Stress is a feeling of emotion or physical tension. It can be caused by something out of the normal in someone's life. The main causes of stress are tests, relationship issues, and peer pressure. One of the main causes of stress is adapting to the life of a college student. For me when I was in high school everything was different, I used to live with my parents and they used to provide me with everything I asked for. but now that doesn't apply to college.
I live alone and I don't have parents or relatives nearby. college-related issues also cause stress for students these days. It can be caused by them having bad grades that they start to feel bad about themselves and give up all hope of achieving their dreams. Also, stress can be caused by having too many assignments and quizzes that they can’t handle, and then they start to freak out and have stress. Moreover, peer pressure is the cause of the stress. Peer pressure is when you're persuaded by 'friends' to do something you don't want to do.
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Peer Pressure can be broken down into two parts; good peer pressure and bad peer pressure. A bad peer is when your friends persuade you to do something you don’t want to do, and it might hurt you. A good peer is when your friends encourage you to do something that good for you like studying to get high grades or encouraging you to go to the gym. Many students are vulnerable to bad peer pressure because they are afraid of being rejected, losing friends, being teased, and being considered not cool. Many students don't think about the consequences and the effects they might gain from peer pressure. Another cause of stress is relationships.
Relationship stress can be caused by breaking up with someone that they care about. Also, it can be caused by getting betrayed by close friends or the individual fondness of someone and finding that feeling is not mutual. All of these reasons can cause students to feel stressed. in my opinion, we need to balance between our own lives and the school demands. also, we need to surround ourselves with positive people who push us to better and to reach our full potential and remove all the negative people who push us to do bad things that we don't want to do. After all, there is a lot of stress for college students. There's no denying it, but what we make of it is education. All of these things we go through make us stronger and more confident.
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