Unemployment essays

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Unemployment. It’s a word we often hear in the news, during family discussions, or among friends. But what does it truly mean? It’s not just about people without jobs. It’s about capable individuals who are ready and willing to work but find no opportunities. This issue isn’t just a personal...

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1 Page 638 Words
Unemployment is the state of being unemployed or unemployed, or the proportion of people who are able to work, are actively looking for work, but are unable to find one. Unemployment is a huge problem in today's world. One of the effects of unemployment among graduates is make a difficult life for unemployed. This effect is focusing on individuals. They...
1 Page 562 Words
One of the core principles of the National Health Service (NHS) states that comprehensive services must be available to all irrespective of their sex, religion or financial status. Although this value is widely practiced across the UK, certain disadvantaged groups in the society are not receiving the optimum level of healthcare. In this essay, problems facing unemployed individuals in the...
2 Pages 726 Words
The article is about the overall falling rate of unemployment in the United States which dropped to 3.9% or 6.3 million people. This means that 3.9% of Americans are actively looking for a job, but are unable to find work. Despite the United States’ unemployment rate falling to the lowest since 2000, the retail sector has not experienced much growth...
2 Pages 1001 Words
Social issues are a problem that influences many individuals within a society. Social issues are common problems that are being faced in Pakistan very often, because social issues influence many peoples to strive to solve many issues. Pakistan is a developing country which is facing a lot of social problems now a day, which includes the economics problems, unemployment, environmental...
2 Pages 1016 Words
During the first decade of independence, it believed that the economic growth of the nation would automatically reduce poverty and unemployment. But it realized that along with the growth the policies and programed need effective state intervention. In order to achieve the planned objectives, it needs to cooperate with various projects, including public-private partnership. In the present scenario it is...
7 Pages 3058 Words
Introduction Ruggiero (2008) defines thinking as a mental activity that we have some influence or control over. This is apparent when looking at the situation in which a driver is only driving while he keeps the steering wheel in his hands and monitors vehicle motions. Therefore the practice is only formulated if directed in the minds of individuals. This does...
4 Pages 1887 Words
In this assignment, I will present several laws/permits and regulations that a business should obtain to do or run their business in Houston, Texas. The regulations that will discussed in the following paragraphs are: Employer Identification Number, Federal and State Unemployment Insurance Number, Non-Occupational Disability Insurance, State Insurance Fund Policy, and Quarterly Wage Reports. These are several of the state...
2 Pages 809 Words
In the United States of America, the minimum age for work is 14 years old but for those 14 years old teenagers, the workplace is very minimal, and very few companies hire them. I really can’t understand why it’s very limited. Teenage is the best time to learn at getting ready for your future goal. If they work they can...
6 Pages 2631 Words
Introduction This essay intends to provide the idea of conducting the research. It starts with a background study that covers the unemployment issues in Malaysia and how the youth unemployment rate is affected. Moving on, the problem statement is discussed, which summarizes the industry issue, and providing research gaps that are found in the previous research articles reviewed. Research questions,...
4 Pages 1701 Words
To understand the level and trends of unemployment in India it is important to comprehend the relationship between unemployment with demographic transition structure and economic development in India (k., 2017) Social scientists have argued over the impact of population growth on economic growth. The debate has oscillated from the “pessimistic view,” which explains that population growth restricts economic development (credited...
1 Page 466 Words
If overpopulation continues we will begin to see many changes in the way we live. Air pollution would become extremely deadly, rise in respiratory diseases and asthma. Air pollution will also see a rise in lung and bladder cancer as well as skin cancer. Hospitals will become overcrowded due to the increase in diseases. There would be higher rates of...
4 Pages 1917 Words
Graduating students are foisted with the consequences of a social justice issue inflicted upon them as a result of underemployment and unemployment. These students are restricted from attaining the best quality of life and state of well-being due to a gap in available resources. Underemployment is defined by one of three things: a working individual receiving inadequate hours to sufficiently...
5 Pages 2431 Words
Abstract This study seeks to understand both Nigeria and South Africa’s respective unemployment situations. This study discusses what factors can contribute to the consistent disparity between South Africa and Nigeria’s unemployment rates. In this research, various possible factors are considered, including an underdeveloped agricultural sector, a lack of quality education, and a lack of accessibility to jobs. This proposal also...
3 Pages 1463 Words
Literature Review: In January 2015 Germany passed a statutory national minimum wage (NMW). This is the first time Germany has had an economy-wide minimum wage. It was introduced at a level of €8.50 per hour. Previously there were only minimum wages in specific sectors of the German economy. The introduction of a minimum wage has been extensively debated by both...
4 Pages 1822 Words
1.1 Executive Summary The main objective of this report is to determine the factors that led to the issue of unemployment and disturbed the economy of Pakistan from 1999 to 2010. Unemployment is a very serious problem that causes the decline in the economic growth of a country and that also affects the international status of that country. To study...
1 Page 469 Words
Youth is the best to be understood as a period of transition from the dependence of childhood to adulthood’s independence. In Western societies, ‘youth’ is defined as “life stages between childhood and adulthood” and becoming independent from dependent (Kehily 2007). ‘Youth’ is often used to refer to those between the ages of leaving compulsory education and finding their first job....
6 Pages 2641 Words
The Kingdom of Lesotho is a small, mountainous country that is landlocked by its neighboring nation, South Africa. It has a constitutional monarchy, and its government is currently undergoing economic reforms recommended by the Southern African Development Community. As a result of its proximity, the Lesothian economy relies rather heavily on the economic and political state of its neighbor. Lesotho...
5 Pages 2288 Words
Introduction Unemployment is the number of people who are unemployed or the situation of not being able to find a job while Rate is a measurement of the speed at which happens or the number of times happens or exists during a particular period. The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor that is unemployed. Unemployment Rate = The...
5 Pages 2559 Words
The purpose of the study is to state the relationships between unemployment and depression. The addition of the unemployment and the educational status of the participants will be conducted. In this study, the relationships between depression and unemployment which are divided into subgroups that are graduated from primary school – secondary school, high school, or university will be measured. The...
3 Pages 1531 Words
Thesis statement While Canada is combatting to suppress racism in the labor market, Canada ranks as one of the top countries for racial discrimination in the hiring process, impacting wealth inequality, unemployment rate, income gap, and socioeconomic growth. Racial profiling in Canadian employment has been an issue for decades. It ranks as one of the top countries for racial discrimination...
3 Pages 1354 Words
Abstract “We are being afflicted with a new disease of which some readers may not yet have heard the name, but of which they will hear a great deal in the years to come – namely, technological unemployment” stated John Maynard Keynes in 1930 [1]. In 1950, Norbert Wiener “saw the possible end to full employment and the obsolescence of...
2 Pages 933 Words
Northern Mexico is notorious for high crime as a result of inequality (Enamorado et al., 2016). Drawing on empirical evidence of the link between education and crime reduction (Jonck et al., 2015; Chioda et al. 2016), the vision of this project is to reduce crime among adolescents, by increasing upper secondary school attendance, improving the quality of learning, and increasing...
3 Pages 1520 Words
1.0 Introduction In this study, youth unemployment in Canada is taken into consideration. Canada is a nation situated in northern North America and the population of Canada is around 37 million people. In this study, the trend of unemployment in the period from 2000 to 2019 will be stated clearly by giving the measurement of the unemployment rate in Canada....
2 Pages 893 Words
The problem of employment is a trouble social and economic problem that Egypt faces in the last decades, and it has many consequences. Recently statistics by Egypt’s Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, the rate of unemployment among youth has reached 26 percent. This problem has many causes like population and education system. Also, it affects on a bad...
1 Page 397 Words
550,000 people are homeless in the United States. That is more than just a statistic. That is 550,000 Americans just like me and you. That is 550,000 people who are struggling to survive. That is 550,000 people who we drive by every day and assure ourselves that they are not our problems. That they did this to themselves. We could...
1 Page 485 Words
Crime and violence is a development issue. The high rates of crime and violence have both direct effects on human welfare in the short-run and longer-run effects on economic growth and social development. While levels of crime and associated circumstances vary throughout different countries, crime and violence have reached a worrying high, and their apparent rise in recent years is...
3 Pages 1586 Words
Unemployment has been an issue and a concern in most counties across the world, including the US, but unemployment is at the lowest it has ever been in 50 years. The factors include demographics, level of education, the introduction of automation/technology, economic conditions, and demographic characteristics. In the United States, employments are frequently utilized as a proportion of the strength...
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