Types of Cancer essays

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Evaluation Of Cell Viability Of Leukemic Cell Using MTT

4 Pages 1888 Words
In cancer research, viability tests are immensely significant. These tests are used to observe the characteristics of different kinds of cancer. In drug development, viability of hostile cells are tested against chemical substances to evaluate the potential of those substances in pharmaceutical use. Additionally, the adequate dosage for those drugs are also studied in vitro. Established in 1977 from a...

AI And Diagnosis Of Lung Cancer

2 Pages 1083 Words
In recent years, AI has gradually entered the medical field. Artificial intelligence continues to break through the sensitivity and specificity of machine-assisted diagnosis at the 'digital' level, and exerts its value in multiple scenarios. However, many products are still far from large-scale clinical applications, and it is not easy to obtain the approval of clinicians. For the big names in...

The Comprehensive Understanding of Lung Cancer

2 Pages 885 Words
Introduction Lung cancer remains one of the most prevalent and deadly forms of cancer worldwide, with significant impacts on patients, families, and healthcare systems. According to the World Health Organization, lung cancer accounts for approximately 2.2 million new cases annually, representing a substantial public health challenge. This essay explores the various dimensions of lung cancer, including its symptoms, diagnostic processes,...

Breast Cancer Screening In Hong Kong

2 Pages 918 Words
Breast Cancer is a common cancer in Hong Kong. It can be divided into invasive and non-invasive (Akram, 2017). Breast cancer does not only exist in females, but also exist in males. According to the Centre for Health Protection, there are total 4108 females and 15 males who are diagnosed in breast cancer respectively in 2016. The morbidly rate in...

Categorizing Cancer with SVM-RFE Feature Selection

3 Pages 1353 Words
ABSTRACT Rise in deaths due to prostate and breast cancer are expected to continue in future. These diseases are the most common types of cancer for men and women across the globe. Machine Learning can be used to drop the number of deaths by these diseases with early detection. One of them is the classification of data of prostate cancer...

The Role Of Androgen Receptor Therapy In Advanced Prostate Cancer

4 Pages 1910 Words
Introduction This essay will seek to discuss the role of androgen receptor therapy in advanced prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and the androgen receptor (AR) will be discussed, namely the origins of androgen receptor targeted therapy, its development and role in treatment of advanced prostate cancer today, and the future of targeted therapy. Androgen receptor targeted therapy is utilised in advanced...

Breast Cancer: Definition, Risk Factors And Treatment

4 Pages 1655 Words
Breast cancer is a form of cancer most common in women, but can also affect men, were cells in the breast tissue become mutated and multiply. This most commonly occurs in cells around the milk ducts and glands. In the first stages there are usually no symptoms but, as cancer develops the size or shape may change and a lump...

Side Effects Of Breast Cancer Treatment And Suggestions To Solve Them

3 Pages 1380 Words
Meg, age 50, currently on post-menopausal, was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), also known as one of the most common forms of breast cancer (“Invasive Ductal Carcinoma,” n.d.). The first sign of cancer was detected through a mammogram, followed by a physical examination and later confirmed by an ultrasound and biopsy. Three tumours/ lymph nodes were discovered. After surgery,...

Lung Cancer Definition And Treatment

3 Pages 1492 Words
What is lung cancer? Lung cancer has become the most prevalent and threatening cancer worldwide. Parallel to most malignancies, lung cancer is composed of sub-populations of cells with distinct molecular features, resulting in intra-tumoral heterogeneity (Herbst, et.al, 2018). There are two types of lung cancer; small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (Molina, et.al, 2008). NSCLC...

What Is Skin Cancer?

1 Page 420 Words
Research has shown that one of the main biological factors for an individual for the development of skin cancer is that of their heritage, being of European decent. The level of pigmentation in a person's skin has a direct affect on the possibility of being diagnosed with skin cancer . Many Australians still hold the belief that having a tan...

Prostate Cancer: Prevention, Therapies And Treatment Methods

4 Pages 1750 Words
In the National Archaeological Museum of Lisbon, Portugal, a mummified middle-aged male of ancient Egypt is stored. Not long ago, scientists studied this corpse and found that there are many high-density round tumors between the pelvis and the lumbar spine, which is a typical manifestation of prostate cancer. Moreover, his prostate cancer has spread and spread throughout the body. From...

Breast Cancer: Risks and Treatment in Australia

2 Pages 762 Words
Introduction Breast cancer remains a significant public health concern in Australia, being one of the most prevalent cancers among women. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reports that it is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths among Australian women. Understanding the risk factors and treatment options for breast cancer is crucial, as it not only aids in...

Skin And Breast Cancer Prevention

3 Pages 1180 Words
Cancer is a global epidemic that takes millions of lives every year. There are many types of cancers but due to variables like the environment, there are certain ones on the rise. They can be developed through factors such as unhealthy diets, UV radiation, smoking, air pollution, etc. It is formed, in result, of a mutation of cancerous cells. In...

Skin Cancer Classification with Deep Neural Networks

4 Pages 1763 Words
Introduction The research paper 'Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks” proposes that mobile devices combined with artificial intelligence have the potential of providing “low-cost universal access to vital diagnostic care.” This means that there is a rise in technology to enable medical diagnosis in an effective and inexpensive way. To support their claim, the authors utilized a...

Breastfeeding As A Prevention Of Breast Cancer

1 Page 512 Words
Introduction An enormous increase in the incidence of breast cancer among women is widely seen. Prevention is always the better option, than fighting the disease. Mostly women do initiate the practice of breast feeding soon after giving birth, but majority does not put much effort to continue it .The exact relationship between duration of breast feeding and breast malignancy is...

Impact of Skin Cancer Treatments on Patients

2 Pages 955 Words
Introduction Skin cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer worldwide, has prompted significant research into effective treatments. The advent of various therapeutic modalities has considerably improved patient prognosis and survival rates. However, these treatments can also have diverse effects on patients’ health and quality of life. Understanding the balance between efficacy and adverse effects is crucial for optimizing...

Detecting Lung Cancer Using CNN For Live Dataset

2 Pages 1068 Words
Abstract The mortality rate due to lung cancer is increasing rapidly day by day. The major reason behind this increasing mortality rate is not being able to detect the lung cancer at an early stage. Even due to advancement in technology, the number of radiologists is limited and they are being overworked. Various methods which are based on technologies like...

Skin Cancer And Related Genetics

1 Page 520 Words
Why do we use sunscreen? To save ourselves from harmful sun rays, of course. Did you know that these harmful rays, aka UV rays of the sun, are the major reason of causing skin cancer? However, despite the UV rays, are there any other factors that can lead to skin cancer? Of course, there are. Genes are just one such...

Ovarian Cancer: pathophysiological Process And Diagnostics

2 Pages 1006 Words
An ovary is a reproductive gland part of the female reproductive system that is responsible for producing oocytes and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. An ovum is released from the ovary each month with the intention of meeting sperm in the fallopian tube, traveling to the uterus, and implanting for pregnancy. According to the American Cancer Society, “about 22,240 women...

Melanoma Skin Cancer Detection Using Image Processing

3 Pages 1249 Words
Abstract Among the three basic types of skin cancer, viz, Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and Melanoma, Melanoma is the most dangerous in which survival rate is very low. The proposed skin cancer detection technology is broadly divided into four basic cmponents, viz., image preprocessing which includes hair removal, de-noise, sharpening, resize of the given skin image,...

Polonium And Lung Cancer

2 Pages 1018 Words
Natural resources are simply the naturally occurring of resources where. People use these natural resources like water, woods, coals, lead, and many more in their daily lives for medical and construction purposes. This has benefited in the lives of many people and also has advanced in the evolution of the industries and modernization of the world. However, with the modernization...

Diagnostic Techniques In Ovarian Cancer

2 Pages 1110 Words
Diagnosis of ovarian cancer is impeded by the absence of symptoms in the early stage hence the disease presents with a high mortality rate. Since the discovery of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), cancer antigen 125 (CA125) to the development of multivariate assays (Ova1, ROMA, Overa) that have increased specificity and sensitivity, there has been considerable progress in the discovery of biomarkers...

Ovarian Cancer Risk: Age Correlation & Pathogenesis

4 Pages 2004 Words
It is usually not possible to know the exact reason why one person develops cancer and others do not. However, studies have examined the reasoning for why certain risk factors may increase or decrease a person’s chances of developing cancer. A few important reasons such as a person’s lifestyle behaviors, environmental and dietary factors, and occupational exposure are contributed to...

Causes Of Ovarian Pathology And Diseases That May Be Diagnosed

4 Pages 1685 Words
Common facts about the organ and symptoms Ovaries are an integral organ in the female reproductive system in which ultrasound plays an outstanding role in diagnosing and differentiating many ovarian pathologies. The main function of the ovary is to release a mature oocyte every 28 days and to secrete oestrogen and progesterone for maintaining the reproductive cycle and to support...

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