Scientists & Inventors essays

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Contributions And Last Days Of Archimedes

2 Pages 848 Words
Contributions When Archimedes returned home, the king was faced with a problem because he didn’t know how to empty water from the hull of a ship, so he recurred to Archimedes. According to the article Archimedes of Syracuse, “Archimedes' solution was to create a machine consisting of a hollow tube containing a spiral that could be turned by a handle...

Autobiography Of The Great Scientist Galileo Galilei

2 Pages 779 Words
I am Galileo Galilei, and I am an Italian. I am born in the year 1564, 15th of February in Pisa, Duchy of Florence, Italy. My mother is Giulia and my father is Vincenzo Galilei who he is a famous lutenist, composer and a music theorist. I am the first of six children in my family, where only three of...

The Life And Achievements Of The Important Physicist Albert Einstein

6 Pages 2637 Words
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Albert Einstein was an important physicist that is well remembered today. He lived from 1879 to 1955 and a new interest was sparked in him at a young age. Albert hated the parades and the rapid growth of the military in Germany and he wanted to avoid it. Einstein was very religious at one point in his life and he...

The Mystery Of Alan Turing's Death

1 Page 677 Words
Half a century ago, Alan Turing disappeared. A true war hero and mathematical genius, Alan Turing is also considered by many today to be the godfather of computer science and one of the precursors of artificial intelligence as a field of study. He radically, and forever, changed the destiny of Europe. But he also laid the foundations for a technological...

Galileo Galilei: The Most Important Character In The Scientific Revolution

1 Page 412 Words
Conceived in February 15, 1564, Galileo was going to become the most powerful individual in the logical upset. Everyone knows that Galileo Galilei invented the telescope, but no one knows the paths and challenges he had to overcome. Vincenzo Galilei, Galileo’s father, wanted Galileo to become a doctor. Galileo was enrolled in the University of Pisa to study medicine in...

The Most Important Discoveries Of Isaac Newton

2 Pages 926 Words
Sir Isaac Newton developed calculus, gravitational theory, and the three laws of motion. It is through these subjects that got him to be one of the most well known scientific and historical figures of all time. His discoveries and advancements in technology laid fundamental principles for future scientists to base their studies off of, which directly affects our society today....

Scientific Developments And Inventions Of Nikola Tesla Essay

5 Pages 1472 Words
Introduction Nikola Tesla was a brilliant electrical engineer and creator who seems to have escaped history. Born in the Austrian Empire in 1856, which is now Croatia, Nikola Tesla made important and groundbreaking advances to the field of electrical engineering. By laying the groundwork for today's alternating current (AC) power system, he had a big impact on the Second Industrial...

Thomas Edison's Achievements And Discoveries

1 Page 628 Words
Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman who has been described as America's greatest inventor. He developed many gadgets in fields such as electric powered electricity generation, mass communication, sound recording, and action pictures. These inventions, which consist of the phonograph, the movement photo camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric light...

The Creator Of The Electric Age Nikola Tesla

2 Pages 1142 Words
If we’re to ask most anyone that’s taken a course on history or the sciences they will likely know about Edison, Einstein, and or Newton, but what about the obscure story of the man that sought to pioneer wireless energy through the use of our ionosphere? It was July 10th, 1856 that Nikolai Tesla was born. He was born in...

The Father Of Observational Astronomy Galileo Galilei

2 Pages 1106 Words
Introduction Galileo was famously known as the father of observational astronomy, modern physic,scientific method and modern science, science he studied speed and velocity ,gravity and free fall, worked in science and technology. Moreover he even describes the properties of pendulums and hydrostatic balances in order to invent theremoscope and various military compasses and also using telescope for the scientific o...

Albert Einstein Essay: His Biography And Discoveries

3 Pages 1075 Words
Intro We are introduced to an outstanding person when we hear the name Albert Einstein, whose ideas permanently changed how we understand the universe. From a young age, Einstein displayed an innate curiosity about the world. Encouraged by his parents, he immersed himself in scientific and mathematical texts, setting the stage for a remarkable future. However, his unconventional ideas and...

Thomas Edison: The Amazing Inventor And The Leader Of The Industrial Revolution

3 Pages 1550 Words
Before the industrial revolution, normal tasks we do today were very difficult for civilians to complete back in the eighteen hundreds. Thomas Edison sparked a flame that was the Industrial Revolution. His curious and ingenuitive mind helped him to achieve massive goals that seemed impossible. He made many amazing inventions that helped make very hard jobs become undemanding. Edison was...

The Short Biography Of Isaac Newton: His Main Researches And Achievements

1 Page 463 Words
Isaac Newton was conceived December 25, 1643 and kicked the bucket on March 20, 1727. His folks were Hannah Ayscough and Isaac Newton, Sr. He was naturally introduced to a genuinely poor cultivating family. Newton lived in England at Woolsthorpe, a town southwestern of Lincolnshire. His dad passed on only two months before Isaac was conceived. At that point, his...

The Biography Of The Great Scientist Albert Einstein

2 Pages 932 Words
My famous person is Albert Einstein he is known to be a scientist and was born on March 14th 1879 in Ulm,Germany and died April 18th 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey at the age of 76. While in Albert’s growing up life he had lived in a secular Jewish poor family with only a sister named Maja that was 2...

Marie Curie: A Significant Contributor To Science

2 Pages 921 Words
Abstract “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that. We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained”-Marie Curie. Marie Curie from a young age knew that life was hard, but that never slowed her down. Today Curie is...

The Life And Career Of Stephen Hawking

2 Pages 741 Words
Stephen Hawking is a well known,well respected and an inspirational scientist, who many look up to. He was revolutionary in many fields of science and has a long lasting legacy. But what’s really behind this genius, how did he survive motor neurone disease for so long and how many flaws did he really have Stephen Hawking was born on the...

Great Scientist Archimedes And His Main Discoveries

2 Pages 792 Words
Archimedes, the famous scientist was a man who was born in 288 BC and lived until 212 BC. He was born and raised in Syracuse, Italy. He was assumed to grow up studying astronomy and mathematics (primarily geometry) in the learning capital of Alexandria, Egypt. Afterwards, he readapted to Syracuse to engage in a life of using his pure knowledge...

Stephen Hawking's Biography And Discoveries

2 Pages 799 Words
Stephen hawking was born on the 9th of January 1942 in Oxford, United Kingdom and lived with his Mum, Dad, brother and two sisters. He started his career at Cambridge university where he was a Lucosian professor of mathematics. His life was a fairly normal life until 1963 when he was diagnosed with a type of motor neuron disease which...

Famous Mathematician Archimedes His Life And Inventions

1 Page 638 Words
Have you ever heard about Archemides? You know, the Greek mathematician? Today I’m going to be talking about who Archemides was, where he lived, what his education was, and three of his inventions: the principle of buoyancy, the Archemides screw, and the law of the lever. Also, which one of these inventions that has the biggest impact on me. (A...

Archimedes The Greatest Mathematician And His Discoveries

1 Page 442 Words
The greatest mathematician known to walk on the face of the earth, killed in war, who was he, where did he come from, and what did he do? The greatest Mathematician Known to man was Archimedes.Archimedes lived from 288 BC, to 212 BC which means that he lived to be 76 and would have lived so much longer if he...

Theories Of Evolution Of Lamarck, Darwin And Wallace

2 Pages 1066 Words
Introduction Throughout history a number of alternate theories of evolution have been proposed by equally intelligent scientists, most notably the theories of Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. As with various theories, many tend to raise the question as to which theory has had the greatest contribution to modern evolutionary theories. Evolution is the one of the...

The Father Of Evolution Charles Darwin, His Life And Contributions

5 Pages 2503 Words
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was a naturalist who was responsible for one of the most well-known scientific discoveries in human lifetime, the theory of evolution. Evolution is the theory that all species are related through common ancestors and that through certain natural processes in the environment, organism have changed and evolved to what they are now. Through his lifelong work on...

Darwin's Theory Of Development

2 Pages 718 Words
Characteristic determination acts to domain and collect minor advantageous hereditary changes. Darwin's idea of regular determination depended on a few perceptions. Qualities are regularly heritable, in living life forms, numerous attributes are acquired or go from parent to posterity. A greater amount of the posterity is delivered, living beings are fit for creating more off spring than their surroundings. The...

Charles Darwin's Work, Life And His “Theory Of Evolution By Natural Selection”

4 Pages 1889 Words
Introduction Up until the mid 1800’s, scintists, heavily influenced by the religion of the time, believed God had created the world and species did not change. In 1859, Charles Darwin challenged this, presenting his “Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection” based on enormous amount of research. Although, the following decade after Darwin’s publication, his ideas were very contentious and heavily...

The Great Inventor Thomas Edison

5 Pages 2343 Words
Introduction: Thomas Alva Edison, most famous American inventor, scientist and businessman in the 20th century, may be one of the world's greatest inventor of all time. He changed our lives from the moment he started innovating, bringing already invented or discovered devices and gadgets into our world today. Thomas held the world record for inventing by himself or with employees,...

Important Mathematician And Scientist Isaac Newton

1 Page 523 Words
Sir Isaac Newton was many things. He was a really important mathematician and scientist. He discovered many things, but his most important discovery was actually his work on gravity! During this essay, I will speak about his life, all his major contributions to science, and why he’s still important to us today. Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4,...

Nikola Tesla's Research Path And Discoveries

1 Page 609 Words
In all of history, there is a fairly short list of people who can be remembered for changing how the world functions. Nikola Tesla is one of those people. He is most commonly known as Thomas Edison’s rival, but he is also the father of modern electrical generation. He dared to defy the contemporary belief in direct current motors, and...

Life And Work Of Alan Turing

1 Page 410 Words
Alan Turing, mathematician and cryptographer, managed to achieve incredible feats despite being held back by stigma surrounding his sexuality. This scholar loved to take in new information to solve new problems and was an undeniable math genius. Alan Turing made math history through his excellence in mathematics, heroism in World War 2, and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, all while being...

Alan Turing: The Father Of Computer Science

4 Pages 1599 Words
“I propose to consider the question, “Can machines think?” (Turing 1950, 1). If machines could think, would they think like humans? Could they be programmed to think like humans and the way their mind works while carrying out procedures? Those were the types of questions Alan Turing continued to ask throughout his years studying technology, science, and mathematics. His mind...

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