about these issues, only because they are affected by it very minimally, or even not at all. Most Americans believe that immigration does not apply to them at all, but the truth is, it has everything to do with them....
ImmigrationMoving to America
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4 Pages 1923 Words
The social condition that I chose to write my paper on is immigration, specifically Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA. DACA was created under President Obama, however the Trump administration has worked to modify it. Under the new administration new policies for DACA have been created. The current policy under the Trump Administration is that no new DACA applicants...
DACAImmigrantsMoving to America
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3 Pages 1554 Words
In Sinclair's book, The Jungle, we are given the sights and experiences that are faced by Jurgis and his family when they migrate to America. They move out from their homeland in Lithuania to pursue the America Dream for a better life after hearing how a man made a good fortune in America. With the struggles that the family face...
ImmigrantsMoving to AmericaThe Jungle
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2 Pages 972 Words
Introduction Social inequality is a multifaceted issue that encompasses various dimensions, including economic disparity, racial discrimination, and access to resources. Among these dimensions, the challenges faced by illegal immigrants on American soil present a poignant illustration of social inequality. The topic of illegal immigration is often fraught with controversy, as it intersects with national security, economic interests, and humanitarian concerns....
Illegal ImmigrationMoving to America
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4 Pages 1771 Words
I recall boarding an airplane when I was only four years of age in the year nineteen eighty-nine. I had little knowledge as to what was going on. As well as little to no knowledge of any other country other than Cuba. And now I was on my way to the United States through a 45-minute flight. My mother was...
DACAImmigrantsMoving to America
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3 Pages 1381 Words
Abstract The research paper examines USA’s immigration reform before and during Donald Trump and makes emphasis on comparison between different approaches by four presidents: Ronald Reagan, George W Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. The contrast demonstrates clear distinction between liberal and conservative policies implemented by the presidents towards immigration. The paper also provides statistical data for determining the flow...
DACAImmigrantsMoving to America
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5 Pages 2390 Words
Can you think of a time where you worked hard for something and then suddenly it was ripped away from you. This is what DACA recipients worry about and constantly have on the back of their minds. Just a background, DACA stands for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals and it is for individuals who came to America at a young...
DACAImmigrantsMoving to America
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2 Pages 745 Words
It has been stated that 24 immigrants have died in ICE custody in Trump’s administration, 6 of them being children. This doesn’t include migrants and previous years. The issue concerning asylum seekers has been around for years, yet there seems to be little progress regarding the issue. According to the United Nations, every two seconds a person is forced to...
Moving to AmericaPerspectiveRefugee
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1 Page 630 Words
Transitions are never an easy thing to defeat. It is sometimes stressful and difficult to adapt to a new environment. I originally came from Lagos, Nigeria in Africa to start a new life and get a meliorate education. My journey all began on August 1st when I stepped into the land of freedom, also known as the United States. I...
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2 Pages 1091 Words
For many Indians, internationalism and multiculturalism are not in the air without roots or anchorage. It can well be traced from their own multicultural composite tradition. It is that tradition of multiethnic understanding that the community and group leaders may seek to bring forth, not just as skilled immigrant professionals or entrepreneurs, but as an integral cultural vanguard of the...
ImmigrantsMoving to America
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2 Pages 773 Words
In the last two decades, there has been a significant change in our population. The number of Latinos living and working in the USA has usurped the number of African Americans in the country (Sequeira, Nunn & Qian, 2017). Immigration has become an extremely normal phenomenon. Wealthy people worldwide are looking for better investment opportunities, while poor people are looking...
Human MigrationImmigrantsMoving to America
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2 Pages 976 Words
Imagine having to leave one country for another with different people but more opportunity. What would that be like for a person? This is what crossed early immigrants’ minds on their journey to America, along with what they were aspiring to do within our country. That could’ve included better employment options, escaping economic and political unrest, buying more land, and...
20th CenturyAmerican HistoryMoving to America
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1 Page 634 Words
The summer before I entered the fifth grade, when I was around ten years old, my family packed up everything and moved across the country from Washington to Maryland. I grew up in a small town with my best friends simply down the street, and my extended family only a few towns over. My life was normal, I hadn’t gone...
Human MigrationImmigrantsMoving to America
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3 Pages 1381 Words
The nursing shortage simply refers to the widespread lack of registered nurses in healthcare settings. This has been an ongoing global issue that negatively impacts the quality of healthcare patient populations receive. As a result of the nursing shortage, nurse migration has become prevalent in that it serves as somewhat of a relief to this public health crisis. Developed countries,...
Healthcare CrisisMoving to AmericaNurse
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2 Pages 854 Words
An immigrant is a person who moves from his/her native country to another country looking for a better life. There are many different reasons why people leave their country to migrate to another country, such as to find jobs, seek protection, and get a better education. Being an immigrant in the United States is very hard because the way of...
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1 Page 608 Words
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has received a proliferated wave of attention in the recent past as an issue of controversial contention in the corridors of legislation and justice. The controversies surrounding this American immigration policy is as a result of the introduction of an American legislative proposal christened the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act...
DACAImmigrantsMoving to America
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