Process Analysis Essay on Depression

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One in four women will suffer from depression at some point in their life. “Depression is the leading cause of disease-related disability among women in the world today.” (Kessler, 2003) 'In the United States, there are about 15 million people suffering.'(2009, February). Young teenage females are more likely to become depressed than young teenage males. In early childhood, males are at the same risk as girls but are unlikely to suffer from depression in early childhood. Depression is very common in women after pregnancy or young women who develop their menstrual cycle. From the writer's experience, when she felt depressed, she was silent and kept her thoughts and feelings to herself. A lot of people who are depressed feel as if they don't have anyone and that they’re different from everyone else. There are many people who suffer from depression. Everyone is a lot more open about their depression now rather than hiding it. Depression is more common within women, due to their biological makeup and hormonal disposition. This paper will focus on the symptoms, defining depression, and ways of coping with depression.


Depression is a mental illness that affects how the person feels, the way they think, and how they act. 'It affects your emotions, physical feelings, your behavior, and cognitive symptoms.'(1993) Depression isn't just about being sad, it's how one’s mind can play games with the victim. It's just a matter of trying to control it or to seek help. So many people are scared to ask for help because they feel as if they will be judged. When in reality, “16 percent of women in Canada will experience major depression in the course of their lives.'(2009 February)

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Symptoms of Depression

There isn’t any temporary fix for depression it's a mental illness that one will eventually have to learn to cope with. Many symptoms of depression are:

    • Feeling sad, guilty, and lonely all the time
    • Loss of interaction with people and activities
    • Low energy, always wanting to sleep or be in the dark
    • Rapid weight loss or weight gain

Causes of Depression

There is no one cause for depression. Some believe it is connected to diet and sleep patterns whereas others believe it is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. 'Hormonal factors may contribute to the increased rate of depression in women; such as menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, miscarriage, postpartum period, perimenopause and menopause.” (Holmes, 2019)

Men and women often experience depression differently because of their hormones. Men are expected to be tough and women are expected to be more emotional. Men suffering from depression don’t want to show their emotions, they’re angrier and start fights because they are tough to be a man, while women are more open with their emotions like being sad and blame towards themselves.

“Being sad is a normal emotion when people are going through difficult times. Sadness usually goes away, unlike depression it last long. Depression is different because it is a medical condition that causes symptoms that can affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities like sleeping, eating, or working.” (National Institute of Mental Health, n.d.) Not all depression symptoms will be the same for all women. Some symptoms may last longer than others, depression can vary for women depending on their environment, age, class, and cultural backgrounds. The severity can range from high to low.

Depression often occurs in elderly people who suffer from other medical conditions and disabilities. Medical problems including chronic medical conditions, can trigger, or worsen the symptoms of depression in elderly people. Especially those that are painful, or life-threatening can result in symptoms of depression. Elderly people are often lonely and

As a new mother, she is likely to face many challenges after birth. Many women suffer from Postpartum depression which is negative feelings such as depression, irritability, sadness, distance, self-consciousness, and hopelessness. It is long lasting which causes new moms to be unable to focus on the joys of being a new mother. People often lack sleep and don’t have much time to spend alone which causes them to feel overwhelmed. Mothers have to deal with chronic pain after pregnancy and also they feel sad, hopeless, and guilty because they may not feel like they want to bond with, or care for, the baby.

Some women can go through many miscarriages throughout their life and it's very heartbreaking. The biggest thing they need to focus on is their health and how to cope with the loss of their child. Coping with depression after a miscarriage can take a long time to recover emotionally. Both mothers and fathers usually want or need treatment. Some common treatments are antidepressant medications to help balance chemicals in the brain and alleviate depressive symptoms or psychotherapy to help you work through your emotions and cope with your grief in a healthy way.

If you have depression, you can see an improvement in symptoms by making sure that you stick to your treatment plan. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly can also help increase your energy level and ward off symptoms.

It’s critical for couples to help each other cope with depression after a miscarriage. Men and women may express their grief differently, so it’s important to be respectful of each other’s emotions and ways of coping with the loss. Couples should also focus on communicating clearly and sharing their emotions with one another regularly.

Many women are expected to carry the burdens of everyone like their spouses, friends, and children. They are expected to work plus be a mom and keep a house running. Many women don’t feel good enough because it’s hard to make everyone happy. They feel as if it’s only them putting the work in. It’s hard to ask for help when they’re a single mother too.

Women often work outside the home and still handle home responsibilities. Many women deal with the challenges of single parenthood. Such as working multiple jobs to be able to care for their family and bills. Also, women may be caring for sick or older family members which can be very difficult.

Women who were emotionally, physically, or sexually abused as children or adults are more likely to experience depression at some point in their lives than those who weren't abused. Women are more likely than men to experience sexual abuse. Abuse is not an easy thing to deal with because people develop horrible thoughts and reminders of what happened. Some people even suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Do not rely on someone to undertake this process alone. It is not something people can do alone they’ll need help from others. It's too difficult to deal with problems like this without the support of others.

Women with job authority who have the ability to hire and fire people and influence paychecks experience depression. It is the biggest negative impact on women's mental health today. Some women may feel depressed after firing someone because not everyone will take conflict the best. Women are often discriminated against by males in some workforces because they get told they can’t do as much work as men can. Being able to handle pay stubs, making schedules, and more can be very stressful and take a toll on people.

Social media is a huge reason why women are depressed. There’re so many people who are being bullied, harassed, and even stocked. So many women compare themselves to other people and make themselves feel worthless. If today’s society didn’t have social media there would be such a big change in women being depressed and bullied. So many people are taking their lives because people are exposing nudity and posting horrific images and post on social media.

Poor diet and lack of exercise also take a toll on depression. So many people are eating too much junk food and not getting the right amount of nutrients they need. People are supposed to get at least 60 minutes of exercise per day. If people are always laying around eating poorly and not doing anything productive they will start to feel depressed.

Some women experience deep depression when starting new schools. Meeting new people and starting new classes in a school people haven’t been to before is very stressful. Especially people who've been bullied or have had bad experiences. No one likes starting new schools because it is stressful but people tend to get depressed starting out and soon realize it was worth going.

“Experiencing depression can make it hard for women to find the energy to look after themselves. But taking an active role in treatment, and taking steps to help cope with their experiences, can make a big difference in how they feel. Here are some things people can try:

    • look after yourself
    • practice self-care
    • keep active
    • challenge your low mood
    • connect with people

Look after yourself

    • Get good sleep. For lots of people who experience depression, sleeping too little or too much can be a daily problem. Getting good sleep can help to improve their mood and increase energy levels.
    • Eat well. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help people feel well, think clearly, and increase energy levels.
    • Keep active. Many people find exercise a challenge but gentle activities like yoga, swimming or walking can be a big boost to the mood.” (Mind for better mental health (2016 June)

Marriage and Depression

“Many researchers have found evidence that married people are more likely to not be depressed, rather than people who aren’t married.”(pg 220) Those who aren’t married tend to feel more depressed because they’re alone. Women tend to suffer from depression when they are involved in a bad marriage or just aren’t happy with their spouse. It’s very common today for people to go through marriage and end up divorced which can cause women or anyone to be depressed. Women who are in a bad marriage and are being treated poorly often feel depressed also.

“Medications and psychotherapy are effective for most women with depression. Anyone’s doctor or psychiatrist can prescribe medications to relieve symptoms. If people have severe depression, They may need a hospital stay, or also may need to participate in an outpatient treatment program until their symptoms improve.” (Mayo Clinic n.d.) It is always important to find the best medication and support programs that work for women.

Electroconvulsive therapy is also great therapy for women. It’s when electrical currents are passed through the brain to impact the function and effect of neurotransmitters in the brain to relieve depression. It’s usually used for people who don't get better with medications, can't take antidepressants for health reasons, or are at high risk of suicide. Being a woman can have its struggles but it’s whom people surround themselves with. Being with someone who is negative all the time can make you feel low and depressed. It can make a big impact on how you feel and also think. Body image is a huge impact on girls because they make themselves feel ashamed of what they look like. They become so overwhelmed that they almost make the thoughts in their head feel true. They feel as if they’re big or underweight, don't feel pretty, and don't like their height. there are unlimited ways an individual’s self-esteem and the way they perceive their body can be influenced.

This research paper concludes with facts on women with depression and the many ways people have depression. There are many people suffering who don’t know how to find help. Depression has many symptoms and is most common in women more so than men.


    1. Between Mind and Body (1993) Retrieved from
    2. Mayo Clinic (n.d.) Depression Retrieved from
    3. Mind for Better Mental Health (2016 June) Retrieved from
    4. Government of Canada (2009, February) Mental health depression. Retrieved from mental-health-depression.html
    5. Kessler, R. (2003, March 1). Retrieved from
    6. Very Well Mind (2019, January 16). Retrieved from
    7. Whisman, M., Weinstock, L., & Tolejko, N. (2006). Marriage and Depression. In C. Keyes & S. Goodman (Eds.), Women and Depression: A Handbook for the Social, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences (pp. 220). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    8. WebMD (2016, November 16). Retrieved from
    9. National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Depression in Women [Brochure]. Retrieved from
    10. Saxena, S., & Sharan, P. (2006). Services and Treatment for Depression. In C. Keyes & S. Goodman (Eds.), Women and Depression: A Handbook for the Social, Behavioral, and Biomedical Sciences (pp. 417-449). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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