Motion essays

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Essay topics
7 Pages 2855 Words
Abstract The 2003 Boumerdes earthquake occurred in the north of Algeria and caused significant amounts of damage in the cities of Boumerdes and Algiers. This study aims to simulate strong ground motion of the mainshock and aftershock of this earthquake by using empirical Green’s function method (EGFM). The obtained source model of the main shock called strong motion generation areas...
5 Pages 2496 Words
Abstract Simple harmonic motion is the motion of a body travels back and forth over a fixed path, returning to each position and velocity after a certain interval of time. A simple pendulum definitely can be used to demonstrate simple harmonic motion. The objectives of this assignment are to investigate the relationship between length of the simple pendulum and the...
3 Pages 1542 Words
Real-time Computer-generated imagery (CGI) projects are taking off in the animation industry allowing bigger, better ideas and realistic motions. This allows animators to capture physical motion through a motion capture suit or tracking dots on the actor’s faces. Motion capture was first developed by Max Fleischer in 1915. The first full-length file that used it was Snow White and the...
2 Pages 850 Words
For the science project, I selected to try to a perpetual lightweight motion generator. I am about to be building motion lightweight generator. The fan goes to run the motor that goes to power electricity through a wire which can power the light bulb. The light bulb can continue forever till you stop it. It'll essentially cut back the employment...
2 Pages 777 Words
Physics is the study of how the universe works, it lays the foundation for the description of the cause and effect objects have on one another. The consequences forces have upon impact with objects lay the foundation for the interaction of forces in the physical world. Forces are vector quantities they carry a magnitude as well as a direction, when...
4 Pages 1640 Words
Volleyball is categorised as a team sport however; an individual’s technique is a vital component to a team’s success. Maddy’s game performance lacked a particular basic technique known as the overhand serve. This was observed when the ball lacked the power to reach the opponent's defense. The overhand serve poses a great purpose in a game. To continually have possession,...
5 Pages 2375 Words
Abstract: Background and purpose: Colles' fracture is one of the most common types of forearm fractures that usually result in form falling in an outstretched hand. Females are susceptible more than males for this type of injury due to history of osteoporosis. Stable fractures are usually managed with cast. The purpose of this study is to emphasize on the key...
2 Pages 729 Words
This pendulum lab’s objective is to describe how the back-and-forth motion of a pendulum can be changed through measuring the properties of a pendulum, as well as determine which properties of a pendulum affects its period. Groups of generally four students created their own pendulum, all materials provided in the classroom, and each group tested how three different properties affect...
4 Pages 1710 Words
Many people in this world really underestimate how physics contributes to our daily lives whether be walking, talking, or any other action. Many equations, graphs, and a little bit of math help us understand what goes on behind the curtain. Physics also have shared relations with science and combining those physics to other types of studies. To understand physics, we...
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