We Have to Save Water: Argumentative Essay

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How would you feel if you had water? Today I will be talking about water and how useful it is in our life. The three arguments that I will be talking about are the hazards of wasting water and saving money on water bills and how important water is with food. Our population is growing every day so we should be wanting to save water so we have enough for everybody.

The hazards of wasting water could lead to many things such as droughts because of fires. Every living thing needs water so we should be way more careful with how much we use because if we have no water because we wasted it then our place would burn down because there is not enough water. In this picture, you are able to see that Australia has had so many droughts. We should never waste our water because dangerous things could happen.

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Wouldn’t you just want to save some money on some of your bills? If so then you should start to find some ways how to save water such as showers people have showers for 30 mins. This is what can make your bill go up even higher. There are a lot of ideas on how to save water and your water bill. Here are some tips try not to leave your tap on when brushing or shaving and do big loads of washing. Every family wants that amazing trip and everyone can do their part if they just save some water.

Food and water are essential for living and most of our food needs to grow and for it to grow it needs water. People don’t understand how hard the farmers have to work to keep themselves and their animals and crops all fresh and strong. We only Have three percent of the water that is fresh on this earth. So the people that don’t own farms should learn how to save water so that it makes the farmers' job easy so they can get access and then you will be able to get food because of the farmers growing food. Farmers are really relying on us so we don’t waste water. Imagine not having a lot of vegetables or meat just because the animals aren’t strong and very thirsty they just die just because they won’t have enough water.

People need to wake up fast if they wanna stay alive and be healthy and fit. Saving water will make a huge difference in life for every person. If you save water you will be getting a lower water bill and be helping the farmers and the firefighters as they can use that water to get rid of fires just to keep you safe. Water is heavily relied on but people don’t see it like that they think they can just use as much water as they want but it will slowly come back to them and will have a big water bill and maybe their house might burn down.

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We Have to Save Water: Argumentative Essay. (2023, August 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 3, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/we-have-to-save-water-argumentative-essay/
“We Have to Save Water: Argumentative Essay.” Edubirdie, 29 Aug. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/we-have-to-save-water-argumentative-essay/
We Have to Save Water: Argumentative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/we-have-to-save-water-argumentative-essay/> [Accessed 3 May 2024].
We Have to Save Water: Argumentative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Aug 29 [cited 2024 May 3]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/we-have-to-save-water-argumentative-essay/

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