Artificial Intelligence essays

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From washing machines to Siri, we live surrounded by technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. According to Techopedia, AI is “an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans”. Not every technology is artificial intelligence but every artificial intelligence is technology. Although this seems as a breathtaking idea for developing futuristic technologies it can eventually backlash against humanity, which is understood by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, as the the...
2 Pages 691 Words
From the expansive world of technological reality delivering Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the truth of fading humanity killing Emotional Intelligence (EI), we need to respond to the ways in which the millennial’s world is shape-shifting, and what lies ahead. Formal education is not enhancing the learner’s ability to live a good life, have peace with oneself and others, and become a worthy member of society. Linking education with commercial objectives, we are only educating the left side of the head...
2 Pages 703 Words
Abstract This paper explores three published articles on Ethics and Safety of Artificial Intelligence (AI). These three articles present the main problems and challenges in terms of safety and ethics of AI and solutions for some of them. By presenting us with different scenarios these articles are giving us a better idea of what exactly AI is now and what it is going to be in the future we are given the opportunity to improve our awareness on the mentioned....
2 Pages 1036 Words
Abstract The present era is possibly the most exciting period of human history because various technological innovations are taking place.Robots working in industries, self driving cars, and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) playing games better than world champions are some of the technological innovations under ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Internet today is full of Artificial Intelligence-related articles, its recent advances and its impact on society and business. This paper gives a glimpse on how Artificial Intelligence has made its impact on all spheres of...
3 Pages 1379 Words
Human intelligence has brought the civilization of mankind to where it is today. However, it wasn’t until a few years ago human intelligence brought artificial intelligence into existence. After the inception of artificial intelligence, it wasn’t long until these two forms of intelligence crossed paths. At first, artificial intelligence was a considerable feat of engineering, but soon consequences started to appear. Without equal correspondence between both forms of intelligence, our world as we know it will be subjugated by the...
1 Page 673 Words
Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence through the use of computer software. The main processes of intelligence that it focuses on include: the ability to learn, the ability to evolve, and the ability to reason. A key distinction is that while Artificial Intelligence may perform these functions the programs are still not sentient. A sentient being must have or develop the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectivity. Even without sentience, a machine with these capabilities is extremely...
3 Pages 1413 Words
From numerous years technical advancements are the major drivers of monetary development. The most vital universally useful technology of our period is Artificial Intelligence. AI is very nearly turning into a basic piece of each business foundation, settling on it crucial for company leaders to see how this technology can, and will, upset traditional business model. The impact of AI is increasing in manufacturing, retailing, transportation, finance, health care, law, advertising, insurance, entertainment, education. This paper offers a point of...
6 Pages 2575 Words
I'm super excited to talk to you today about the present and future of artificial intelligence. Whenever there's a buzzword and a complex subject matter it's usually good to start with a definition but it's actually a little tricky because the definition of artificial intelligence seems to be constantly moving. We are in the world now where research has actually shifted largely from playing games, which is still an important area and can feature some things - things that we...
2 Pages 860 Words
When something unexpected happens, it is our intuition to ask questions and try to understand why it has happened. If we can determine the reason of that unexpected event, it may be possible for us to prevent such an outcome next time. However, the ways we, humans try to understand, and reason things are sometimes superstitious, and we cannot explain what is really going on. Correlation which can only state that an event happened around the same time as another...
3 Pages 1345 Words
Introduction According to the report of the McKinsey Global Institute, “Notes from the frontier of the IA”, from April 2018, the impact of artificial intelligence on the value of companies by sector will affect tourism (128%), followed by transport and logistics. (89%); retail trade (87%); automotive and assembly, high technology, gas and oil , chemical industry , media and entertainment, raw materials, agriculture, and banking (50%); health, public administration and telecommunications (44%); pharmaceutical products, insurance, semiconductors, the aerospace and defense...
4 Pages 1763 Words
First of all let’s look at some facts that we have managed to accomplished with digital technology. We have improved magnificially in medical technology by creating vaccines and antibiotics for as many sickness that could of possibly be deadly in the past. Also if not because of Alexander Graham Bell creating the very first telephone we wouldn’t of seen a drastic change of how our communication has changed, such as having Mobile cell phones to call friends and family members...
3 Pages 1149 Words
Introduction “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race” says Stephen Hawking, a significant figure in the field of Cosmology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and theoretical physics (Cellan-Jones, 2014, para 1). But today in the modern AI world which is mostly known by many, as the fourth industrial revolution, the AI researchers refute and under-value Stephen Hawkings intimidating predictions. They keep themselves blind over the facts that AI brings forth more threats than benefits to...
5 Pages 2226 Words
Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is amongst the latest trend in today’s world. AI is best defined as a simulation of processes that replicates human intelligence and these processes are generally performed by machines. As we leap into a future of technological advancement, AI is estimated to play a major role in almost every aspect of life. This project will discuss why AI is and can be an issue if not minimised some of its destructive potential and also,...
1 Page 564 Words
Abstract Artificialintelligenceis thehumanlikeintelligence exhibited by machines or software.It is an important part of computer science .The advancement in computer technology has encouraged the researchers to develop software for assisting doctors in making decision without consulting the specialists directly.The software development exploits the potential of human intelligence such as reasoning, makingdecision, learning (byexperiencing) and many others. Artificial intelligence is not a new concept, yet it has been accepted as a new technology in computer science. It has been applied in many...
3 Pages 1527 Words
Here, by systems thinking gender bias and sustainability challenges, the issues with artificial intelligence are considered. Having the quick development of artificial intelligence the biased information can affect various predictions that are made by the machines. As one has the dataset of different human decisions, this involves bias in it. It comprises of the hiring of decisions, medical diagnosis, grading the exams for the student and approval of loans. Further, any aspect that is demonstrated in the test, the vice...
5 Pages 2300 Words
ABSTRACT The complexity and height of data in healthcare means that artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used within the field. Artificial intelligence is an exciting robotics industry emerging in the current healthcare. The purpose of AI is to make computer-related health-related challenges more efficient. AIS simplifies the lives of patients, doctors, and hospital administrators by performing tasks that are normally performed by humans, but in short and at a fraction of the cost. There are countless applications in AI...
3 Pages 1219 Words
Artificial Intelligence is a quickly growing industry, and one that is changing all the time. The fantasy of robots and self-driving cars usually seen in sci-fi- movies are now being made into a quickly approaching reality. Long term goals of artificial intelligence in the general intelligence part are language processing, realization, and knowledge representation. Like any subject, further development is needed to achieve the full potential of Artificial Intelligence in America. The establishment of a National Security Commission Artificial Intelligence...
3 Pages 1400 Words
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be defined as the capability of a computer based system to think for itself this simulating human intellectual processing. Some human processes that can be simulated are learning, self-adjusting and reasoning; this is possible in machines because of advancements in intelligent expert systems, speech synthesis together with vision recognition capabilities. The evolution of the internet has led to improvements in technology and computer architecture that have revolutionized modern day living through innovations in neural networks in...
1 Page 472 Words
Introduction Diabetes is a chronic health condition, there are two forms of diabetes Type 1 which affects the body's ability to produce insulin which is easily rectified by insulin shots, type 2 diabetes is when the body does not react to insulin which can be fatal thus, the challenge that i will be tackling concerning diabetic care is poor medical adherence which is noted to be significantly more common in type 2 diabetes. Poor medical adherence is important in type...
3 Pages 1347 Words
Artificial intelligence is complex in its nature. It uses a very complex mixture of computer science, mathematics and other complex sciences. Complex programming helps these machines replicate human cognitive abilities. 1. Reduction of error Artificial intelligence helps us reduce the error and the chance to achieve accuracy with a higher degree of precision. It is used in a variety of studies, such as space exploration. Intelligent robots are fed with information and sent to explore space. Since they are machines...
1 Page 645 Words
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are related, often present in the same context and sometimes used interchangeably. From just being a figment of someone’s imagination in sci-fi movies and novels, they have come a long way to augmenting human potential in doing tasks faster, more accurate and with greater precision each time, driven by technology, automation and innovation. The father of artificial intelligence, John McCarthy, in the 1990s, defined the term as “artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of...
4 Pages 1816 Words
Machine learning will soon allow software applications to synthesise vast amounts of engineering knowledge in seconds. Architects and engineering professionals, by contrast, take years acquiring the skills and experience needed to design buildings, leaving them unable to compete. AI likely will be specialised at first to automate menial tasks, coordinate, and perform quality control. Many tools are starting to display potential in these areas, as AI improves these areas of the field and others will loose billable hours per project....
3 Pages 1415 Words
Abstract Medical Artificial Intelligence (MAI) regularly uses computer techniques for clinical diagnosis and treatment recommendations. AI has the ability to detecting meaningful relationships in a dataset and has been widely used to diagnose, cure, and predict responses in many clinical situations. In our paper focus on discussing the rule-based system in disease diagnosis as an expert system that is an application of MAI. Where AI methodologies have demonstrated great abilities and capabilities in recognizing meaningful data patterns and thus have...
5 Pages 2322 Words
In response to a request by NorthWest Consultants Ltd., I have made recommendations for the use of Artificial Intelligence at Peterson Center on Healthcare. AI already has widespread ramifications that have changed the healthcare sector and Peterson Center on Healthcare want to be part of it. Nonetheless, as AI transforms patient experience and healthcare professional’s routines and workload, Peterson Center on Healthcare must address the emerging dilemmas. The major issues identified include interfering with the patients’ private and confidential data...
4 Pages 1943 Words
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the hypothesis and advancement of computer frameworks able to perform assignments regularly requiring human insights, such as visual discernment, discourse acknowledgment, decision-making, and interpretation between dialects. There is already some artificial intelligence in the world like Siri, Alexa, Tesla, Cogito, Boxever and many others. In the rest of our essay, we will show that because of his bad impact on the digital and physical level, Artificial Intelligence is dangerous to humanity. Artificial Intelligence affects negatively the...
2 Pages 702 Words
Robots are quickly becoming the main source of labor for many growing industries and medicine is no exception. Today we are familiar with robots that can aid surgeons in producing more flawless procedures with lesser margins of error with a higher chance of accuracy. Robots have the ability to perform, and aid in performing, anything from blood draws to major surgery on bodily organs. Robotic surgery has many benefits, including its enhanced accuracy compared to usual surgical procedures and precision...
4 Pages 1947 Words
For quite some time, specialists have worried about the unforeseen impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on humanity. Warning perspectives on the possible frightening future extend throughout all means of communication. Generally, these tragic predictions have brought up the need for a more ethical execution of artificial intelligence; that some way or another designers should make AI systems with a feeling of morals. Some specialists say we can fabricate our future man-made robots to differentiate good from bad, always act legitimately...
1 Page 481 Words
In recent years, AI has gradually entered the medical field. Artificial intelligence continues to break through the sensitivity and specificity of machine-assisted diagnosis at the 'digital' level, and exerts its value in multiple scenarios. However, many products are still far from large-scale clinical applications, and it is not easy to obtain the approval of clinicians. For the big names in the medical profession, whether the ability of AI really reflects the value clinically is the key point. From February 21...
2 Pages 1083 Words
ABSTRACT The plant disease diagnosis is restricted by person’s visual capabilities as it is microscopic in nature. Due to optical nature of plant monitoring task, computer visualization methods are adopted in plant disease recognition. The aim is to detect the symptoms of the disease occurred in leaves in an accurate way. Once the captured image is pre-processed, the various properties of the plant leaf such as intensity, colour and size are extracted and sent to classifier with Artificial Neural Network...
4 Pages 1687 Words
Abstract India is an agricultural country and most of the people, wherein about 70% depends on agriculture. So, disease detection in plants is very important. Tomato is one of the strongly grown and widely used crops. There are many types of tomato diseases and pests, in which the pathology of which is complex. Crop diseases are a major threat to crop production, but their identification remains difficult in many parts of India due to the lack of the necessary infrastructure....
3 Pages 1332 Words
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