500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Correlation Of Alcohol And Violence

In recent years, alcohol related violence has risen in prevalence and so too have the calls for justice. It is the increased public awareness that has, and continues to, make this issue a primary area of concern for the public and government. Legal measures to respond include one punch laws and lockout laws and non-legal responses to achieve justice have been made by interest groups and the media. The responses to this issue have assisted in justice being achieved in...
1 Page 509 Words

Why Binocular Vision Matters In Myopia Management

Optometry plays an important role in both diagnosing and managing binocular vision disorders. Binocular vision disorders have been associated with increased near-work symptoms1 and reduced academic achievement,2 while successful treatment of a binocular vision disorder has been associated with reduced adverse academic behaviours and reduced parental concern regarding academic achievement.3 A binocular vision assessment is therefore an important component of a routine optometric consultation. Additionally, practitioners also need to know the effect a patient’s binocular vision status has on myopia-management....
1 Page 521 Words

Revealing the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease

Overactive neurons in specific regions of the brain are thought to be early disturbances of Alzheimer's disease. In a new study, researchers from the Technical University of Munich, Germany, were the first to explain the causes and mechanisms of this early important neurological dysfunction. They found that the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate persisted for too long in the vicinity of active neurons. This causes these neurons to suffer from pathological over-stimulation, which is likely to be a key factor in learning...
1 Page 508 Words

The Topics Of Censorship, Isolation, And Government Control In Fahrenheit 451

Although living in a society that wasn’t much advanced in technology at the time, Bradbury did an astonishing job in predicting modern society and culture. Although it doesn’t seem very apparent to us, there are many key similarities between what Bradbury wrote about in Fahrenheit 451 and the “free” society we think we live in. Particularly relevant are the topics of censorship, isolation, and government control. Nowadays it is common conception that we have freedom of press and of speech,...
1 Page 503 Words

Nature and Human Isolation in The Mending Wall

“No man is an island, entire of himself”. Robert Frost's 'The Mending Wall' and “The Tuft of Flowers”, is a comment on the nature of the individual and its ability to co-exist and interact with others. He examines the way in which we interact with one another and at times, fail to do so. Frost seems to believe that the world is often one of isolation. The modern man finds it difficult to communicate with one another and fails to...
1 Page 521 Words

Hate Crimes And India

In the last five years, India has seen a rigorous rise in the hate crimes towards minority communities with Muslims and Dalits constituting a significant share as the victims of religious hate crimes. India is a Secular, Democratic, Republic, however, the responses from the state administration and machinery are in contradiction with these constitutional safeguard .The fairness and credibility of state apparatuses have been called into question due to its partial interventions in the hate crime cases. These crimes are...
1 Page 490 Words

Stress Management and Nurse Burnout Syndrome

Nursing is a particularly high-stress profession, emotionally challenging and physically draining, with a high occurrence of burnout. In addition to the negative effects of stress on nurses’ health and well-being, stress is also a major contributor to attrition and common shortages in the nursing profession. Stress, which can lead to depression and burnout, is an epidemic in nursing, but no one will talk about it. According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative (INQRI), “nurses experience...
1 Page 517 Words

The Effectiveness of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King as the Leaders

Malcolm x was a violent man but his intentions were always good, he fought against racism his methods were rather violent but extremely effective, he always reminded his fellow black peers to fight for their freedom, and made them believe that violence was the right way to fight racism “by any means necessary” was one of his most famous quotes, it means that they have to be willing to do anything for their freedom, his methods were completely different from...
1 Page 491 Words

Karl Marx and a Conflict Theory

A conflict theorist would typically state that people with wealth and power represent a society. Excluding the lower class; law and law enforcement are used by dominant groups to minimize threats to society and have control over lower class being biased and protecting the wealthy. In this case a Latino male of the lower class steals $1,000 from a convenience store and is served to 3 years in jail. While a white male who owns a business steals $100,000 from...
1 Page 505 Words

Coronavirus VS Project Unity

As a culture, the human race has been plagued by various problems in both general well-being and relationships. We have fought wars of the humankind, wars born of greed and disunity. We've also fought wars of nature, battles against our own biology. The human race is fighting one such war right now. But all wars have something in common. After the war is done with, comes the peace. The peace is usually brought on by an agreement or realization of...
1 Page 502 Words

Wash your Hands and Fight Corona

The sudden outbreak and fast - unexpected and underestimated - spread of the new Coronavirus has indeed stunned millions of people everywhere who weren't at all prepared to face such a disease especially since the virus is of unknown origin and has caused hundreds of deaths til date in many countries. The Coronavirus has stirred up various and unequal public reactions that range from resorting to the well-known social media outlets to educate and advise people on how to avoid...
1 Page 489 Words

The Ethics in Competition

Sports are an integral part of the lives of billions of people around the world, with most if not all types of sport bearing the use as an outlet of competition. Now then, competition in sports can be thought of as a contest with the goal or objective of defeating the opposition resulting in a zero-sum game as there can only be one side which wins and another side which does not, so goes the nature of competition (Simon, R....
1 Page 482 Words

How to Teach Children about the Importance of Washing their Hands

A plate full of viruses and a little soap is all it takes to explain to children the importance of hand washing. This behavior is essential to combat the spread of the coronavirus that in Spain already leaves more than 5,100 infected and more than 130 dead, according to the latest figures known at the end of this article. Experts have been recommending for weeks that everyone, even the smallest, cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing with clothes or...
1 Page 520 Words

Alice Paul Struggle for Freedom

The women’s rights movement started in 1848 but wasn’t taken seriously until March 1913. On this day women’s rights were taken more seriously, Alice Paul began The Woman Suffrage Procession Parade with hundreds of thousands of people lined up on Pennsylvania Avenue to watch the Woman Suffrage Parade, to demand their right to vote. She secured permission from government officials to use the grand steps of the Treasury Building during working hours to mount a feminist pageant. The performance included...
1 Page 522 Words

The Importance of Malcolm X Ideas

What a coincidence that this weeks reading coincides with the anniversary of Malcom X’s death. Fifty-five years ago on February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated. The Autobiography of Malcom X is by far one of the most influential books that I’ve read in my life; I want to take some time to reflect on this great mans life. Malcom X is an example on so many levels; He is the example of triumph over adversity. He is an example...
1 Page 498 Words

Current Situation On Racism In America

Racism is a choice that some decide for themselves or they follow their leader. President Trump accused Representative Elijah Cummings of doing a bad job and called Baltimore “rat and rodent infested.” President Trump also told minority congresswomen to go back where they came from. According to the Politico President Trump tweeted “So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in...
1 Page 517 Words

Twelfth Night As A Festive And Romantic Comedy

Comedies treat usually the joyful aspects of human life. Shakespeare’s comic works deal with love’s lighter side and often marriages. Twelfth Night is a very unlikely comedy written by Shakespeare because many of its characters seem out of place and the comedy seems to be coming out of this very fact itself. While focusing upon serious issue like construction of gender roles, the play is outrightly a festive and romantic comedy. Twelfth Night’s title reminds us of the Christian festival...
1 Page 492 Words

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Techniques as Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder is a persistent fear or feeling of anxiousness in social situations. These situations can involve interacting with others in a group setting, meeting unfamiliar people, situations where an individual may feel like they are being observed eating or drinking, and situations when an individual may be required to perform front of others (Pilling, Mayo-Wilson, Mavranezouli, Kew, Taylor, & Clark, 2013). Ultimately, the individual feels that in these social situations he/she will be judged or rejected by others...
1 Page 508 Words

The Necessity Of Engineering Ethics

Ethics is the formal study of morality. Engineering ethics are the standards of an engineer. Engineering ethics helps to improve my decision making skills. It also helps to improve my public and private behavior when interacting with people. Codes of ethics teach me to put the safety, health and welfare of public at first and makes me a responsible engineer (casually, legally and morally). We know different code of ethics serves different purposes. These codes also allow an engineer to...
1 Page 503 Words

Death of a Salesman and Fences: Robbed of a Childhood

Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman and August Wilson's play Fences portrays the image of both protagonists transfering over the burden of their mistakes to their sons. The pattern of being away from home can become the cause of betrayal, secrets and a loss of responsibility and resentment from others. Troy Maxon from Fences and Willy Loman from Death of a Salesman have both shown the absence in their familes lives can create bad decisions, such as having an...
1 Page 507 Words

The Features of Human Relationships in Othello

Jealousy and pride tend to take root within an individual and unravel relationships between people. The play, Othello, tells a tale of Othello, who begins to lose trust in his beloved wife Desdemona, due to his uncertainty of deserving her love and lies that his trusted friend, Iago, had told him. In Othello, Shakespeare particularly takes a more pessimistic view of human relationships. An example of these flawed human relationships is the marriage between Desdemona and Othello. In the beginning...
1 Page 486 Words

IT Ethics in the News

For quite some time, specialists have worried about the unforeseen impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on humanity. Warning perspectives on the possible frightening future extend throughout all means of communication. Generally, these tragic predictions have brought up the need for a more ethical execution of artificial intelligence; that some way or another designers should make AI systems with a feeling of morals. Some specialists say we can fabricate our future man-made robots to differentiate good from bad, always act legitimately...
1 Page 481 Words

Importance Of Costumes On Halloween

Halloween should be a day of celebration, but unfortunately, people seem to be aggravated when they see their culture caricatured and turned into a costume. Many Halloween or Carnival costumes have been banned for being insensitive, sexist or racist. In fact, it is a two-sided issue with people in favor and against the banishment of these costumes. On the one hand, appropriating a character from another culture can be perceived as disrespectful, but it can also be seen as a...
1 Page 483 Words

College Tuition And Financial Aid For Students

As the consultant to evaluate the best course of action to improve college enrollment, I will analyze the validity of the Admissions Director, for a President of liberal arts and college. I will also review the pattern and results of other colleges that have modified their tuition assistance and financial aid. According to Brickley, Smith and Zimmerman, (2016), there was a college that lowered their tuition fee by 22% which resulted in a decline in students’ enrollments (pg. 138). In...
1 Page 521 Words

What Does the Ghost Symbolize in Hamlet?

The ghost in Hamlet is a crucial part of the story that not all characters can see. He tells Hamlet of his father's murder and encourages him to get revenge. The role of the ghost in Hamlet is to add a tense setting, add unpredictability, and ignite the conflict. In Act I scene I, Horatio observes that 'This bodes some strange eruption to our state' to which Marcellus replies 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark'(Shakespeare 1.5). These show...
1 Page 500 Words

Experience Of Living With Anorexia

A life with anorexia can be very difficult, and if people do not seek help, they may lose their lives. As mentioned before, anorexia is the most common eating disorder, has the highest mortality rate (NICE Guidelines 2004), and is not exclusive to any age or gender. Being so common it means that there are many people suffering or have suffered from it. One of them is the famous singer Daniel Johns who admitted that anorexia almost killed him. During...
1 Page 520 Words

General Characteristics Of Bulimia As An Eating Disorder

Bulimia is an eating disorder. The term 'bulimia' comes from the Greek word meaning 'cow' and 'hunger.' There are many explanations for this disease, but two explanations are more authoritative. According to the Webster Medical Desk Dictionary, published in 1993, this is food distress characterized by repeated overeating, followed by forced vomiting, prolonged fasting or abuse of laxatives, enemas, diuretics, and amphetamines. In DSM 4, it refers to 'preventing inappropriate compensation methods to prevent weight gain affected by body shape...
1 Page 480 Words

Reflection on Fun Home: Opinion Essay

Fun Home: a family tragicomic is a graphic memoir written by Alison Bechdel. This graphic memoir is about Bechdel’s childhood from 8 years old to her early 20s and during the process, she discovered her sexual orientation/own lesbian sexuality, as well as some dark secrets of her father(Bruce). When people first see Fun Home, would probably assume Bechdel using the memoir to reveal the story of her childhood and her relationship with her father but the memoir is more than...
1 Page 491 Words

The Concept Of Anglo-Saxonism In The Yanks Are Coming Over By Dino E. Buenviaje

The Yanks are Coming Over by Dino E. Buenviaje is a non-fiction historical book which shows how an American elite created the concept of Anglo-Saxonism. The belief arose, initially, from the ideas that Anglo Saxons were culturally and racially superior to other racial groups. According to this theory, only the Anglo-Saxons held the virtues of bravery, independence, sobriety and liberty. The concept came to support the idea that only the Anglo Saxons could bring freedom and progress to backward peoples....
1 Page 509 Words

Outliers: Quotes Analysis

Central claim- “Outliers are those who have been given opportunities - and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them” (Gladwell 267). Strategy 1-- Malcolm Gladwell uses many rhetorical strategies to expand his point and add some zest such as using narration to make a descriptive and detailed picture of his point and uses parallelism to tell us the differences of two points but still use both towards his argument that how successful people have been...
1 Page 497 Words
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