Spirituality essays

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5 Pages 2417 Words
For millennia, the soul has been interpreted as an immaterial entity and this duality has been reflected in art. Spiritual art doesn’t always mean religious, it can just be otherworldly or spiritual-seeking. Music, painting, and sculpture take on spiritual meanings when they explore the meaning of life, death, and the infinite possibilities of consciousness. Spirituality is defined as the awareness...
3 Pages 1326 Words
There are many streams of spirituality in the Christian tradition each of these has a slightly different emphasis and all offer ways to more deeply live one’s commitment to God. For example, the Franciscan way emphasizes poverty and simplicity and the Benedictine, the rhythm of life and obedience. Ignatian spirituality emphasizes finding God in all the aspects of our daily...
1 Page 483 Words
Most profound sense of being is an expansive idea with Numerous perspectives. It includes A hunt to significance on life Furthermore is portrayed as consecrated or transcendent. Science may be an approach for finding how the universe operates, how it functioned in the secret word what's more entryway probable it will fill in later on. Science strategy would universally distinguish...
3 Pages 1477 Words
Religions have existed for as long as we know. But the most common misconception for the most part of it was that religion and spirituality go hand in hand; you can’t be spiritual, and not be religious. But how far is this true? It was the millennial generation that started speaking up on spirituality by itself. Perhaps there’s more to...
2 Pages 992 Words
Siddhartha is a man who looks at the world and is eager to learn more about everything and anything he has his eyes set on. Out of the many experiences that he encounters on his journey, one major encounter that he often faces is about the divide between spirituality and religion. Not only does he encounter this divide himself, but...
3 Pages 1453 Words
Nature in all its magnificence is abundant to evoke the inherent emotional and intellectual spirituality that is dormant in every being. A spiritual experience should contain an emotional response to Reality that will enlighten the experiencer about the true value of his or her inner potential. How Nature Influenced Jesus Christ All great religious and spiritual leaders found in nature...
2 Pages 837 Words
Kanyini is our connectedness to our tjukurrpa, our ngura, our walytja and our kurunpa. Kanyini is nurtured through caring and practicing responsibility for all things. Ngura is a reference to our home and our home is wherever we are at any moment in time. It is our responsibility to get to know that place and to care for it. Many...
5 Pages 2314 Words
For me, Spirituality is to grow in the love of God imbibing the qualities shown by the Lord Jesus Christ and to walk on His footsteps surrendering my whole-self in the service of humanity. Three Levels of Spirituality The article speaks of three different but related levels of spirituality. They are as follow- (1) the real or existential level of...
5 Pages 2310 Words
“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” - Pablo Picasso Spirituality has always held a place in our human experience, thus a place in art. Right from the dawn of humanity we have produced images of Gods, visions of the afterlife, and the ascendency of the soul. As a species we are in a constant search...
2 Pages 771 Words
Religion can be defined as an institution to express belief in a divine power that provides utmost meaning to life. It is also a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, holy texts and places, ethics, and societal organization that relate humanity to an order of being. Different religions contain various elements, ranging from the holy, sacred, faith, an...
1 Page 494 Words
Spirituality has a tremendously positive impact on our health – more than we ever give it credit for. As observed during one of the conventions held – be it helping the elderly stay well in their old age or guiding individuals suffering from some illness, spirituality has always been a healthy practice. While it’s very difficult to define or explain...
1 Page 615 Words
Throughout the centuries, there has always been a religion. The belief that there is a God that exists beyond ourselves has profound roots in society, a blessing or curse that humans have face for centuries. Even though from people’s perspective, religion is a dangerous way for manipulative people to lead weaker folks, religion is a true promoter of morality rather...
3 Pages 1612 Words
Indigenous writing of fiction means to explore several contemporary perspectives and shine light on the tragedies brought by Eurocentric virtues. The novel, Monkey Beach, written by Eden Robinson, takes place in a Haisla community named Kitamaat Village on the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Robinson focuses on a contemporary Haisla family and their societal outlook shaped by Euro-Canadian activity. The...
4 Pages 1902 Words
Abstract The purpose of this research paper is that how spirituality affect architecture , its had two folded purpose. Firstly , it investigated the issues inferred by the topic , as how spirituality influences architecture and secondly through critical analysis of literature case study of “ Lotus temple , New Delhi”. The importance of such a temple was established by...
3 Pages 1213 Words
One of the oldest religions in the world is Hinduism. Hinduism a way of life that is based around love and respect for others. Hinduism in a complex religion; there are many variations on how to practice Hinduism. Some Hindu people are stricter and some are more relaxed (Bennet, 2010). Hinduism is practiced primarily in southern and south east Asia;...
2 Pages 897 Words
Adolescence can be defined as a period in a young person's life between the years of 13-15 years old. Adolescence is a time for great change and uncertainty of the future. There are biopsychosocial changes, heightened awareness, and changes in cognition in this developmental period (Rogers,2019). During this time in the young adult’s life, many factors take shape, such as...
2 Pages 739 Words
In the modern world, individuals could say that with all the technology, information, and news outlets, friendship could be a thing of the past. In today's world, individuals have so much information and messaging surrounding them that it could impact their view of friendship. When looking around at our public places today, people everywhere have a cell phone looking at...
2 Pages 1044 Words
In life with full of uncertainties and intact prejudices, do we even wonder if our journey is under the prospect of spirituality or just religiosity? Or it doesn’t just cross our mind since we thought that it is the same? If this is the case then we are oblivious to fact that there’s an unseen veil of ignorance that hinders...
4 Pages 2163 Words
INTRODUCTION Jesus, since his time, has placed children and the youth at the heart of the Christian faith. He has primarily taught how children and their humility could be a model to His disciples, that people who follow Him must be ‘like children’ (cf. Matthew 18:1-5; Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 9:33-37; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 9:46-48; Luke 18:15-17). Jesus has also invited...
2 Pages 918 Words
“Our spirituality is a oneness and an interconnectedness with all that lives and breathes, even with all that does not live or breathe.” – Mudrooroo. The Dreaming plays a significant role in the lives of Aboriginal people and their spirituality. The Dreaming is the creation of life and other important landforms and sites, by their Ancestral Spirits, as they passed...
3 Pages 1187 Words
“The land is my mother. Like a human mother, the land gives us protection, enjoyment and provides our needs – economic, social and religious. We have a human relationship with the land: Mother, daughter, son. When the land is taken from us or destroyed, we feel hurt because we belong to the land and we are part of it.” Djinyini...
4 Pages 1634 Words
The objective of this paper is to focus on the current ecological issue of creating livable communities, and discuss one or more groups engaged with that issue, whose orientation can be linked with the notion of sacred nature. I shall not be focusing on certain groups linked with any traditional religion. Instead, my attention will be geared towards groups with...
2 Pages 1031 Words
The path of spirituality begins with prompting internal harmony paying no attention to turmoil going around. Spiritual is as important as mental and physical, and with this blog know how spirituality guides towards a stress free better living. “Spirituality is not the renunciation of life; it is the art of living fully.”- Acharya PrashantN Life is beautiful, isn’t it, and...
2 Pages 915 Words
To survive in the 21st century, organizations need to be spiritually based. This, in turn, will lead to workers being satisfied with their entire work experience. In order to get an improved understanding of behaviour at work, employees should be studied from physical, psychological, and spiritual dimensions. Although the physical and psychological dimensions of individuals at work have been studied...
6 Pages 2635 Words
Introduction Spirituality brings out the inner self of a person. Each person has his own spiritual life and values, he may be a spiritual person or not. Spirituality plays a vital role in a persons life. To some it may help to determine what’s right and wrong and to some it may be a way for them to connect with...
2 Pages 941 Words
We observe now a day’s business leaders get involved in some ethical and unethical practices We know according to the law of Karma the activities of a person are adjusted by the outcomes. Success and failure depend on the karma of leader. Leader must adopt a mission to create and sustain value. Spiritual principles are the missing constituent in most...
2 Pages 825 Words
Spiritual intelligence is the supreme intelligence of human being which is included with cognitive and emotional intelligence. It provides the capability for monitoring and controlling the positive and negative aspect of human life. The basic concept of sustainable development is fulfilment of the present needs without compromising the needs of future. Spiritual intelligence provides the capability to differentiate between need...
6 Pages 2771 Words
Sixteenth century was associate degree Age of Reformation. within the initial place, this implies that the century that witness the religious movement, that revolt from the Roman church led by Luther. In the late fourteenth century, Devotio Moderna, or the Modern Devotion, was a movement for spiritual reform, career for apostolic renewal through the find of real pious practices corresponding...
5 Pages 2225 Words
Australia has a long history of religion and spirituality. Traditional owners have had a relationship with the land for thousands of years before Westerners arrived on their shores (Brunn, 2015). When Westerners arrived with the First Fleet, in 1788, they brought with them Christianity, as well as a small number of other religions (Symonds, 1898) with a high percentage of...
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