Hospital essays

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2 Pages 791 Words
My interest in Radiotherapy stems from my independent research into cancer treatment, in which I explored the use of several treatments such as chemotherapy, external beam and internal radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. It was during this period that I took notice of Radiotherapy and the appeal of combining Science and Technology with patient interaction. I believe the quality of having...
2 Pages 693 Words
In his book, on becoming human, Vanier mentions the concept of loneliness. He went to different communities and various psychiatric hospitals to look at different cases that would help him understand the true meaning of loneliness. One of these cases is of a child named Eric. Vanier met him in a mental hospital, which was about forty kilometers away from...
4 Pages 1729 Words
“It’s green”. Years later those are the words that still go through my mind. They were the words said to me by those police officers right before I was apprehended, even though I was innocent. The police had shown up at our complex that evening looking for someone else, but somehow, I was the one leaving in the back of...
2 Pages 1048 Words
Beep… down the sterile lonesome hallway. Beep… a lapse of space and time. Beep… the final, last breath. Beeeeeeep. Now, laid down in my cozy, messy, bed. Enclosed by still moments of time, bringing back those ecstatic memories, like diving into a tranquil, serene bubbly hot tub, then back to realization. Alone. Defeated. Lost. But little did I know that...
4 Pages 1611 Words
When looking into and exploring Canada’s history, most Canadians have come to believe that it is a history mostly characterized by that of peace, with the country achieving its independence from Britain peacefully. This not accurate, however, when looking into the significant dark history associated with the poor treatment of Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples by the Canadian white settlers and government....
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5 Pages 2290 Words
Research methodology describes the action of how to proceed, identify, select and analyze information about the topic. Marketing study has depicted all the activities that allow an organization to hold off the institution needed. The methodology section answers two main important questions: How was the data analyzed? How was the data generated or collected? Research design The present study is...
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3 Pages 1546 Words
General Field of Research: Mass casualty incidents (MCI) caused by both natural and man-made factors are on an increasing pattern. Therefore, emergency preparedness is required by any health system to minimize the loss of life and maximize patient recovery by ensuring its functionality. Nepal is a high-risk country in terms of a number of hazards and disasters. However, hospitals of...
2 Pages 832 Words
Introduction Hospital waste management is a critical component in ensuring public health and environmental safety. In cities like Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, Pakistan, proper disposal and management of hospital waste is increasingly challenging due to rapid urbanization and limited resources. This essay explores the current state of hospital waste management in Quetta, focusing on the processes, challenges, and potential...
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2 Pages 852 Words
Introduction Music therapy is increasingly recognized as a valuable adjunct to conventional medical treatments, particularly within hospital settings. Its integration into patient care strategies is not merely anecdotal but is supported by a mounting body of empirical evidence. Music therapy, which involves the clinical use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals, offers a non-invasive, holistic approach to recovery that...
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4 Pages 1884 Words
BACKGROUND INFORMATION As I am a fourth-year student, I am entitled to do community service as a course through United States International University (USIU-A). It was a very easy pick for me when I obtained the list of places you could do the community service, I immediately decided that I would be doing it at Lion’s Sight first Eye Hospital...
1 Page 458 Words
Hospital pharmacist job is mainly is mainly concerned with deciding which medication work for each patient. This also involves other members of the medical teams like the doctors, nurses and health care professionals. Hospital pharmacists also detect the effect of the medicines they prescribe to their patients. They follow their patients’ health under the effect of the drug prescribed. Another...
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4 Pages 1959 Words
Introduction Demographic profile of the respondents denotes the characteristics or socio-economic background of study population such as age, sex, education, caste, employment, income etc. When designing a research, the researcher needs to assess who to study and how to breakdown overall response data obtained from the study into meaningful groups of respondents. Both assessments are based on demographic considerations. Social...
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2 Pages 958 Words
One of the most asked questions is what the leading cause of death in hospitals is. John Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the United States die every year from hospital errors, making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. By studying mistakes in the hospital, learning how to prevent them, and respond...
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3 Pages 1414 Words
The purpose of this essay is to depict the management of resolving a conflict in a typical hospital ward setting between two nurses. The aim is to resolve a conflict which strengthens the relationship of a team and create a harmony working environment which ensures patient care is delivered. There’s a post Cholecystectomy patient who is due for his wound...
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1 Page 510 Words
Nursing is such a rewarding career and a noble profession where you can have the real chance to make a difference in people’s lives. This chosen topic considers the intricate role of nurses in the care of adult patients with acute and chronic illness in hospital setting emphasising the importance of providing a safe and effective care. According to (Royal...
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3 Pages 1218 Words
Abstract Technological advancements which have shown a substantial growth concerned with each and every field of humanity, the rapid development that has occurred in smart phones has become a very significant factor in achieving our daily tasks. During medical emergencies, common people always face problems in deciding which hospital they should visit for required treatment. The wander from hospital to...
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6 Pages 2854 Words
Abstract Job satisfaction has different perspectives. Considering the point of view of an employee, it reveals the benefits people might be looking for while taking the job. And these benefits are agreed by the employer considering their own strategies, benefits and profits. Moreover organizational factors that affect their satisfaction articulate employees’ aspiration to utilize their potential to make a valuable...
4 Pages 1960 Words
The global problem of Myocardial Infarction more commonly known as a “heart attack” is well documented within the world health organisation; they have completed numerous studies within this sector to indicate areas for improvement in the of quality care in a prehospital setting. This case study evaluates the management of care approiate to scope of practise for paramedics on treating...
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5 Pages 2472 Words
Health and Safety The scientific organisation that I will be evaluating is a school laboratory. In this laboratory there are a number of health and safety risks and these risks can be prevented by the use of preventative measures. The laboratory must follow the legislation set out by COSHH as they produce chemicals and waste products when carrying out practicals....
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3 Pages 1407 Words
It is significant that the health service chiefs make the most ideal utilization of the assets accessible to them. Whatever your zone management responsibility. Financial management abilities empower you to utilize financial data to guarantee that you do as such. For many people, financial management may seem a complicated and overwhelming job that is best offered to the finance department....
5 Pages 2118 Words
Optimism attempts to explore the concept and its relations with mental health, physical well-being, coping, quality of life and healthy lifestyle and risk perception. Optimistic behavior allows a human being to look at the world with the mirror of positivity. In this outline, hospitals are not only limited to providing treatment but also tend to give hope and faith to...
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2 Pages 1121 Words
Hospitals A recent definition of the hospital is an “institution where sick or injured are given medical or surgical care” (Niles, 2018). Hospitals are categorized in many ways. A public hospital is owned by the government, community hospitals are privately owned and are not for profit, a propriety hospital is also privately owned but are called a for-profit business (Niles,...
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