Essay on Example of Cooperative Federalism

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Cooperative federalism is a system of governance in which the governments at each stage work collectively to solve common problems, rather than formulating policies individually. For example, the Inter-State Council (ISC), five Zonal Councils, the Finance Commission, and the recent GST Council, are the best examples of cooperative federalism in India. Thus, rather than the layer-cake structure of dual federalism, cooperative federalism closely resembles a marble cake, where flavors of different layers are intermingled with each other, and each bite reveals a combination of flavors. That is why cooperative federalism is also considered “marble-cake federalism”.

Why is Cooperative Federalism Important for the achievement of SDGs

Achieving SDGs requires different layers of decentralization. Strengthening decentralization brings about an ecosystem of cooperative & competitive federal governance. State Governments are the central stakeholders in moving SDGs forward & they play a comprehensive role in accelerating the achievement of SDGs. For example, in India, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Movement) & Skill Development used the recommendations of three sub-groups of chief ministers of States. These discussions helped define how the Government of India understands the role of cooperative federalism as a key contributor to implementing SDGs effectively.

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Challenges in Achieving SDGs and the role of Cooperative federalism

There are major economic, political, and cultural differences and inequalities across nations that act as a hurdle in achieving SDGs. There are some failures in governance prevailing in both developed and developing countries. There are federal governments and non-federal governments. Rising inequalities are a major challenge globally. Human Development Index (IHDI) scores presented by the Human Development Report (2014) demonstrate that inequality is highest in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, which constitutes major monarchies and one-party countries. On the other hand, the performance of federal countries is relatively better. Cooperative federalism is helpful in several ways:

Mobilizing Funds- In a federal system funds are efficiently allocated according to the need of a particular state. E.g. in India finance commission is assigned the task of allocating resources between centers and states. Due to regional disparities, if some states are not able to generate revenues, the adequate amount is transferred by the central government to meet its requirements. In this way, the states can formulate their policies to achieve SDGs at the ground level.

Transformation through technology –The creation of a ‘Technology Facilitation Mechanism’ to facilitate capacity building and providing technical assistance to developing countries including technology development, transfer also requires cooperative Federalism.

Promoting Traditional practices: Traditional agriculture techniques like the below-sea-level farming practiced in Kuttanad, in Kerala, should be promoted at a global scale. An effort to document traditional practices in the form of a traditional knowledge digital library is a step in the right direction and requires cooperative federalism.

Merging SDGs into Policy Formulation and Monitoring- Most of the SDGs are already embedded in national policies but the focus of the governments should be on formulating to address the gaps. More importantly, they need to be properly monitored and evaluated. Data-driven, evidence-based policy-making can be more useful in this context. A cooperative federal approach is particularly useful in this context.

Improving awareness and participation- Civil society can play a key role in spreading awareness as well as keeping governments at all levels accountable to SDGs. A Cooperative Federal approach is important in promoting SDGs.

Creating mutually beneficial Global Partnerships- A healthy global partnership as prescribed in Goal 17 is very important for achieving sustainable development goals. Formulating mutually beneficial trade agreements, and signing treaties to avoid any geopolitical disturbances can help in establishing global harmony and vitalizing trade. Cooperative federalism is going to be more effective in this context.

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Essay on Example of Cooperative Federalism. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Essay on Example of Cooperative Federalism.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024,
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