Travelling essays

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What Is Peculiar About Journey To Mars?

2 Pages 1124 Words
When you were small, you might have dreamt of moving to Mars. You were not alone by the way. Many people shared that dream along with many international organizations such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA). We all thought that it was just a dream, until now. NASA has officially announced that...

Beach Vacation Versus Mountain Vacation

2 Pages 1005 Words
All of us are so excited to take vacations neither it is on the beach, outside the country or in the mountain. Yes, holidays and vacations are awesome. Some of us choose to have a beach vacation because maybe we love to feel breeze, experience waves and see white sand. But others choose to go for a mountain vacation, maybe...

Japanese Culture Peculiarities For Tourists To Know

2 Pages 930 Words
Japan is an Eastern Asian country located in the pacific ocean, neighbouring Korea and close by China. In Japan the main language spoken is Japanese which consists of three main alphabets including; Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana. Modern Japanese language was developed in the edo period from 1603 and 1868. Japanese culture in its early stages was heavily influenced by China,...

The Media Impacts On Tourist Destinations

3 Pages 1221 Words
Abstract Tourist destinations are currently pursuing more distinction in an increasingly competitive market, within which image is a decisive element in tourists' destination selection. This research studies the impact of media channels, such as television, radio, magazines, newspapers, and magazines on the destination image and how it is delivered differently from one media platform to another. Introduction The rapid growth...

The Peculiarities Of LGBT Tourism

4 Pages 1623 Words
What is LGBT tourism? This type of tourism is aimed to satisfying the needs of the exponents of the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisex, Trans). Often members of this community feel threatened and therefore hide their sexual orientation when they are in public, especially in countries where there is a low degree of tolerance.the LGBT one can be defined as...

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