Amendment essays

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1 Page 639 Words
The ten amendments’ in the US Constitution guarantee our natural born right in a variety of topics such as freedom of speech, religion and many more. While we are guaranteed these rights, they all have their own limitations that are not always stated as clearly as the right itself. These constitutional rights can also be commonly misinterpreted and leave people...
2 Pages 1079 Words
Granted by the Bill of Rights in 1791, the first amendment is one, if not, the most vital amendment that defines the American democracy and culture. This fundamental amendment grants citizens freedom of speech: allowing them to express their individuality and vocalize their opinions, regardless of how socially or politically unpopular those might be. Even though freedom of speech remains...
3 Pages 1422 Words
This case involves First Amendment interests on both sides. The issue arises from the decision of a public high school student newspaper and yearbook to not publish an advertisement. The advertisement promoted abstinence and was submitted by a parent as a result of the School Board program to distribute condoms. The two high school student publications refused to publish the...
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1 Page 544 Words
Susan Jacoby's essay, 'A First Amendment Junkie,' presents a compelling argument about the complexities and limitations of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Through her exploration of free speech, Jacoby challenges conventional perspectives and offers thought-provoking insights that demand critical examination. Jacoby begins her essay by proclaiming herself a "First Amendment junkie" and staunch defender of absolute free...
1 Page 528 Words
In her thought-provoking essay, "A First Amendment Junkie," Susan Jacoby explores the complexities and contradictions surrounding the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. As I read through her essay, I found myself engaged in a reflective journey, contemplating the delicate balance between free speech and the potential harm it can cause. Jacoby's arguments and insights challenged my preconceived notions...
3 Pages 1368 Words
Five million children are living in the U.S. today. Children of every race, every ethnicity, every religion, every kind of identification. But of the five million children in the U.S., only about 4.1 million have U.S. citizenship at birth. 100,000 holding a green card, while the remaining 900,000 are themselves unauthorized. But they all are brought into the world the...
2 Pages 1023 Words
Eighth Amendment: When Is It Too Much? The Eighth Amendment of the American Constitution was passed in 1791, prohibiting disproportionate amounts of bail and fines, and also abolishing cruel and unusual punishment as used of deterring crime. It took inspiration from the English Bill of Rights, which is why the Eighth Amendment is almost word for word with it. Though...
AmendmentDeath Penalty
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6 Pages 2610 Words
The Right to Privacy: The Issues of Number One and Two The argument that bathrooms should not be gender inclusive is a relatively new one, as for much of American history, public restrooms, where multiple people have occupied a single space, were not the societal norm. The first law separating bathrooms by the sexes came in 1887 when Massachusetts passed...
2 Pages 1054 Words
Introduction The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution represents a fundamental pillar in the safeguarding of individual liberties and privacy. Ratified in 1791, it establishes the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. This amendment has been a cornerstone in maintaining a balance between the state's authority...
5 Pages 2528 Words
As citizens of the United States, we have the right to be given “fair procedures” without discrimination under the protection of the 14th amendment. Due process insures every citizen’s right to a fair trial, hearing, and any other procedure needed when convicted of a crime. However, for as long as the 14th amendment has been in existence, there have been...
1 Page 500 Words
The Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution to keep the government in line, to ensure we always have our right to life, liberty, and property. The Eighth Amendment in the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in December of 1791. This amendment ensures that when found punishable for a crime, the punishment shall not be excessive,...
2 Pages 719 Words
We have our constitution which we also call as the highest authority of the land in India. It was proclaimed on 26 November 1949 and adopted on 26 January 1950. The Law should be a diverse document. It should be able to adapt itself to the dynamic desires of society. Generally below the influence of the most recent powerful socioeconomic...
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2 Pages 843 Words
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution” (Abraham Lincoln). This powerful quote by Lincoln really illustrates that our Constitution is something that is very important to the citizens of the US, and no one can take it away from the...
2 Pages 824 Words
The 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution abolished slavery in the year 1865. Part of the amendment has become quite infamous in my opinion. The documentary dives deep into the clause that states “Either slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or...
2 Pages 772 Words
The Sixteenth Amendment, as understood in the 21st century, has fueled our government economically since its ratification in 1913. The idea of income taxes wasn’t new or revolutionary, the concept had been drafted and used to finance the country’s Civil War to later be repealed in 1872. The idea had been passed around, rejected, and accepted since then. The main...
2 Pages 748 Words
How much do you really know about the Bill of Rights? Well the Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments guarantee civil rights and liberties to every individual: the freedom of speech, right to bear arms, rule of due process of law and many more. For example, The Eighth Amendment states: “Excessive...
AmendmentBill of Rights
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2 Pages 1064 Words
The referendum to abolish the Eighth Amendment in The Republic of Ireland has been a long-awaited step in the right direction for a more liberalised society in Ireland. After legalising equal marriage for all genders and sexualities; it only seemed fitting that the Irish government would allow the populace to take part in a referendum to drop the Eighth Amendment....
2 Pages 1129 Words
The constitution was initially established September 17, 1787 at the constitutional convention. The constitution was created to establish a government where citizens had some type of control or power. Although the constitution has many duties, the true purpose of the constitution was to provide a silhouette of rights and laws of Americans. The United States constitution is made up of...
1 Page 506 Words
The 21st amendment of the United States Constitution was proposed and put into action by Congress and Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was officially ratified on December 5th, 1933. There were many reasons the 21st amendment was created. In 1920, prohibition movements reached the highest because during this period Congress ratified the 18th amendment, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale...
7 Pages 3127 Words
The 27 amendments that exist in the U. S have the sole purpose of protecting our unalienable rights. By the 8th amendment, we the people are guaranteed the prohibition of extraordinarily big fines and the imposition of excessive bails and that there will be no cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. The purpose of this essay is to examine and argue...
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3 Pages 1437 Words
The political philosophy of the Constitution has gone through a roller coaster of development and change. It has introduced a better central government however because the government was so strong the Bill of rights was implemented to secure individual rights the people. Many factors have contributed to the development of the Constitution after its ratification and adoption of the Bill...
3 Pages 1246 Words
Is the U.S. Constitution a living document or a black and white document? That has been a question for centuries. I personally think that it is a living document and that is changes with the country. If you can add information to it than it can adapt to your current situation. People argue that the constitution is black and white...
1 Page 586 Words
The 28th amendment should be that Congress shall put term limit of ten years on United State Supreme Court justices after which they would retire. An appointment for life results in hesitation from justices to take risks, violation of our country’s democratic ideology, prejudice in judge nomination, and inordinate length of powerful influence. According to the U.S. Constitution, Article III,...
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2 Pages 1125 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Richard Nixon’s presidency started January 20th, 1969. Before his life as president, he was born in Yorba Linda, California. The family experienced tragedy twice early in Richard's life. His younger brother died in 1925 after a short illness, and in 1933, his older brother, whom he greatly admired, died of tuberculosis. Nixon had a very successful school life, winning debates...
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5 Pages 2347 Words
At present, approximately all the 25 federal countries in the world, together represent 40% of the total world's population. America and India are two of the most significant countries in the world which were the world’s oldest democracy formerly and now counted as the world’s largest democracy. Both states are called ‘federal republic’ in the light of their political structure....
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4 Pages 2029 Words
Throughout the recent decade, the United States has been through a number of controversies and political battles. Many citizens could point most of this towards the recent Presidential elections of Barack Obama and, most recently, Donald Trump. The controversies that have been caused recently are numerous, but there has been one issue that has stood out among the rest. The...
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1 Page 643 Words
Slavery was a very big problem in the 19th century but not the whole country liked it. For example, the North disliked it and the South loved it. During the 19th century, it was not easy being a slave because of the Civil War, the reconstruction, and the transformation of slavery. African Americans served in the civil war on both...
1 Page 656 Words
Introduction The First 10 Amendments to the United States Constitution, commonly known as the Bill of Rights, are a cornerstone of American democracy and individual liberties. These amendments were added to the Constitution to address concerns about the protection of fundamental rights and to ensure that the government would not infringe upon these rights. In this critical essay, we will...
2 Pages 1291 Words
The development and reform of laws relating to same-sex relationships have effectively reflected societal values. The reform of the Adoption Act 2000 to the Adoption Amendment Act (Same Sex Couples) Act 2010 reflected societal values to a degree but lacked responsiveness and struggled to balance religious tensions. The reform of the Marriage Act (1961) to the Marriage Amendment (Definition and...
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